The hottest Spirituality Substack posts right now

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The Joyous Struggle 1106 implied HN points 14 Nov 23
  1. The future for humanity is often viewed through the concept of 'the third attractor,' which aims to divert the default trajectories of collapse and dystopia.
  2. The third attractor represents a disposition not to give up on the future, encompassing diverse visionary ideas for societal transformation and renewal.
  3. Attention to the 'third reality,' encompassing the inner subjective experience, and the cultivation of spiritual sensibility, is crucial for envisioning and shaping a more sustainable and meaningful future.
Day One 479 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Building momentum requires work and intentionality, not just being busy.
  2. Understanding how past events affect your daily routine can help in setting and achieving goals.
  3. Regularly reviewing your progress and identifying obstacles can help you stay on track to achieve your goals.
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Becoming Noble 1315 implied HN points 14 Oct 23
  1. Merely playing sports may not convey the full spectrum of virtue and spiritual experience sought; modern sports lack metaphysical significance and encounters with the transcendent.
  2. Sport is a vehicle for developing essential virtue, such as discipline and hardiness, which underpin the pursuit of higher goals.
  3. True sport is a fundamentally spiritual quest, calling for a connection between physicality and spirit, ultimately leading to transcending oneself through play, beauty, action, prayer, and devotion.
The Joyous Struggle 375 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Peace is a vital challenge of our time and a necessary condition for a well-governed world.
  2. There are three possible futures: two lead to global conflict, while the third envisions a more positive, evolving society.
  3. Modern-day equivalents of 'Death Stars' like nuclear weapons and Moloch symbolize threats to peace that need to be addressed to secure a peaceful future.
Grey Goose Chronicles 471 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. The text discusses two forms of primitivism: egalitarian primitivism and hierarchical primitivism.
  2. Egalitarian primitivism seeks a return to primitive as a form of levelling, while hierarchical primitivism glorifies life and engages in a struggle.
  3. Nature is portrayed as a refuge for those seeking escape from modernity, with some using it for personal solace and others turning it into a morality play.
The Abbey of Misrule 177 implied HN points 26 Feb 24
  1. The author reflects on the changing beliefs and values in society, questioning if it's them, the culture or both that have changed.
  2. Through writing, the author processes conflicting emotions and ideas, especially as the culture shifts rapidly around them.
  3. The author invites readers to think about what they have changed their minds about in recent years, whether personal, political, cultural, or spiritual.
Consciousness ∞ The Doorway to Human Evolution 373 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Success involves more than just making good decisions and working hard - it's about alignment.
  2. Recognizing and embracing alignment can lead to genuine success and fulfillment.
  3. There is a deeper layer of reality that operates based on alignment rather than control.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies 19 implied HN points 17 Apr 24
  1. The concept of a magnetic center within a person that guides them towards a certain path is discussed, emphasizing the importance of this internal guiding force
  2. Thomas and Olga de Hartmann's journey towards seeking development and transformation was influenced by a type of magnetism that drew them away from their comfortable life
  3. In the realm of spiritual growth, Maurice Nicoll highlights the necessity of having a 'Magnetic Centre' to start the journey towards self-improvement
Wellness Wisdom by Patricia Mou 373 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. Authentic spirituality involves radical transformation and liberation, not just consoling beliefs for the self.
  2. Translation and transformation are two key functions of religion: one creates meanings for the self, the other shatters the self for radical change.
  3. Communicate your authentic spiritual vision with passion and courage to prompt discovery and transformation in others.
Slack Tide by Matt Labash 150 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses the contemplation over a Randy Newman song questioning if God laughs at mankind's actions.
  2. It delves into the intricacies of spiritual themes and the perspective on humanity portrayed in the song.
  3. The post also humorously touches on the writer's personal preferences and experiences related to music and masculinity.
The Abbey of Misrule 71 implied HN points 19 Mar 24
  1. The post discusses the collapse of the West and how it may relate to the period of Lent, which leads up to a triumph despite the catastrophe it signifies.
  2. A new program focusing on Christian mythopoetics in England, led by Martin Shaw, is highlighted. Guest teachers include well-known figures like Rowan Williams and Malcolm Guite.
  3. The unique emergence of Christian stories in new ways during tumultuous times is mentioned, emphasizing the importance of exploring such narratives.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 2116 implied HN points 05 Apr 23
  1. Moving into a new house can be disruptive but redecorating and making it your own can be joyful and rewarding.
  2. Returning to a place where you feel a sense of belonging can bring a profound feeling of being at home, even after many years.
  3. Exploring familiar landscapes and being close to family can bring a sense of ancestral connection and understanding of oneself.
rebelwisdom 1552 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. The more time we spend online, the more we risk being influenced by different states of consciousness.
  2. To effectively navigate different states of consciousness, we need 'state competence' and should learn to translate between them.
  3. Understanding cognition as embodied, embedded, enacted, and extended can help us adapt to different environments and perspectives.
Weekly Wisdom 179 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. The author describes a mystical experience in the Saharan desert under the night sky, feeling awe and vitality while performing a ritual with friends.
  2. During the experience, the author felt a surge of energy through their body, pondered on physical tension, and experienced a profound sense of stillness and peace.
  3. The author ended the experience feeling a deep presence, an absence of worries, and a state of non-ordinary consciousness, ultimately reflecting on the sacredness and simplicity of existence.