The hottest Wages Substack posts right now

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Geopolitical Economy Report 538 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. Europe is indirectly purchasing Russian oil through India at higher prices despite sanctions, contributing to de-dollarization and falling wages.
  2. Russian oil exports to Asia, particularly China and India, have increased significantly due to Western sanctions, shifting away from Europe.
  3. Real wages in the EU have fallen by 6.5% from 2020 to 2022 due to rising energy costs and a severe cost-of-living crisis, impacting poorer households the most.
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Gad’s Newsletter 38 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. Manufacturing jobs in the US are seeing an increase in employment due to domestic production efforts and legislation like the Chips Act.
  2. Wage fairness and safety remain concerns in the manufacturing industry, despite some improvements over time.
  3. Enhancing productivity and improving worker conditions must go hand in hand for sustainable progress in the manufacturing sector.
Geopolitical Economy Report 279 implied HN points 24 May 22
  1. The US Federal Reserve chairman aims to bring down wages as a solution to high inflation, believing that workers have too much power in the labor market.
  2. Inflation is outpacing US wages, with the federal minimum wage remaining at $7.25 since 2009, showing that real wages have not kept up with rising prices.
  3. Economist Michael Hudson argues that inflation is primarily driven by corporate monopolies increasing prices, not by rising wages as claimed by the Federal Reserve.
Gideon's Substack 1 HN point 02 Feb 24
  1. Today was a good day for economic news, boosting Biden's political fortunes and allowing the Fed to go slow with rate cuts.
  2. Changes in the educational composition of the workforce may have caused a surge in productivity and influenced wage growth data.
  3. It's important to look at the data from different angles to understand discrepancies and reveal important complexities.