The hottest Derivatives Substack posts right now

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Top Finance Topics
The Dollar Endgame 359 implied HN points 03 Nov 23
  1. Jorge Luis Borges' fable "On Exactitude in Science" explores the concept of representation and the consequences of abstractions overtaking reality.
  2. Psychedelics like Ayahuasca can challenge our perceptions by dissolving the ego and blurring boundaries between the self and the external world.
  3. The modern financial system, with its heavy reliance on derivatives, has created a simulacrum that central bankers manipulate, leading to a dangerous dependence on fake money.
Geopolitical Economy Report 458 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. Economist Michael Hudson discusses the collapse of four US banks in two months, including First Republic Bank being taken over by JP Morgan Chase, highlighting the deep ties between government regulators and bankers.
  2. The collapse of banks like First Republic Bank can be attributed to high ratios of uninsured deposits and risky long-term mortgages, demonstrating systemic issues in the banking sector.
  3. The banking crisis is a result of the government's bailout policies, with large banks like JP Morgan Chase being given favorable deals despite being rated as the riskiest, leading to the undue burden on the economy and the potential for a deep financial collapse.
Geopolitical Economy Report 358 implied HN points 15 Mar 23
  1. Economist Michael Hudson discussed the collapse of US banks, noting similarities to the 2008 financial crisis and the reliance on government bailouts.
  2. The Federal Reserve's handling of interest rates and bailouts in response to bank collapses indicates systemic issues in the financial sector.
  3. Derivatives, specifically highly leveraged bets, are looming as a significant risk for the banking sector and could trigger the next big crash.
Oz’s Newsletter 39 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. The economy in the West is backed by imaginary assets like derivatives that can crash the economy if their true value is revealed.
  2. Banks create money out of thin air through loans backed by these imaginary assets, causing inflation and instability.
  3. The Anglosaxon-controlled Western economy must address its financial problems, regulate finance, and rebuild the economy on real-world connections to prepare for future challenges like AI and geopolitical shifts.
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