The hottest Tools Substack posts right now

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Top Technology Topics
Implementing 19 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. Importance of continuous learning in the field of web development, especially in mastering foundational concepts like math and computer science.
  2. Key technologies like Docker, Node.js, Git, Elasticsearch, Redis, and React are essential for developers to learn for successful software engineering in 2024.
  3. Utilizing online resources like free YouTube videos, paid courses on platforms like Udemy, and official documentation can assist in gaining proficiency in various technologies.


The Nibble 4 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. New developments include the introduction of AGI technologies, major upgrades in Ethereum like Dencun, and innovations in AI models like Figure AI's humanoid robot.
  2. Tech updates such as the release of TypeScript 5.4, Node.js 21.7.0 with native text styling, and the acquisition of Fig autocomplete by Amazon showcase evolving trends in the industry.
  3. Interesting discoveries like the impact of marking files with 'linguist-generated' attributes, and quirks in JavaScript's interpretation of numbers starting with 0 highlight intriguing tech-related insights.
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Sarah's Newsletter 239 implied HN points 24 May 22
  1. Teams are facing challenges with SaaS tools and maintaining them as complexity grows.
  2. Making everything versionable can help in QA, testing, and peer reviewing changes, leading to fewer errors in production.
  3. There is a need for more accessible ways to version configurations across different teams and tools, especially for non-technical users.
Rod’s Blog 19 implied HN points 28 Nov 23
  1. Search Jobs in Microsoft Sentinel help search through large datasets for specific events matching criteria.
  2. Search Jobs have their own dedicated section in the Microsoft Sentinel menu blades, reflecting their importance.
  3. Turning on Search Job Mode in Microsoft Sentinel Logs Blade streamlines searching with just a simple toggle switch.
Laszlo’s Newsletter 43 implied HN points 03 Aug 23
  1. Data scientists benefit from automating project setup for better workflow convenience.
  2. Tools like Poetry, Black, Ruff, pytest, pre-commit-hooks, and GitHub Actions can be set up in just 15 minutes for long-term project benefits.
  3. Setting up version control, testing, automation, and remote deployment are crucial for a well-structured Python project.
Norman’s Substack 39 implied HN points 03 Aug 23
  1. Different materials like copper, stainless steel, and plastic are commonly used for plumbing espresso machines under pressure.
  2. Copper is popular but challenging to work with, stainless steel and plastic are alternatives with their own advantages.
  3. Factors like ease of assembly, cost, and durability should be considered when selecting plumbing materials for espresso machines.
Rod’s Blog 59 implied HN points 22 Feb 23
  1. Customers are frustrated with the outdated 'What's New' page in Microsoft Sentinel, which is lagging behind in updates.
  2. To address the issue, various sources like Microsoft Sentinel blog, community blogs, and Docs 'What's New' page are being utilized for the most current information on features and enhancements.
  3. Efforts are being made to convert the Docs 'What's New' page into Markdown using a PowerShell script for integration into Microsoft Sentinel workbooks, keeping the content up-to-date.
Year 2049 4 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. New AI tools are constantly emerging, making it challenging to keep up with all of them
  2. Tools like Readwise,, and Notion AI have been valuable in saving time and enhancing productivity in daily tasks
  3. Unique features in these tools, like AI summarization, transcription capabilities, and enhanced content creation options, provide practical benefits for personal and professional use
Bzogramming 22 implied HN points 05 Oct 23
  1. Ubiquitous Computing envisioned computers fading into the background to be convenient means to solve problems.
  2. Simplicity has limits due to the finite number of interactions and outcomes possible with tools.
  3. Personalization and infrastructure are crucial for making general-purpose tools convenient and efficient for individual users.
Engineering Enablement 23 implied HN points 22 Sep 23
  1. Factors like job enthusiasm, peer support for new ideas, and useful feedback strongly correlate with developer productivity.
  2. Non-technical factors like job satisfaction are crucial for productivity, while technical factors can vary among companies.
  3. Improving job enthusiasm, supporting new ideas, and providing feedback can enhance developer productivity.
aidaily 19 implied HN points 12 Oct 23
  1. AI cannot replace human creativity, innovation, and mentorship in the workplace.
  2. Some organizations are taking steps to protect their content from being misused by AI.
  3. While some AI applications are generating high revenues, others are facing challenges in sustaining growth.


The Nibble 9 implied HN points 10 Dec 23
  1. Gemini AI by Google is a new powerful AI model that is making waves.
  2. Alibaba's Animate Anyone AI tool can turn static images into dancing videos, potentially changing social media content creation.
  3., an AI startup, raised $41M and is focused on building a full-stack AI ecosystem.
Side Maker 39 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. Ago is participating in a 100 DaysOfNoCode MVP Bootcamp to build a small bets manager.
  2. Ago faced challenges in finding time to study and build, and struggled with understanding spoken English.
  3. The 2nd No-Code Garage Sale event is being organized by Harold, offering AI products and resource directories.
Step-by-step Product 39 implied HN points 31 Mar 23
  1. The future of product development may involve AI tools like 'Prompt to Product' for rapid prototyping and testing.
  2. Product people may need coding skills now, but advancements in technology are making product creation more accessible for non-coders.
  3. To stay ahead in the AI wave, product people should refresh coding skills, understand LLMs, and improve prompt design skills.
DiGiTalk Newsletter 39 implied HN points 29 Apr 23
  1. Twitter is a great place to learn about AI, but many people struggle to find top-notch educational content there.
  2. Various tools and techniques for enhancing AI in business processes are shared on Twitter.
  3. Tips on improving interactions with ChatGPT and utilizing AI tools efficiently are available on Twitter.
An Innovator's Sketchbook 39 implied HN points 13 May 23
  1. AI Loves Pasta is a project exploring AI generated content creation in the area of cooking and gastronomy.
  2. The project aims to use ChatGPT for recipe creation, social media distribution, and potential monetization.
  3. The creator plans to publish an ebook in 20 weeks, build an Instagram presence, and track progress through regular updates.
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 03 Apr 23
  1. Azure Open AI supports JSONL file type for customized modeling, which is like JSON but with data values on a single line
  2. Tools like a PowerShell script and the Open AI CLI tool can help in converting JSON to JSONL for different data formats like CSV, TSV, XLSX, and JSON
  3. Deploy Azure Open AI instances in US South Central for access to base model types crucial for customized models
Rahul’s Newsletter 39 implied HN points 26 Mar 23
  1. The AI breakthrough at the Microsoft event was groundbreaking and showcased a new era of tools.
  2. The use of advanced AI tools will have a significant impact on society, becoming the new normal for younger generations.
  3. While embracing new technology is important, there is concern about the potential automation of complex skills and the limitations it may place on human agency.
What's AI Newsletter by Louis-François Bouchard 39 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. AI-powered tools can significantly boost productivity by automating tasks and improving efficiency.
  2. Using AI tools raises ethical considerations regarding privacy, bias, misuse, and accountability that need to be addressed.
  3. AI-powered tools offer opportunities for inclusivity and innovation while requiring responsible development practices to mitigate risks.
The Incrementalist 6 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Building a system to store, manage, and act on information is essential for Personal Knowledge Mastery.
  2. Efficiently managing long-form notes and organizing them with tags can streamline information retrieval.
  3. Extracting insights from stored information and visualizing connections can lead to better decision-making and deeper understanding.
The Product Channel By Sid Saladi 33 implied HN points 02 Apr 23
  1. Prototyping is crucial for product development to validate concepts, identify issues, and refine designs
  2. Different types of prototypes include paper prototypes, wireframes, static mockups, clickable prototypes, and more
  3. Best practices for prototyping involve defining goals, choosing the right type of prototype, recruiting the right users, preparing a test plan, setting context, using appropriate tools, encouraging feedback, and staying open to feedback