Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc

Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc is a Substack focused on cybersecurity, technological innovation, and the personal experiences of a Vietnamese engineer navigating the tech industry. It covers online security challenges in Vietnam, ethical hacking, personal journeys within the tech sector, and insights on living a balanced life amidst tech advancements.

Cybersecurity Technological Innovation Personal Development Vietnamese Technology Scene Ethical Hacking Career Growth Cultural Insights Online Privacy

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And their main takeaways
199 implied HN points 30 Nov 21
  1. In the US, having connections can lead to special treatment like skipping lines at airports, but it often comes with a cost or additional fees.
  2. Wealth and social connections play a significant role in getting advantages in various aspects of life, such as education and business opportunities.
  3. Despite criticisms of the Vietnamese education system, it is praised for preventing excessive smartness in individuals, a unique achievement not every country dares to tackle.
139 implied HN points 16 Nov 21
  1. Bacsi Le Minh Ngoc and Nguyen Phuong Mai are two of the 40,000 doctors who supported the South during difficult times
  2. Dr. Ngoc left Hanoi Hospital to help treat the sickest patients in Binh Duong for unexpectedly 100 days
  3. Dr. Mai, working in London, returned to Binh Duong to aid fellow Vietnamese citizens during their time of need
99 implied HN points 21 Mar 22
  1. Criticism of poor design was met with legal threats by event organizers, highlighting a disconnect between public perception and official response.
  2. The handling of internet security issues in Vietnam seems to focus more on censorship and punishment rather than protection and defense.
  3. Suggestions include engaging young designers and students to improve event branding, emphasizing potential benefits of fresh perspectives and creativity.
179 implied HN points 10 Aug 20
  1. When engaging in debates, focus on understanding the other person rather than attacking them. It's an opportunity to learn and correct mistakes.
  2. The attitude you bring to a debate influences the outcome. Debating to win might not lead to real learning, while debating to learn can lead to personal growth.
  3. Success in a debate isn't just about winning arguments; it's about being open to learning and improving by acknowledging mistakes.
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99 implied HN points 04 May 21
  1. The value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum can be volatile, leading to potential financial risks and scams in the digital currency market.
  2. Blockchain technology, while initially designed for cryptocurrencies, has been overhyped as a solution for various issues, despite reports questioning its optimal use.
  3. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to revolutionize global financial transactions by providing programmable digital assets, offering benefits like borderless transactions and decentralized finance opportunities.
79 implied HN points 27 Aug 21
  1. Encrypting blog traffic with HTTPS can make it difficult for someone to track or determine a blogger's location.
  2. Be cautious about clicking on links in comments to prevent revealing your IP address.
  3. Taking precautions like using incognito mode, avoiding excessive self-visits to your blog, and using secure DNS settings can help protect your identity and location online.
79 implied HN points 09 Aug 21
  1. BKAV, a cybersecurity firm, faced a hack where the source code was leaked, revealing potential insider threats within the company.
  2. The company's response to the hack drew attention to the importance of robust security measures and handling of insider threats in the cybersecurity industry.
  3. The incident showcased the need for companies, like BKAV, to continuously update security strategies and maintain transparency in response to cyber threats.
139 implied HN points 28 Jun 20
  1. Visa policies, like H1B, can greatly impact individuals seeking job opportunities in the US.
  2. Immigrants have historically played a significant role in American innovation and economic success.
  3. Remote work due to COVID-19 and restrictive immigration policies may shift the job market, offering opportunities for countries like Vietnam to attract global talent.
59 implied HN points 31 Dec 21
  1. The importance of digital evidence, like an iPad, in legal cases and the challenges of accessing and verifying such data.
  2. The complex legal implications around passwords, access to personal devices, and email privacy in investigations.
  3. The limitations of access to Gmail and iPad data by law enforcement, highlighting the need for strong security measures to protect personal information.
119 implied HN points 05 Aug 20
  1. Jonny Kim has had an impressive career path, transitioning from a Navy SEAL to a Harvard Medical School graduate to now being an astronaut at NASA.
  2. Becoming a SEAL, graduating from Harvard Medical School, and becoming an astronaut at NASA are all remarkable achievements that require exceptional dedication and hard work.
  3. Jonny Kim's journey showcases how determination, hard work, and resilience can help overcome challenges and achieve remarkable success.
179 implied HN points 27 Jun 19
  1. The open source culture in technology allows people to share and use creative accomplishments, contributing to the backbone of the Internet.
  2. Vietnam has programmers involved in important open-source projects, providing a valuable way to learn, share, connect, and introduce themselves to the world.
  3. Despite the popularity of Linux worldwide, schools, companies, and government agencies in Vietnam still predominantly use Windows, showing a one-way flow of technology from the world into Vietnam.
59 implied HN points 04 Oct 21
  1. Nearly 25 million people who have received vaccines in Vietnam may have had their personal information exposed due to security vulnerabilities in the national electronic health record system.
  2. The leaked information includes sensitive data like names, addresses, ID numbers, phone numbers, workplaces, and health insurance details, putting individuals at risk of privacy breaches and potential misuse.
  3. Discovering and addressing software vulnerabilities is crucial, but fixing underlying systemic issues, fostering transparency, and inviting expert collaboration upfront can prevent larger security breaches in the future.
99 implied HN points 23 Oct 20
  1. Helping others is a valuable habit that can be instilled from a young age.
  2. Effective philanthropy involves learning and utilizing strategies to make the most impact with charitable contributions.
  3. Civil society organizations, including charities and non-profits, play a vital role in addressing societal issues and promoting positive long-term change.
59 implied HN points 08 Sep 21
  1. Some individuals and organizations are dedicated to helping Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic by procuring and distributing medical supplies like masks.
  2. Government agencies can sometimes unintentionally overshadow or interfere with grassroots efforts to support the community.
  3. It is important to recognize and appreciate the contributions of all individuals working towards a common goal, without the need for excessive self-promotion or exploitation.
99 implied HN points 23 Sep 20
  1. In the US, the legal system emphasizes the importance of the constitution, with judges serving as interpreters and protectors of the law.
  2. The Supreme Court in the US plays a significant role in interpreting the constitution and influencing legal decisions throughout the country.
  3. Vietnam has a legal history intertwined with the US, with figures like lawyer Vu Trong Khanh playing key roles in establishing legal foundations in the country.
119 implied HN points 20 Aug 19
  1. Learning math opens up opportunities in various fields, including cybersecurity.
  2. Persistence in learning math can lead to unexpected career paths and discoveries.
  3. Mathematics is not just about numbers, but it offers beauty, joy, and intellectual challenges.
339 implied HN points 05 Aug 15
  1. Families often stay united despite individuals taking different sides in conflicts.
  2. Vietnamerica is a graphic novel that tells a three-generation journey through war, displacement, and resilience.
  3. Vietnamerica emphasizes the power of shared pain and turning it into love and unity among people with different backgrounds.
19 implied HN points 28 Aug 22
  1. Real World Crypto Day in Hanoi on 29/8/2022 featured experts discussing important topics like lattice cryptography and security vulnerabilities in popular blockchains.
  2. The event covered a range of practical cryptography topics like key management, secure API design, and research on password storage and encryption techniques.
  3. Vietnam faces a shortage of security solution designers despite having skilled hackers, highlighting the importance of developing more comprehensive cybersecurity expertise.
39 implied HN points 25 Jul 21
  1. Axie Infinity is an online game where characters called Axies are like virtual pets that can be bought and sold as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The cheapest Axie costs around $200, with the most expensive one ever sold for about $60,000.
  2. Sky Mavis, the game studio behind Axie Infinity, recently received a $7.5 million investment for the NFT-based game. They have a cool and talented young team.
  3. AXS is the coin associated with Axie Infinity, currently priced at over $40 with a market cap of over $2 billion. Sky Mavis will allocate a portion of AXS to gamers and use another portion for staking rewards.
59 implied HN points 12 Oct 20
  1. Protecting children online is important, but it shouldn't restrict content for adults. Everyone should have the freedom to create and consume content they enjoy.
  2. Critiquing art and entertainment is subjective. What's considered 'trash' by some might be cherished by others.
  3. Life may not have inherent meaning, but individuals should have the right to live and express themselves as they see fit. Respecting others' choices and perspectives is crucial.
39 implied HN points 17 Jul 21
  1. The author's post discusses legal action against individuals involved in software development, showing the importance of accountability in the tech industry.
  2. Documentation and evidence play crucial roles in supporting claims, as seen in the email thread screenshots shared in the post.
  3. The post highlights the significance of data privacy concerns and the importance of addressing vulnerabilities in software applications for user safety.
59 implied HN points 20 Jul 20
  1. Growing up with the internet has shaped the author's worldview, encouraging critical thinking and curiosity that traditional schooling may not have fostered.
  2. Access to the internet has provided the author with valuable knowledge, career opportunities beyond Vietnam's borders, and a broader understanding of the impact of the internet on society.
  3. The Section 230 law in the US, granting websites immunity for content posted by users, has played a significant role in the development of the internet industry, emphasizing the balance between freedom, responsibility, and innovation.
39 implied HN points 27 Feb 21
  1. Ngô Bảo Châu sees the interest in Pi mining in Vietnam as a positive sign for the country's mathematics.
  2. The process of mining Pi involves calculating its digits, an important and culturally significant mathematical problem.
  3. Despite criticisms, Ngô Bảo Châu highlights the cultural significance and national pride associated with solving the Pi calculation in Vietnam.
39 implied HN points 15 Feb 21
  1. Moving to a new country can be challenging, especially dealing with new climates and languages.
  2. Managing finances in the early stages of a career is crucial, from saving money to investing in quality tools.
  3. Transitioning from individual work to entrepreneurship involves self-reflection and recognizing when it's time to expand.
19 implied HN points 21 Feb 22
  1. Ngô Hoàng Anh and team accurately predicted the end of the COVID-19 outbreak in Saigon by August 2021 using their SEIQHCDRO model.
  2. Collaboration with the Epidemiological Modelling Unit ensured adjustments to their model for accurate COVID-19 predictions in Saigon.
  3. Future forecasts by the team suggest a potential new wave of COVID-19 in Saigon from December 2021 to March 2022, depending on the enforcement of preventive measures.
39 implied HN points 20 Dec 20
  1. Success in the tech world is linked to digital transformation, where companies utilize technology to create new revenue streams and value.
  2. To thrive in the tech industry, organizations must embrace a culture of rapid adaptation and continuous learning, rather than just relying on specific technologies.
  3. Digital transformation is more about changing mindset rather than simply moving operations online, emphasizing the need for agile thinking and constant evolution.
39 implied HN points 17 Dec 20
  1. Nguyễn Trần Bạt was a respected individual who had a positive impact on people, especially students.
  2. Bạt emphasized the importance of integrity, honesty, and kindness in life, leaving a lasting impression on those he interacted with.
  3. Despite facing challenges in getting his books widely published in Vietnam, Bạt's influence and teachings continue to inspire others to live a good and moral life.
39 implied HN points 07 Sep 20
  1. Your choices have consequences - Hieupc faced 7 years in prison for his actions, showing the importance of making responsible decisions.
  2. Second chances matter - Hieupc is grateful for the opportunity to turn his life around after leaving prison, emphasizing the importance of giving people a chance to make positive contributions.
  3. Youthful mistakes can lead to valuable lessons - Hieupc's story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of misguided actions in one's youth and the potential for redemption.
39 implied HN points 25 Aug 20
  1. An event is being organized for students looking for job opportunities in Silicon Valley, whether they are in Vietnam or elsewhere.
  2. Topics that will be discussed include life in Silicon Valley, preparing for interviews, resumes, referrals, LinkedIn, and common misconceptions.
  3. The event will cover tips for getting the first interview, preparing for interviews, and navigating the effects of COVID-19 on job opportunities in Silicon Valley.
99 implied HN points 29 Nov 17
  1. Success is often influenced by luck and fortunate circumstances.
  2. Comparing oneself to others based on success is not productive, as each person's journey is shaped by different levels of luck and misfortune.
  3. Embrace and make the most of the opportunities and luck that come your way, while also working hard to create positive impacts and share knowledge with others.
39 implied HN points 10 Jul 20
  1. The U.S. government has three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. The laws related to immigration and students are defined in the U.S. Code Title 8.
  2. In U.S. immigration law, students must physically come to the U.S. for studies, but there are no specific mentions of studying online or offline.
  3. The Department of Homeland Security has legal authority to establish regulations regarding student immigration. ICE regulations, including those about online learning, are found within Title 8 CFR 214.
19 implied HN points 06 Oct 21
  1. VietBay's COVID relief fund campaign raised over 800 thousand USD, exceeding the initial goal of 24,000 USD.
  2. The funds received included contributions for main projects, designated charity projects, and have already disbursed over 740,000 USD.
  3. Updates on the campaign's final outcome will be provided by the end of November, with ongoing projects receiving regular updates.
19 implied HN points 06 Oct 21
  1. Data from COVID vaccination in Vietnam may end up in an electronic health book, including personal information like name, birthday, address, phone number, ID numbers - which can be exploited by malicious individuals.
  2. If personal data is compromised, it can lead to identity theft and phishing scams, where attackers use the information to impersonate for financial gain.
  3. Advocating for open-source systems in COVID apps can increase security by allowing experts to assess and enhance the products, potentially preventing data breaches and vulnerabilities.
299 implied HN points 26 Sep 11
  1. BEAST exploits a weakness in SSL to decrypt secret cookies in a client-side SSL attack.
  2. The BEAST attack involves Javascript/applet agents and a network sniffer for decryption.
  3. Challenges in creating BEAST involved bypassing same-origin policy and developing code optimizations for faster decryption.