The hottest Copywriting Substack posts right now

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The Common Reader 921 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. The author discusses using ChatGPT for writing and editing, including feedback on a book manuscript.
  2. ChatGPT provided accurate summaries and assessments, along with helpful prompts for editing and copywriting.
  3. The post highlights utilizing ChatGPT for various tasks like book manuscript feedback, editing prompts, and copywriting assistance.
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Creative Samba 58 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. Copywriting involves marketing, psychology, and understanding your audience's needs to create compelling content.
  2. Writing copy effectively requires using distinctive claims backed by evidence, not generic superlatives.
  3. Crafting compelling copy involves creating unignorable headlines and expanding on promises in the first paragraph to maintain reader interest.
Startup Business Tips 🚀 21 implied HN points 27 May 23
  1. Having powerful sales messaging is crucial for business success.
  2. Running powerful outbound sales sequences involves finding ideal leads, getting their emails, enriching data, building campaigns, and creating personalized messages.
  3. The PAS framework (Problem-Agitate-Solution) is a popular copywriting framework that can be applied to various aspects of marketing.
Market Curve 0 implied HN points 22 Sep 23
  1. Create a landing page to build a waitlist of users before having a product.
  2. Include key elements like sticky header, headline, product shots, problem statement, solution, benefits, and final CTA.
  3. Invest in strong copywriting on your landing page to effectively communicate value proposition, target pain points, and sell your solution.