The hottest Protocols Substack posts right now

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SemiAnalysis 7475 implied HN points 16 Mar 24
  1. CXL technology was once thought to revolutionize data center hardware, but many projects have been shelved in favor of other advancements.
  2. CXL is not likely to be the go-to interconnect for AI applications due to limitations in availability and deeper issues in the era of accelerated computing.
  3. The main challenges with CXL include PCIe SerDes limitations, competition from proprietary protocols for AI clusters, and the need for improvements in chip design for bandwidth efficiency.
Breaking Smart 72 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. The concept of Massed Muddler Intelligence (MMI) entails a new approach to scaling AI, emphasizing the importance of agents, local trial-and-error, and muddling through over monolithic, deterministic training models.
  2. MMIs aim to leverage the principles of embodiment, boundary intelligence, temporality, and personhood to design scalable AI systems that resemble Service-Oriented Architecture in computing.
  3. Building MMIs involves compositing different elements deliberately to create a language of differentiated forms, akin to how reinforced concrete combines materials in defined geometries to achieve specific properties.
David’s Substack 58 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Free markets can lead to global optimizations but leave local economies vulnerable to shifts in market winds
  2. Maker's sDAI offered attractive yields by backing DAI with off-chain assets and partnering with treasury bills
  3. New projects like Blast and Mantle quickly gained TVL through innovative strategies and partnerships in the crypto market
Breaking Smart 90 implied HN points 16 Dec 23
  1. A new program called Summer of Protocols has produced a wealth of research output focused on the study of protocols and hardness in technology and the world at large.
  2. The Protocol Kit from the Summer of Protocols is a free publication containing essays, artwork, and tools to spark interest and discussion around protocols.
  3. Thinking in terms of 'hardness' and 'protocols' can be a powerful approach for various fields, from technology to party planning, providing a new perspective on problem-solving and creativity.
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Daily Digest 196 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. Yesterday, Curve was attacked with 8% of CRV tokens compromised
  2. CRV founder took a $100 million debt backed by 47% of circulating CRV supply, risking liquidation with falling CRV prices
  3. DeFi protocols accepting CRV as collateral are at risk of contagion from the current crisis
Systems Approach 154 HN points 20 Feb 23
  1. Debate continues on the need for a standard protocol for request/response paradigm beyond TCP and UDP.
  2. The Internet has extensively used RPC for distinct purposes like email, network management, and name resolution.
  3. Comparisons between TCP and RPC in datacenters highlight the need for a specialized transport protocol optimized for request/reply workloads.
@MacBrennan’s Investor Updates 58 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. Products are applications that define user experiences and focus on capturing markets.
  2. Protocols are infrastructure enabling specific product experiences and compete on resources and architecture.
  3. Successful products retain and grow through effective distribution, while successful protocols aggregate resources and serve multiple products.
Three quarks 41 implied HN points 07 Sep 23
  1. The future of apps might be leaning towards protocols instead of traditional consumer apps.
  2. The emergence of proto-apps, which operate as gateways to various services, blurs the line between apps and protocols.
  3. Horizontalization and integration with protocols are key aspects for the success of modern apps, allowing for user-generated plugins and decentralized functionality.
Joshua Gans' Newsletter 59 implied HN points 05 Oct 20
  1. Complacency during a crisis can lead us to let our guard down, requiring constant adherence to protocols to manage the situation.
  2. Strict protocols are necessary, especially in high-risk environments like the White House, and must be followed diligently to prevent breakdowns in the system.
  3. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis demands vigilance from all of us - we need to innovate ways to maintain strict screening protocols and not let our guard down.
Barn Lab 0 implied HN points 17 Mar 23
  1. Serial graphers are tools for data visualization and analysis using data from a serial port.
  2. Alternatives to Arduino IDE Serial plotter include Serial Port Plotter, Processing Grapher, and SerialTest, offering different features and capabilities.
  3. SerialTest stands out for its versatility, allowing sending and receiving data over various protocols, customizable UI, and dark theme.