The hottest Social justice Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Peter Boghossian 1218 implied HN points 04 Apr 23
  1. Conservative pundit Matt Walsh attempted to cancel the author, leading to a request for a conversation.
  2. The National Progress Alliance launched the Stop Donating project aimed at universities with free speech issues.
  3. A private school faced social justice issues, with a suggested response highlighting systemic racism and white supremacy.
Keep your Wokal_distance 1081 implied HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. Woke activists try to take over institutions and bureaucracies by controlling the ideas that govern them.
  2. Woke activists use DEI initiatives as a tactic to bring woke ideas into institutions and dominate their culture.
  3. DEI in woke ideology means focusing on physical and cultural differences, adjusting shares to make everyone equal, and creating a welcoming environment specifically for oppressed groups.
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Peter Boghossian 1061 implied HN points 28 Apr 23
  1. The problem with peer review in academia is highlighted by the replication crisis in fields like psychology and biological sciences.
  2. Rejecting the ideas of science can lead to dangerous notions like limiting access to truth based on immutable characteristics.
  3. The shift towards woke ideology in education and social psychology has contributed significantly to the propagation of postmodernist ideas.
Figs in Winter: New Stoicism and beyond 884 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. Stoics advise ignoring insults to maintain emotional calm and focus on facts rather than opinions.
  2. Debates in Stoic circles about insults involve balancing personal response with addressing social injustices.
  3. Important to distinguish between advising Stoics and non-Stoics, as well as between personal behavior and social action in Stoicism.
Keep your Wokal_distance 845 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. Critical Social Justice Theorists focus on being 'critical' to analyze concepts and theories within the realm of wokeness.
  2. The term 'critical' holds different meanings in the enlightenment liberal tradition of critical thinking and the woke social justice tradition of critical theory.
  3. Woke activists view truth and knowledge through the lens of power dynamics and social inequalities, rather than objective reality.
Paroxysms 798 implied HN points 19 Apr 23
  1. The term "elite" carries multiple and complex connotations, reflecting a historical evolution from positive to negative associations.
  2. New elites are often misunderstood and oversimplified, leading to challenges in addressing the broader issues they represent.
  3. The new elite class navigates complex dynamics of power, ethics, and cultural influence, reshaping corporate and institutional landscapes in response to societal demands.
Anarchonomicon 668 implied HN points 14 May 23
  1. The left's focus on 'Social Justice' and 'Diversity' has gained significant institutional power despite the lack of explicit laws mandating it.
  2. America's rejection of 1960s ideologies led to political movements like Nixon and Reagan, challenging the post-political bureaucratic control.
  3. The US regime relies on an intricate web of executive orders and judicial interpretations, which could be disrupted by public demand for change.
Journal of Free Black Thought 40 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Racelessness is about moving closer to each other and embracing a kin-dom beyond race.
  2. Race was created for colonialism's sake and we should aim for racelessness as a form of decolonization.
  3. Rejecting race-based identities, promoting self-discovery beyond societal expectations, and striving for a world free from white supremacy are crucial.
The View from Rural Missouri by Jess Piper 179 implied HN points 12 Oct 23
  1. Teaching accurate and unvarnished history, including the dark and painful parts, is crucial for understanding and preventing the repetition of past atrocities.
  2. Lynchings were not isolated acts but bold, public events that affected whole communities and reinforced systemic racism.
  3. By learning about and acknowledging the history of lynching, we equip ourselves to recognize and address present dangers, ensuring a better future for all.
JoeWrote 23 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Dr. King's choice to speak out against injustices even at the risk of backlash can guide us in making tough decisions in current times.
  2. Criticism of foreign policies can be interconnected with domestic issues, as seen through King's analysis of the Vietnam War and its impact on anti-poverty programs.
  3. It's crucial to prioritize universal justice and values over political alliances, as staying silent on important matters can betray the core principles of movements.
Journal of Free Black Thought 49 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Booker T. Washington advocated for black self-sufficiency and economic empowerment.
  2. Washington believed in achieving progress through internal growth and skill rather than external forces like government intervention.
  3. Washington's principles on self-reliance and autonomy contrast with the modern social justice movement's emphasis on victimhood and political support.
The Path Not Taken 374 implied HN points 09 Apr 23
  1. Matt Goodwin argues about a new elite in Britain conflicting with working classes' values and interests.
  2. The book suffers from vague definitions, failing to engage with key debates and lacking focus.
  3. There's a need for deeper analysis of socio-cultural professionals and progressive ideology to present a more balanced view.
Laetitia@Work 216 implied HN points 19 May 23
  1. Rest is not just self-care but a political subject, with the potential to disrupt the current world order.
  2. The Nap Ministry advocates for rest as a form of reparation and ancestral connection, challenging societal norms that prioritize productivity.
  3. Daydreaming during rest is important for making novel connections, generating ideas, and shaping one's sense of self and future trajectories.
JoeWrote 27 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. The depiction of MLK in America has been whitewashed into a moderate figure, hiding the true radical nature of his activism.
  2. Dr. King's advocacy for nonviolent protest does not mean he rejected more radical approaches like those of Malcolm X; this misrepresentation perpetuates a racist narrative.
  3. The legacy of Dr. King involves not just fighting for civil rights legislation, but also challenging systemic economic injustices, emphasizing the need for continued work in both racial and economic justice.
Unsafe Science 134 implied HN points 14 May 23
  1. The APA has shifted towards Critical Social Justice, moving away from traditional social justice principles.
  2. Critical Theory aims to dismantle western society through attacking societal components like education, media, and religion.
  3. Psychological practice should focus on individual dignity and value, rejecting radical political ideologies that deny universal humanity.
The 21st Century Proletarian 59 implied HN points 15 Jan 23
  1. Feminists like Shulamith Firestone have argued for technological advances in reproduction to challenge gender stereotypes and hierarchies.
  2. Rejecting the natural connection between women and motherhood is important to move towards gender equality and eliminate gender distinctions.
  3. Advocating for responsible use of artificial wombs can lead to progress in gender equality, but it should be approached cautiously with a focus on societal well-being.
Freddie deBoer 1 HN point 13 Mar 24
  1. COVID has caused varying degrees of anxiety and extreme reactions in people, leading to polarized beliefs and behaviors.
  2. There are different extreme perspectives on COVID from both right-leaning skeptics and left-leaning individuals, each with their own set of beliefs and theories.
  3. There is a need to balance the accommodation of vulnerable populations like the immunocompromised with making sound public health decisions based on evidence and prevalence.
Exasperated Infrastructures 7 implied HN points 03 Apr 23
  1. Norman Garrick highlights the need for cities that prioritize people on foot over vehicles going at high speeds.
  2. He discusses the challenges of car dependency, especially in countries like Jamaica, and emphasizes the importance of transit, bike, and pedestrian planning.
  3. Garrick advocates for creating car-light cities that are free from the dangers, noise, pollution, and costs associated with cars, focusing on designing for people's quality of life and low-carbon urban environments.
Creative Destruction 5 implied HN points 17 May 23
  1. Irritation can be a useful tool for reflection and insight, even if it feels annoying and inadequate.
  2. Quantitative aesthetics, focusing on numbers and stats, can overlook important aspects of life and inquiry.
  3. The decline in food diversity due to mass scaling and globalization poses risks to our food systems and resilience.
Synystron Synlogica 2 HN points 01 Oct 23
  1. Be cautious about providing personal information on online job applications because you can't be sure how it will be used.
  2. Data shared on job applications can be stored and potentially used against you, so think twice before sharing.
  3. Giving false information on a job application can lead to consequences, even potentially being fired.


Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 02 Jun 20
  1. Today is #BlackoutTuesday in solidarity with the Black community to make space for their voices.
  2. It is important for doctors to listen and be allies with their patients.
  3. The health of patients is influenced by social and emotional determinants.