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Top World Politics Topics
The Watch β€’ 1283 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. Acknowledging and reflecting on one's own biases is important to maintain transparency and credibility in discussions.
  2. Amidst misinformation, there is frustration that detailed research is often overlooked in favor of easily digestible but misleading content.
  3. Clarifying and correcting misleading information, particularly on sensitive topics like life and death situations, is crucial for ensuring accurate discourse.
A Lawyer Writes β€’ 1395 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 24
  1. The Lady Chief Justice clarified the constitutional relationship between the executive and judiciary.
  2. Baroness Carr emphasized the judiciary's exclusive responsibility for judicial deployment and matters.
  3. Carr outlined priorities such as promoting judicial strengths, unity, and addressing backlogs in the judiciary system.
Granted β€’ 3234 implied HN points β€’ 31 Oct 23
  1. Looping, which involves keeping students with the same teacher for multiple years, has shown to have benefits like increased test scores, attendance, and decreased disciplinary incidents.
  2. Small effect sizes in looping studies may have practical significance when aggregated across many students; looping could have stronger effects on attitudes and behaviors than standardized test scores.
  3. When considering looping in education, it's important to address concerns such as potential teacher burnout, unintended consequences, and the misattribution of successful educational practices in other countries to looping.
The Pillar β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. The Communion and Liberation movement acknowledged abuse allegations against its former U.S. leader, but concerns remain about the culture that allowed abuse to happen.
  2. Some members of the movement had positive experiences, while others highlighted problems centered around the former leader, Chris Bacich.
  3. While the movement has implemented safe environment policies, there are reports of violations and concerns that the culture needs to be examined for further reform.
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kamilkazani β€’ 314 implied HN points β€’ 18 Oct 23
  1. Gorbachev's rule started with Neo-Stalinist policies, but shifted with the drop in oil prices leading to Perestroika
  2. Brezhnev's era saw the decline of future-oriented goals like building Communism and the rise of past-oriented values
  3. Andropov, critical of the system, initiated reforms against corruption and promoted Gorbachev to power, breaking established rules
The Good blog β€’ 26 implied HN points β€’ 25 Feb 24
  1. China's ability to advance in AI is limited without significant political reforms, but democratic reforms may not be necessary for competitiveness.
  2. Historically, most countries that transition from low-income to middle-income status only need to get a few key factors right, like urbanization and rule of law.
  3. China faces challenges in sustaining economic growth due to factors like rising wages, an aging population, and the need to transition to developing frontier technologies.
An Africanist Perspective β€’ 573 implied HN points β€’ 11 Apr 23
  1. The US is supporting proposed World Bank reforms that shift focus from low-income countries to global public goods, risking a loss in policy influence worldwide.
  2. US structural influence through organizations like the World Bank reflects in policy decisions that align with US interests in low-income countries.
  3. Failure of the World Bank to prioritize needs of low-income countries could lead to a loss of influence for the US and the Bank in those regions.
The Works in Progress Newsletter β€’ 7 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 24
  1. Institutional changes can be designed to buy in established interests using gains from reform which may avoid prolonged and violent conflicts for reform.
  2. The development of liberal institutions for long-term economic growth can present challenges for countries with existing poor institutions as seen in the Western Europe, East Asia, and North America regions.
  3. Instituting successful and lasting institutional reforms requires careful management of suboptimal institutions to effect change quickly and avoid backlash, as demonstrated by the agricultural reforms in Tsarist Russia under Pyotr Stolypin.
The Permanent Problem β€’ 4 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 23
  1. Given the pace of change, it's important to plan for the future on multiple time horizons.
  2. Considering alternative 'Plan B' options is wise, as core institutions may not suffice in all scenarios.
  3. In light of potential catastrophic risks like pandemics, climate change, and AI, exploring new institutions for resilience is crucial.
Demodexio β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 16 Dec 23
  1. Populist theories of democracy have led to damaging reforms and should be reconsidered for progressive change.
  2. Progressives need to study political science and organizational theory for effective political movements.
  3. Building large organizations with efficient bureaucracy is crucial for progressive success in politics.