The hottest Gold Substack posts right now

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The Dollar Endgame 559 implied HN points 02 Apr 24
  1. Gold prices have been soaring recently, possibly due to China's influence and central banks accelerating their gold purchases.
  2. The gold market has been subject to manipulation by central banks through various means like buying/selling gold, gold leasing, and engaging in derivatives.
  3. There is evidence of market manipulation in the gold industry, including spoofing tactics by traders leading to inflated or deflated prices, and the potential for a significant impact on the gold market if large investors start taking physical delivery.
The Dollar Endgame 399 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. Markets are anticipating increased liquidity injections from the Fed, with assets like Gold and Bitcoin hitting all-time highs even before the easing cycle starts.
  2. The surge in Bitcoin's value is attributed to significant inflows from U.S.-based Bitcoin ETFs, indicating a historic rally compared to gold ETFs.
  3. The financial markets are preparing for a potential Fed intervention, likely in response to the rising net liquidity despite the seeming balance sheet reductions.
The Dollar Endgame 339 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. A controversial blogger in 1997 exposed a hidden gold-for-oil deal that impacted global geopolitics.
  2. Gold prices might have been suppressed to maintain the international monetary system's stability.
  3. The delicate balance between gold, oil, and currencies has historical roots and holds the power to disrupt financial systems.
QTR’s Fringe Finance 27 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. The Federal interest payments reaching $750 billion are a significant concern and a sign of a fiscal danger zone.
  2. Peter Schiff emphasizes the immediate threat of the national debt crisis, warning that the problem is not in the distant future but happening right now.
  3. It's crucial to shift the mindset from fixating on ideal dollar exit points to viewing gold as a form of genuine wealth preservation regardless of the dollar value.
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Economic Forces 3 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Gold has historically maintained its value, with an ounce consistently able to buy a good suit, showcasing its reliability as a measure of value.
  2. On the gold standard, dollar value was linked to a set amount of gold, ensuring a stable price for gold over time.
  3. Fluctuations in the supply and demand of gold do not impact the long-term value of gold as a reliable measure of value.
The Informationist 4 HN points 09 Jul 23
  1. BRICS nations are considering introducing a gold-backed currency to reduce dependency on the US dollar.
  2. The US has deviated from the gold standard, leading to concerns about debt levels and potential economic implications.
  3. For the gold-backed currency to work, BRICS nations would need to establish trust and a system that ensures the currency is fully redeemable for gold, potentially impacting the global financial landscape.
Global Markets Investor 0 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Owning gold can be beneficial during uncertain economic and geopolitical times as well as when interest rates are low - except during liquidity crises.
  2. The relationship between gold prices and the real 10-year yield is important to monitor, as high real interest rates may make holding gold more expensive.
  3. In 2024, the potential scenarios for gold's price include a base case where rates go down, a bullish case with significant rate cuts, and a bearish case with stubborn inflation.