The hottest Savings Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Finance Topics
Snowball 1650 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. The savings rate of French citizens is 15.9%, consider your own savings.
  2. Understanding the basics of saving, the importance of putting savings to work in your budget, and determining the ideal amount to save.
  3. Tips for successful saving: set annual goals, make saving a habit, establish rules, track your savings, and create a balanced situation.
The Overshoot 393 implied HN points 25 Feb 23
  1. Americans' incomes have been rising rapidly, with a 10% increase in disposable income since last summer.
  2. This rise in income is leading to concerns about potential inflation, as increased spending may outpace production.
  3. The surge in employment income is a key factor in driving consumer spending and could impact inflation rates.
JoeWrote 29 implied HN points 12 Sep 23
  1. 401(k)s are leaving many Americans unable to retire due to insufficient funds.
  2. 401(k)s were never intended to be the main retirement system but have been pushed as such by employers.
  3. The shift from pensions to 401(k)s has placed an unrealistic burden of retirement savings on individuals, leading to many people working past traditional retirement ages.
Parachute 58 implied HN points 02 Mar 23
  1. Solar panels offer more than just a climate solution - they bring value to individuals and communities.
  2. Solar industry creates jobs for people of diverse backgrounds, offering stable career paths in a transitioning economy.
  3. Solar power provides energy resilience, independence, cost savings, and financial security to households, transforming lives beyond environmental benefits.
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