The hottest Global Finance Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Finance Topics
Concoda 794 implied HN points 01 May 23
  1. The banking system has evolved significantly post the 2007/08 Great Financial Crisis, leading to changes in global monetary standards and U.S. central bank's mechanisms.
  2. Regulatory standards like LCR, NSFR, and SLR have transformed major financial institutions into stable entities, impacting their ability to engage in certain financial activities.
  3. The Federal Reserve introduced new mechanisms like Jaws of the Fed™ to control money market rates and ensure financial stability, but faces a dilemma with vulnerabilities in its global lower jaws.
Geopolitical Economy Report 378 implied HN points 11 Jan 23
  1. Western sanctions against Russia led to increased trade with Asia but devastated Europe's economy
  2. Sanctions typically have a low success rate in changing the behavior of targeted states
  3. Sanctions can backfire and lead to unintended consequences like Russia's increased self-sufficiency and deepening Asian integration
Apricitas Economics 64 implied HN points 25 Mar 23
  1. Credit Suisse faced major financial issues over several years, with losses, leaked data, and fines leading to its demise.
  2. Swiss authorities forced Credit Suisse to merge with UBS to prevent a public collapse and global financial crisis.
  3. The fallout from Credit Suisse's fall includes impacts on European banks, market confidence, and central bank efforts to stabilize the financial system.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 39 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. Spread awareness about ESG - it's a system favoring wokeness enforced by major financial players like BlackRock, affecting corporate decisions and ultimately societal control.
  2. Understand the impact of ESG on governance - it links to decisions like vaccine mandates through corporate governance criteria, influencing businesses to align with certain agendas to secure investment.
  3. Engage in conversations about ESG - discuss with others to raise awareness, starting with trusted individuals, to shed light on how ESG influences our lives and economy.
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