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The Leadership Lab β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 03 Apr 22
  1. The best goals are those that excite and scare you, as they align with what you truly desire and push you to grow.
  2. Commitment is essential in achieving goals that evoke fear and excitement, even when it feels uncomfortable.
  3. Leaders should model commitment to scary goals and help their teams understand the importance of committing to uncertain but exciting objectives.
blurry electron β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 16 Feb 23
  1. Relationships with religion and exes can have parallels and teach lessons about commitment and faith.
  2. Support and understanding from others, even in times of doubt, can impact one's journey and beliefs.
  3. Navigating complex moral dilemmas and personal struggles may lead to insights about self-growth and acceptance.