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Rod’s Blog 59 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. Keeping up with changes in Microsoft products can be challenging, especially with frequent updates to security products.
  2. Rod Trent provides weekly newsletters covering major announcements and important enhancements in Sentinel, Defender, and Azure OpenAI.
  3. Microsoft now offers RSS feeds for their security products, making it easier to stay updated on new features.
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Rod’s Blog 59 implied HN points 22 Feb 23
  1. Customers are frustrated with the outdated 'What's New' page in Microsoft Sentinel, which is lagging behind in updates.
  2. To address the issue, various sources like Microsoft Sentinel blog, community blogs, and Docs 'What's New' page are being utilized for the most current information on features and enhancements.
  3. Efforts are being made to convert the Docs 'What's New' page into Markdown using a PowerShell script for integration into Microsoft Sentinel workbooks, keeping the content up-to-date.
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 15 Jun 23
  1. The default view in the Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub has changed to List Mode, which allows users to select multiple solutions for installation at once.
  2. The step-through wizard for installing solutions in the Content Hub has been replaced with simple options: Install and View Results.
  3. Investing in Microsoft Sentinel means having the most current version of the product available without downtime, showing continuous improvement in the platform.
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 08 Jun 23
  1. The Defender for Cloud Learn Doc now has its own RSS feed, granting users the ability to get notified about updates easily.
  2. Despite this improvement, not all pages on have RSS feeds yet, so users still have to monitor some sections manually.
  3. Other Microsoft pages also have their own RSS feeds, showing an effort to provide users with up-to-date information through various channels.
Chaos Theory 39 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. An anonymous Google memo suggests the company lacks a competitive advantage in AI compared to other tech giants.
  2. The rise of open-source AI communities has proven to produce competitive AI models against big tech firms.
  3. The value in AI lies in tapping into the global mindshare of human intelligence rather than the strength of individual models.
superartificial 19 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. YouTube is teasing new AI tools for creators, including generative AI tools and a creation feature for recording Shorts.
  2. Microsoft is integrating its new AI-powered Bing search into the Windows 11 taskbar, along with a Bing chat feature.
  3. AI is becoming increasingly prominent in tech companies like YouTube and Microsoft, showcasing its importance for the future.
The (Unofficial) Svelte JS Newsletter 19 implied HN points 01 Apr 23
  1. Loads of new features in the Svelte compiler like support for 'svelte-ignore' and improvements in inputs and transitions
  2. Updates in SvelteKit include new features like 'cookies.getAll' and enhancements in managing form submission status
  3. Community showcase highlights various apps, sites built with Svelte, learning resources, and libraries/tools/components
AnyCable Broadcasts 19 implied HN points 05 Aug 22
  1. The first issue of Any Cables Monthly covers news from the AnyCable ecosystem and real-time projects since the beginning of summer 2022.
  2. The issue includes highlights such as celebrations of AnyCable Pro's first anniversary and insights from RailsConf 2022 videos.
  3. Articles and releases featured in the newsletter discuss topics like scaling Rails web sockets, introducing Action Cable command callbacks, and new versions of various tools like AnyCable Client and Turbo.
Prompt Engineering 0 implied HN points 14 Jun 23
  1. OpenAI has updated the GPT-3.5 model with a larger context length of 16,384 tokens, allowing for more data input and better results.
  2. There is a 75% cost reduction on OpenAI's models, and a 25% cost reduction on input tokens for gpt-3.5-turbo.
  3. OpenAI announced functions that allow the model to make API calls, write emails, query databases, and more, taking LLM applications to the next level.
Minute Review 0 implied HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. Arc is a modern browser built on Chromium, similar to Chrome but with a new UI and UX.
  2. Arc has great design aesthetics, but the UX may require some learning and adjustment, especially with its unique features like separate workspaces.
  3. Although Arc has some energy cost and bug issues, it's still worth giving a try for its refreshing technology and free onboarding.
Age of AI 0 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. Anthropic released Claude 2 with improved performance and 100k token limit.
  2. Google introduced updates to Bard including support for 40 languages and image input.
  3. OpenAI ChatGPT now has a code interpreter and Meta announced CM3leon for text and image generation.
The Lunacian 0 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Axie Classic has seen significant user engagement with over 218,900 unique users and 30.1 million battles fought since its comeback in 2023.
  2. Recent updates include the introduction of new features like Gold Chests, AXP cap increase, and GT2, with upcoming changes to AXP mechanics in February.
  3. Future developments for Axie Classic include the introduction of collectible axies, the Golden Wheel sticker set, Grand Tournament 3, and the addition of guilds.
The API Changelog 0 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Breaking changes in APIs can cause a mismatch between what the API does and what the documentation says. Updating documentation with new restrictions is complex and involves updating various elements like how-tos, tutorials, and code samples.
  2. When capabilities are removed from an API, corresponding parts of the documentation become outdated. It's crucial to update documentation to reflect what capabilities are no longer available, instead of leaving users confused with dead-end links.
  3. Maintaining a list of documentation dependencies for each API operation can help keep documentation aligned with changes introduced in the API. This method ensures that all relevant parts of the documentation are reviewed and updated when necessary.