Journal of Free Black Thought

The Journal of Free Black Thought explores diverse perspectives within the Black community, challenging narrow stereotypes and promoting individuality. It addresses topics such as race identity, gun control, education, political ideology, and societal expectations, advocating for dialogue and understanding across racial differences and highlighting the importance of personal freedom and expression.

Stereotypes and Individuality Race and Identity Education and Culture Political Ideology and History Personal Freedom and Expression Social Justice and Activism Diversity and Inclusion

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157 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 24
  1. DEI in higher education is often influenced by Critical Social Justice ideology, which perpetuates racism by assuming it in every situation.
  2. Critical Social Justice can lead to the imposition of certain values, attitudes, and behaviors based on race, discouraging critical thinking and questioning of the narrative.
  3. People are pushing back on DEI approaches underpinned by Critical Social Justice ideology as they find it infantilizing, anti-intellectual, and not aligned with their beliefs.
87 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Eliminating magnet schools and abolishing standards hurts Black students
  2. Portland's new grading policy includes considering 'non-academic factors' in student grading
  3. Lowering expectations and politicizing education can harm Black students
41 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 24
  1. Ava DuVernay's film 'Origin' focuses on a single story, overlooking complexities and nuances, emphasizing the danger of presenting a singular narrative.
  2. The portrayal of present-day oppression in 'Origin' ignores nuances in countries like India, painting a one-sided picture that does not capture the full reality.
  3. The film 'Origin' and the book it is based on, 'Caste,' fail to consider societal progress and depict a skewed view of racial prejudice, emphasizing the importance of understanding the complete context.
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40 implied HN points β€’ 12 Feb 24
  1. Racelessness is about moving closer to each other and embracing a kin-dom beyond race.
  2. Race was created for colonialism's sake and we should aim for racelessness as a form of decolonization.
  3. Rejecting race-based identities, promoting self-discovery beyond societal expectations, and striving for a world free from white supremacy are crucial.
49 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. Booker T. Washington advocated for black self-sufficiency and economic empowerment.
  2. Washington believed in achieving progress through internal growth and skill rather than external forces like government intervention.
  3. Washington's principles on self-reliance and autonomy contrast with the modern social justice movement's emphasis on victimhood and political support.
10 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. The Free Black Thought Newsletter #5 aims to amplify diverse black voices and promote critical thinking across different perspectives.
  2. Various content including essays, podcasts, and upcoming episodes are highlighted, offering unique insights and discussions on topics like racial despair, race relations in America, and diverse perspectives on education.
  3. The importance of deliberative rhetoric, challenging conventional narratives in education, and advocating for unity and personal well-being through the Empowered Humanity Theory are key themes discussed by the contributors.
72 implied HN points β€’ 09 Apr 23
  1. Being labeled as 'acting white' or a 'Carlton' based on narrow stereotypes can be damaging and hurtful.
  2. The notion of 'acting white' stems from a narrow view of 'blackness' that imposes specific behaviors and interests.
  3. Embracing individuality and being true to oneself, regardless of stereotypes, is important in overcoming societal expectations and judgments.
48 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jul 23
  1. America's history includes both oppression and the struggle against it, like the anti-slavery movement.
  2. Revolutionary ideals of liberty and equality were pivotal in the fight against slavery in America.
  3. The Founders' hypocrisy in not immediately abolishing slavery does not erase the importance of their ideals that eventually led to the destruction of slavery.
56 implied HN points β€’ 26 May 23
  1. Identity is fluid and not tied to inherited language or rigid categories.
  2. The concept of distinct races is relatively new and outdated in our human history.
  3. Focusing on individual uniqueness and rejecting racial categories can lead to a more inclusive and enlightened society.
6 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. The Fallen Gods Trilogy is a fantasy series with chapters released weekly
  2. The story follows Lumence and her band dealing with ambushes and Blackstone intrigue
  3. The group faces challenges, including potential conflict with the Makoni tribe
46 implied HN points β€’ 09 May 23
  1. Gun control is seen as oppressive by some who believe it infringes on the liberty of citizens, especially those vulnerable to oppression.
  2. The right to bear arms is viewed as safeguard against government tyranny, based on historical examples of gun control leading to minority persecution.
  3. History shows that gun control laws have often disproportionately impacted minority groups, leading to the belief that all gun control is universally oppressive.
27 implied HN points β€’ 04 Aug 23
  1. California's political climate has influenced therapists and their practice with children, especially regarding gender identity.
  2. Autistic children are susceptible to gender ideology due to social nonconformity and online exposure.
  3. Traditional public schooling is viewed as lacking in support for children's mental health, with homeschooling and unschooling being seen as more beneficial alternatives.
31 implied HN points β€’ 20 Mar 23
  1. Microaggressions can have a compounding negative effect on individuals over time.
  2. Bias Education and Support Teams (BEST) are prevalent on college campuses but can be controversial in their implementation.
  3. The concept of microaggressions and what is considered offensive can vary greatly among different groups of people.