The hottest Product-Market Fit Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Points And Figures 346 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. The main reason for business failure often boils down to individuals not being able to achieve product-market fit.
  2. Businesses that may seem logical on the surface can actually struggle to succeed in the startup world.
  3. Investing in startups involves understanding that success may not always follow a straightforward, logical path, and accepting the inherent risks involved in the process.
Elena's Growth Scoop 2063 implied HN points 21 Apr 23
  1. Starting as a solopreneur is like starting any other business, using skills from your job to help grow yourself.
  2. For solopreneurs, differentiation comes from specificity in knowledge, focusing on specific industries or business models.
  3. As a solopreneur, build a portfolio of monetizable services and explore advising opportunities for a flexible and potentially more rewarding path.
Channels of Growth 1257 implied HN points 02 Jul 23
  1. Job seekers need resources to evaluate tech startups they are considering working for.
  2. Focus on joining a startup with a good product at an early stage for high potential rewards.
  3. Evaluate the team, culture, and product market fit to set yourself up for a successful career in VC-backed tech startups.
The SaaS Baton 137 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Market timing is critical for SaaS success; observe new technologies, shifts in build vs buy mindset, new classes of workers, and distribution channels to catch the right market wave.
  2. Product-Market Fit (PMF) is gradual and multi-step; look for early signals like interest in identified problems, prototype feedback, and product usage.
  3. To build a viral social media presence for SaaS, focus on entertaining content, avoid vanity metrics, design shareable paths, trust creators, and don't obsess over tracking social metrics.
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The SaaS Baton 78 implied HN points 15 Mar 23
  1. Surviving a crisis like the SVB chaos requires staying solution-oriented, generating multiple outcomes, and reaching out for support.
  2. In the early days, focusing too much on Product-Led Growth (PLG) without testing through outbound sales can be risky.
  3. Transparency in recruiting, from defining assessments to sharing feedback, can lead to better alignment with candidates and improvement in the hiring process.
The SaaS Baton 78 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Sometimes having zero product/project managers can lead to faster feature shipping and more engaged developers.
  2. Consider hiring contractors before employees to save on salaries and gain access to specialist talents.
  3. In assessing product-market fit, look for metrics like revenue, conversion rates, and NPS, and focus on fixing the most challenging aspect for improvement.
The Product Person 78 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. Snyk is a $7.4 billion startup focusing on helping developers find and fix vulnerabilities in open-source code.
  2. Snyk offers a range of products like Snyk Code, Snyk Container, and Snyk Infrastructure as Code to enhance security.
  3. Snyk's growth was fueled by a developer-first approach, leading to rapid adoption and a unique product-led growth strategy.
The Data Score 59 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. Achieving product/market fit is crucial for the success of a startup or new product as it means the product meets the needs and preferences of the target market, leading to customer satisfaction and retention.
  2. Iterating on a handcrafted approach at the start can help find product/market fit before scaling to avoid unwanted tech debt and ensure the product evolves to meet client outcomes.
  3. To determine product/market fit, look for signs like user retention, surveys showing strong customer preference, and organic growth, then iterate quickly based on critical feedback to ensure the product is indispensable to users.
The Product Person 0 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Drata's rapid growth was fueled by quick funding rounds, starting from seed to Series B in just 10 months.
  2. Drata found instant product-market fit due to the increasing demand for automating SOC2 compliance processes.
  3. The pivotal year of 2021 saw the rise of SOC2 as a crucial security certificate, driving Drata's success in a crowded field.