The hottest Research Studies Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
Curing Addiction 159 implied HN points 29 Mar 24
  1. New research suggests GLP-1 drugs like Liraglutide and Ozempic could have a significant impact on addiction treatment.
  2. GLP-1 drugs show promise in reducing cravings for substances like opiates and cannabis, potentially revolutionizing addiction management.
  3. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, expresses excitement over the potential of GLP-1 drugs in treating addiction and highlights the need for more research and investment in this area.
ailogblog 119 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Institutions are experimenting with generative AI tools like ChatGPT to make informed decisions about their usage.
  2. University of Michigan is leading the way in providing broad access to AI tools for their community.
  3. Asset-based approaches in using AI for education are vital to support students' long-term growth and success.
The Gradient 24 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Apple terminated its Project Titan autonomous electric car project and shifted focus to generative AI, impacting hundreds of employees.
  2. Challenges faced by Project Titan included leadership changes, strategic shifts, and difficulties in developing self-driving technology.
  3. Research proposes RNN-based architectures Hawk and Griffin that compete with Transformers, offering more efficiency for language models.
Neurobiology Notes 117 implied HN points 28 Nov 23
  1. Study on extrasynaptic neural signaling in C. elegans challenges the idea that synapses are the sole key to brain information content.
  2. Neuropeptide signaling plays a crucial role in behaviors like aggression in mice, emphasizing its significance beyond nematodes.
  3. Mouse amygdala study highlights differences in brain cell activity during memory formation and recall, shedding light on the complex processes of memory.
philsiarri 89 implied HN points 06 Dec 23
  1. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a hot topic, representing a theoretical form of intelligent agent.
  2. Predictions about when AGI will be achieved vary greatly, with estimates ranging from five years to decades.
  3. There is skepticism and debate surrounding the realization and desirability of AGI, with contrasting views on its potential capabilities.
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Gutsphere - Your Ultimate Guide to Optimal Gut Health 19 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Understanding disease involves diagnosis, symptoms, and prognosis.
  2. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in disease pathogenesis, progression, and treatment response.
  3. Diet, lifestyle choices, and interventions like probiotics are key in managing and reversing diseases.
Unsafe Science 137 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Left-wing authoritarians are averse to masculine-looking men.
  2. Masculinized men can be perceived as threatening by left-wing authoritarians due to their physical advantages in conflict.
  3. Evolutionary history influences how people make judgments about others based on appearance, impacting social interactions and group dynamics.
Some Unpleasant Arithmetic 5 implied HN points 02 Mar 24
  1. Economics can impact everyday life - like how male-dominated spaces affect women's performance and how integrated teams lead to more success in research
  2. Ethnic violence like lynchings can have significant economic impacts, reducing total factor productivity and output, as shown by historical data
  3. Research shows that changes in policies like legalized same-sex marriage can influence career choices, as seen in the declining enrollment of new priests following these laws
Jakob Nielsen on UX 15 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. Infant screen use at age 1 can lead to reduced cognitive skills at ages 4 and 9.
  2. Research shows that extended screen time in infancy can have long-term negative effects on cognitive abilities.
  3. Studies suggest limiting screen time for infants and encouraging more physical play for healthy cognitive development.
UX Psychology 39 implied HN points 20 Jan 22
  1. Heuristic Evaluation involves experts examining an interface to find good and bad points, following specific industry standards for evaluation.
  2. User Testing is a more effective method since real users perform tasks on the interface, detecting major usability issues and providing valuable insights.
  3. While Heuristic Evaluation is quicker and cheaper, User Testing offers better performance estimates and detects more significant problems that affect user experience.
Off-Topic 2 HN points 15 Sep 23
  1. Grounding, or earthing, involves direct contact with the ground to balance 'energy imbalances.'
  2. Advocates of grounding believe it can improve circulation, immune systems, and regulate circadian rhythm.
  3. Research on grounding has ties to predatory publishers and funding sources, raising questions about the credibility of its health benefits.
FutureIQ 1 implied HN point 16 Nov 23
  1. Pollution can reduce cognitive abilities, affecting performance in various activities like chess or investing.
  2. Research shows that exposure to pollution can lead to long-term health issues like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  3. Taking measures like moving away from pollution, using air purifiers, and indoor plants can help reduce the negative impacts of pollution on health and cognitive abilities.