The hottest Diversification Substack posts right now

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Market Sentiment 923 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. Steve Edmundson's successful investment strategy was to do as little as possible, keeping costs low and not trying to beat the market.
  2. Investing doesn't have to be complicated - simple portfolios like the 60/40, Cockroach, and 3-Fund portfolios can be the foundation for long-term success.
  3. Ray Dalio's All Weather Portfolio aims to perform well over time without predictions, with an asset allocation of 55% bonds, 30% stocks, and 15% commodities.
The Asianometry Newsletter 1269 implied HN points 17 May 23
  1. Vingroup started as an instant noodle company and quickly diversified into real estate, healthcare, education, and more.
  2. Vingroup's venture into electric vehicles with VinFast faces big challenges in the global EV market and technical expertise.
  3. Vingroup's diversification strategy into multiple industries like electronics mirrors other successful conglomerates but comes with risks and challenges.
Neckar’s Notes 159 implied HN points 27 Jul 23
  1. Jay Pritzker's strategic intuition led to the success of the Hyatt chain and Marmon Holdings, influencing Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.
  2. The Pritzker family values of entrepreneurship and business acumen were passed down through generations, contributing to their immense success and fortune.
  3. Jay Pritzker's partnership with his brother Bob, who excelled at complex turnarounds, was a key element in the Pritzker Method for business success.
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Late Checkout - a Substack by Greg Isenberg 161 implied HN points 26 May 23
  1. Mentors are important, but spending time with peers and those who look up to you is also valuable.
  2. Be in the right rooms, both digitally and in-person, and strive to be remarkable in those spaces.
  3. Challenge yourself to think bigger in decisions, surround yourself with good people, and diversify to ensure success.
Klement on Investing 4 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. The book 'Stocks for the Long Run' by Jeremy Siegel may present an overly positive view of equities as a fail-proof long-term investment. It's crucial to understand that investing in stocks comes with risks and uncertainties, even over longer periods.
  2. Historical data corrected by Professor McQuarrie reveals the importance of considering a wider range of factors like failures, defaults, and market conditions when evaluating equity investments' returns.
  3. While equities can be a rewarding long-term investment, they are not risk-free. International diversification is crucial to balance potential negative outcomes and ensure successful equity investing in the long run.
Klement on Investing 3 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. Stocks may not always outperform bonds over long periods - research shows that stocks in the US did not consistently outperform bonds, except for specific time frames
  2. Data suggests that even over the longest investment horizons, there is a significant chance that bonds will outperform stocks
  3. Considering global trends, many countries show significant underperformance of stocks compared to bonds over 20 and 50 years, highlighting the importance of diversification
This week I am curious about? 0 implied HN points 16 Nov 23
  1. Dude Perfect started with five roommates creating fun trick shot videos that went viral, showcasing their competitive yet humorous personalities.
  2. The founders eventually quit their full-time jobs to focus solely on creating content, leading to rapid growth and success for the brand.
  3. Dude Perfect diversified their content beyond trick shots, partnered with brands and celebrities, and expanded into owning their own platform and creating offline experiences like a theme park.
Valuabl 0 implied HN points 27 Oct 23
  1. The Everything Portfolio recommends diversifying across stocks, bonds, and real estate to boost risk-adjusted returns.
  2. Real estate has historically outperformed stocks and bonds in terms of risk-adjusted returns over the past 130 years.
  3. Including real estate in an investment portfolio can help reduce risk and improve returns due to its unique performance characteristics.
Reminiscences Of A Young & Naïve Financier 0 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. Risk and return are interconnected in investing - higher risk typically means higher expected return.
  2. Diversification is key to building an optimal portfolio - uncorrelated assets help to reduce risk while maintaining returns.
  3. Asset classes like Gold, even with historically low returns, can play a vital role in a diversified portfolio due to their uncorrelated benefits.