The hottest Biotechnology Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Science Topics
paxtier β€’ 1 implied HN point β€’ 18 Mar 24
  1. There has been a 200% increase in investments in the blue economy between 2018 and 2022, signifying a growing interest and momentum.
  2. Challenges in the sector include a massive global unmet financing gap, concentration of investments at market launch phase, and investor hesitancy.
  3. Recent developments highlight collaborations in seaweed cultivation, funding raises for startups like KAS, and advancements in sustainable aquafeeds.
axialdaily β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 20 May 23
  1. Axial invests in early-stage life sciences companies with great founders and inventors
  2. Doximity was founded to create a LinkedIn for doctors and now covers over 80% of physicians in the US
  3. Regeneron's formula focuses on having the best science and following it diligently for success
Superfluid β€’ 13 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 23
  1. Gene therapy has the potential to treat and cure genetic diseases, but it is a complex process requiring expertise in biology and manufacturing.
  2. The gene therapy value chain involves steps like target identification, payload design, delivery vehicle design, translation development, manufacturing, and clinical trials.
  3. Companies are working on breakthroughs in gene therapy technology, such as improving AAV vectors and refining CRISPR-Cas9 systems, but face challenges in experimental processes and data availability.
Golden Pineapple β€’ 4 HN points β€’ 03 Jul 23
  1. Ex-McKinsey employees are founding more venture-backed businesses compared to Google and Microsoft alumni across various sectors.
  2. In the Healthcare sector, ex-McKinsey employees topped the list with 106 companies founded by them.
  3. Ex-McKinsey employees are excelling in founding venture-funded companies in sectors like Biotechnology, Manufacturing, and Artificial Intelligence.
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Modern Value Investing β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 17 Nov 23
  1. The author predicts a significant decrease in interest rates by the Fed in 2024.
  2. The author has made changes to their portfolio, re-entering growth stocks, adding new positions in biotechnology, and exploiting opportunities in payment stocks and US real estate.
  3. The author also diversified their portfolio with deep value stocks, exiting German residential real estate stocks and long term US treasuries.
Splitting Infinity β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Aug 23
  1. Proximity to friends can enhance happiness; a startup is aiding in buying houses near friends for this reason.
  2. People tend to use tools to act more rationally, shown by the study on people's behavior and commitment systems.
  3. Generosity exists even with high financial stakes; many spend significant amounts on others and charities when given money.
Do Not Research β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 15 Oct 22
  1. Geo-engineering is considered a solution to climate change by some, involving large-scale technological interventions in the earth's ecosystem for capital growth.
  2. Pleistocene Park in Siberia operates to restore pre-human ecosystems, countering climate change by reintroducing large animals like mammoths to reduce permafrost thawing.
  3. The collaboration between COLOSSAL, ALROSA, and GAZPROM has led to innovative ways of creating artificial diamonds using carbon from mammoth carcasses, addressing resource depletion and environmental concerns.