The hottest Tech Culture Substack posts right now

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Cloud Irregular 3696 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. The cloud landscape is shifting from big hyperscalers to more specialized services like standalone databases and DIY cloud-in-a-box.
  2. Using tools like Nightshade to protect art from being exploited by AI may not be the best strategy, focusing on creating original, high-quality art is key.
  3. Google, despite criticism, remains a significant player in the tech industry, seen as a symbol of intellectual prowess and innovation.
Subconscious 829 implied HN points 26 Feb 24
  1. Create good problems to have after the flywheel is already spinning, during rapid growth, which motivates the ecosystem to solve problems.
  2. Avoid building perfect technology as it leads to front-loading work, needing an ecosystem flywheel, and inability to anticipate scale problems.
  3. Creating good problems to have encourages co-evolution with the community and provides opportunities for others to contribute.
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Not Boring by Packy McCormick 84 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. SpaceX launched a private lander, Odysseus, aiming for the moon on a pioneering mission, marking a significant step in private space exploration and NASA's Artemis program
  2. Researchers in South Korea developed a method to grow beef on rice grains, creating a rice-beef hybrid that can enhance the nutritional value of rice-based diets in many parts of Asia
  3. A breakthrough in quantum technology allows for room-temperature quantum optomechanics, opening doors for practical applications of quantum control and observation
The Future, Now and Then 73 implied HN points 07 Dec 23
  1. Tech's center of gravity has shifted in the past 30 years in Silicon Valley, futurism, and WIRED.
  2. Tim Berners-Lee's effort to give users control over data faces challenges from established tech giants.
  3. WIRED is drawing boundary lines around the AI debate, embracing diverse perspectives and urging attention to the limitations of large language models.
Engineering Enablement 19 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Code reviews at Meta were taking too long, so they experimented with NudgeBot to speed up the process.
  2. The team identified a correlation between slow code reviews and dissatisfaction, leading to the implementation of NudgeBot.
  3. By using NudgeBot to nudge reviewers to act on 'stale' diffs, Meta successfully reduced the time taken for code reviews.
The Future, Now and Then 44 implied HN points 04 Oct 23
  1. WIRED magazine's startup phase (1993-1997) was like a tumultuous startup journey, filled with rapid growth and financial struggles.
  2. Louis Rossetto led WIRED as a startup, investing in various ventures but facing financial challenges.
  3. The magazine's early years were marked by rapid expansion, big ambitions, and struggles to adapt to the changing tech landscape.
Baby CTO 0 implied HN points 17 Aug 23
  1. Baby CTO offers a holistic view of technology by combining cultural experiences and technical skills from different countries.
  2. Lessons from entrepreneurial ventures and tech agency work provide valuable insights into the world of startups and technology.
  3. Baby CTO aims to engage readers in in-depth discussions about various aspects of technology, from granular coding details to broad strategic reviews.
The Takeoff 0 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Building customer empathy involves engaging various team members early on in the customer engagement process.
  2. Great product managers are informed by data, not attached to their ideas, and blend qualitative and quantitative inputs.
  3. In an open-core company, interacting with a passionate community of developers is essential for product management.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 12 Oct 16
  1. French apps Tribe, Yellow, and Zenly have attracted millions of downloads and hundreds of thousands of daily active users.
  2. These apps have shown resilience, starting as different products and evolving to their current successful versions with investor support.
  3. To truly succeed, these French apps still need to reach millions of daily active users with strong retention rates.