The hottest Immigration Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top World Politics Topics
Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's substack β€’ 569 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. For Trump to win reelection, he needs to appeal to center and Democratic voters by acknowledging that the lockdowns failed.
  2. There's a call for investigation and accountability for those involved in lockdowns, pandemic response, and mRNA technology and vaccines.
  3. Suggestions include reversing liability protections for vaccine makers and setting up a compensation fund for individuals harmed by lockdowns and vaccines.
Lean Out with Tara Henley β€’ 530 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. The podcast discussion explores the idea of Canada facing multiple crises - from economic issues like the housing crisis and the opioid crisis to political challenges such as debacles in government policies and ethics scandals.
  2. The conversation delves into the impact of economic instability and economic precarity, especially driven by the housing crisis, on society and individuals in Canada, leading to a sense of decline and frustration among the populace.
  3. The dialogue sheds light on the role of the media in contributing to societal polarization and destabilization by discussing the influence of ideological trends like 'identitarian moralism' and the lack of diverse opinions in the media landscape.
Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's substack β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. China is perceived as a significant adversary, and the upcoming presidential election is crucial for shaping the future of the country.
  2. The importance of Trump's stance on China, border control, and deporting illegal immigrants is emphasized.
  3. There is a call for Trump to acknowledge the perceived failures of lockdowns, mRNA vaccines, and commit to certain actions like building a wall and dealing with other issues.
Fisted by Foucault β€’ 297 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. Citizens in the West are growing suspicious of liberal democracy due to a perceived disconnect between ruling elites and the people.
  2. Populism is emerging as a response to the de-nationalization of elites, reflecting a growing sentiment of dissatisfaction with current governance.
  3. The impact of migrants from the Subcontinent, particularly in the Anglosphere, is notable in politics, culture, and economics, shaping new dynamics in their adopted countries.
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Peter Boghossian β€’ 668 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. Illegal immigration is predicted to spark a political rebellion in the UK.
  2. There is a concern that the British population has been misled about immigration issues.
  3. The conversation delves into the economic, political, and cultural impacts of mass immigration in the UK.
Breaking the News β€’ 461 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. The Supreme Court ruled on Texas National Guard's actions at the US-Mexico border.
  2. Republican governors supported Texas in challenging federal jurisdiction over border control.
  3. The GOP's stance echoes historical arguments of state sovereignty and defiance of federal authority.
A Lawyer Writes β€’ 530 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. A bill concerning the safety of Rwanda was passed in the UK by MPs, despite concerns about international law
  2. There were debates about human rights and Strasbourg court injunctions during the bill's passage
  3. The bill includes a provision allowing a UK minister to potentially break international law, creating a complex situation for civil servants
Politique Republic β€’ 511 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. The Biden administration is resettling undocumented immigrants across the U.S. without disclosing their identities
  2. There is concern that some of these immigrants could pose security risks
  3. A proposed solution involves using advanced technology to track and verify the identities of undocumented immigrants
Extraordinary Aliens β€’ 42 HN points β€’ 19 Apr 24
  1. Obtaining an O1 visa as a founder in the US doesn't require a Nobel prize, funding, or an American co-founder - storytelling and structuring a compelling narrative can be key.
  2. Building credibility for an O1 visa application can involve showcasing exclusive memberships, judging roles, high remuneration, awards, publications, press, original contributions, and critical roles in companies.
  3. The US O1 visa is founder-friendly, allowing for flexibility, quick processing, and serving as a stepping stone towards permanent residency.
SHERO β€’ 412 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. Texas Governor Greg Abbott refuses to remove razor wire at the US-Mexico border despite Supreme Court ruling
  2. Conservative Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had previously blocked the federal government from removing the razor wire initially set up by National Guard soldiers
  3. Supreme Court ruling in favor of federal government was a major victory for the Biden administration
David Friedman’s Substack β€’ 206 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. IQ is heritable and may differ among different races, but claims about the intelligence of Africans remain a topic of debate.
  2. The fiscal impact of immigrants is a complex issue, with data suggesting immigrants from countries with lower national IQ may have negative fiscal impacts in welfare states.
  3. Restricting immigration from low national IQ countries is debated, with considerations about the potential benefits and drawbacks in terms of societal contributions and economic impacts.
Fisted by Foucault β€’ 356 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jan 24
  1. The idea of surnames being changed at Ellis Island is a myth; immigrants changed their names later by choice.
  2. North Korea is showing signs of potential attack on South Korea, with a focus on war preparation themes.
  3. The decline of the US machine tool industry since the 1980s has raised concerns about national industrial capabilities.
Comment is Freed β€’ 114 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Integration challenges in the UK are being addressed successfully through education, leading to positive outcomes in academic performance and assimilation for immigrant communities.
  2. The UK stands out in Europe for immigrant students' academic success, suggesting the impact of education on integration is significant.
  3. Education plays a key role in reducing segregation over time, as seen in the increasing diversity in neighborhoods and schools, signaling progress towards greater integration.
Bet On It β€’ 130 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. In a society like ours, that is neither fully libertarian nor totalitarian, libertarians face challenges in deciding which proposals to support in order to promote the freedom philosophy effectively.
  2. Libertarians must address the problems caused by the mixed economy, such as issues related to public property, like parks and buildings, while advocating for privatization.
  3. Supporting open borders aligns with libertarian principles of nonaggression, promotes individual liberty, and is economically sound according to experts like Bryan Caplan.
Sour Milk β€’ 216 implied HN points β€’ 04 Feb 24
  1. The Biden administration's open border policies have led to a significant increase in illegal immigration.
  2. Cass Sunstein, appointed by President Biden, plays a key role in rolling back immigration laws and shaping border control policies.
  3. Sunstein's 'counterspeech' doctrine aims to discredit critics and control public discourse on various issues.
Read, Watch, Binge β€’ 196 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. Living in another country can make migrants wonder about the life they could have been living back home.
  2. Movies and books can explore the feeling of being divided between where you live and where you came from.
  3. Relationships and experiences can represent the life that could have been lived, sparking reflections on choices made.
The Watch β€’ 395 implied HN points β€’ 22 Dec 23
  1. America's identity as a refuge for the marginalized is under threat by Trump's anti-immigration stance.
  2. Trump's immigration strategy includes rounding up asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants.
  3. Deportation plans by Trump would have severe economic and humanitarian consequences, impacting millions of lives.
sebjenseb β€’ 255 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Far-right political violence in the United States has resulted in numerous terror attacks and deaths.
  2. Terrorism, including far-right violence, has historically been ineffective in achieving its objectives and often leads to negative consequences.
  3. Engaging in violent political actions is risky and usually counterproductive, with little impact on policy or societal change.
News Items β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jan 24
  1. Russian citizens are mobilizing in support of an antiwar candidate for the presidential election against Putin.
  2. Over 2.3 million migrants have been released into the United States at the southern border under the Biden administration.
  3. President Biden is considering using new emergency authorities to shut down the border if Congress passes a bipartisan immigration plan.
Crossplay β€’ 294 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. Game 'Thirsty Suitors' explores parents and children connecting through gaming.
  2. The game reflects the creator's personal experiences with parenting his own kids and caring for his parents.
  3. As a game developer, juggling parenting and work life balance is a challenge.
Lean Out with Tara Henley β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. In Canada, there has been a shift in the bipartisan, pro-immigration consensus, largely influenced by recent policy changes.
  2. The rapid population growth due to high immigration levels is putting pressure on infrastructure, housing, and business productivity in Canada.
  3. Addressing the skilled labor imbalance in immigration by recruiting high-skilled workers can help mitigate negative impacts on low-wage workers and the economy.
Pekingnology β€’ 267 implied HN points β€’ 05 Jan 24
  1. Chinese female PhD students experienced mistreatment from U.S. Customs officials during airport inspections.
  2. The students were misled into signing documents without being informed of the content or consequences.
  3. The incidents raised concerns of potential racial and gender discrimination by U.S. Customs.
Extraordinary Aliens β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 24
  1. The author, Noemie, shares knowledge and experiences about moving to and building startups in the US as an immigrant, aiming to help others with similar aspirations.
  2. Topics covered include hacks for O1 visas, becoming a freelancer in the US, navigating community building, tax-related matters, and avoiding deportation.
  3. Noemie emphasizes the importance of sharing immigration and startup-related knowledge openly to assist individuals pursuing opportunities in the US.
Liberty’s Highlights β€’ 491 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. Be skeptical of misinformation during times of tragedy and beware of those who use geopolitical excuses to dehumanize situations.
  2. Don't get attached to beliefs and welcome constructive criticism to identify and correct blind spots over time.
  3. Electric vehicles are more energy-efficient compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, and smart planning is key to meet the increasing electricity demand for transportation needs.
Unreported Truths β€’ 57 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Legal immigrants to the United States are required to get various vaccinations, including a Covid shot, even if they have had Covid before.
  2. There is a growing cluster of measles cases at a migrant shelter in Chicago, raising concerns about vaccination rates among asylum-seekers.
  3. Media attention on outbreaks can vary, with a Florida measles outbreak receiving significant coverage, while a similar-sized cluster in Chicago is largely ignored.
Patterns in Humanity β€’ 1159 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 23
  1. First, there is a detailed analysis of the financial impact of immigration in Denmark based on a government report.
  2. Second, the analysis explores the rates of violent crime convictions by nation of origin, showing disparities between groups.
  3. Lastly, the importance of adjusting for age and sex in understanding the differences in financial contributions and crime rates among immigrants is highlighted.