The hottest Conspiracy Theories Substack posts right now

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eugyppius: a plague chronicle 177 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. A man from Magdeburg received 217 Covid vaccine jabs over 29 months, showing that achieving high antibody levels can prevent infection, with no negative health effects reported by researchers.
  2. The man's peculiar vaccination pattern raised questions about the investigation, incomplete jab data, and the feasibility of receiving so many doses without detection.
  3. The bizarre story prompts speculation about potential conspiracy theories regarding the man's extensive vaccination history and the challenges of verifying such a unique case.
Handwaving Freakoutery 237 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. The foundation of SETI uses the Drake Equation to estimate the existence of extraterrestrial life, similar to how an estimate could be made for the likelihood of someone shooting Trump.
  2. James Hankins' anti-diversity statement may signal shifts in ideologies and academic environments.
  3. Studies on topics such as car seat laws affecting fertility rates and brain structures defining self-perception shed light on various intriguing scientific findings.
Photo of the Day 275 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Ulysses S. Grant emphasized the importance of universal public education for both Black and White children as vital for a republic's survival.
  2. Grant believed in the necessity of intelligence among citizens to maintain a republic, cautioning against ignorance, superstition, and ambition overtaking patriotism.
  3. Historians warn that with internet-driven conspiracy theories and cult fetishes influencing government, society is on the verge of a perilous situation.
Moly’s Substack 334 implied HN points 27 Jan 24
  1. Censorship in China focuses on making the country look good, hiding negative information, and implying that other countries are just as bad.
  2. The Great Firewall of China is not very effective due to the widespread use of VPNs for accessing banned content.
  3. Chinese censorship also includes subtle methods, like controlling English education and promoting government-approved conspiracy theories.
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donaldjeffries 1788 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. Motives behind historical events may not always be clear, and distractions can mislead investigations.
  2. Powerful unseen forces may be orchestrating global events and manipulating personalities.
  3. Speculation surrounds who is truly in charge, with theories ranging from specific groups like Jews or Freemasons to an overarching concept like Satanists or the Illuminati.
Public 404 implied HN points 15 Dec 23
  1. There are connections between the leaders of the Censorship Industrial Complex and the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax.
  2. The Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) was involved in censoring content on social media, with links to the Russian collusion narrative.
  3. Various individuals and groups, including Zetalytics and members of the Clinton campaign, were tied to promoting the Trump-Russia collusion narrative and engaging in disinformation activities.
Break Free with Karen Hunt 1336 implied HN points 15 Jun 23
  1. Trump and Tucker are seen as dangerous for sharing a different perspective that challenges the mainstream narrative.
  2. The persecution of Trump and Tucker highlights the prevalence of censorship in America and the potential threat to free speech.
  3. The current societal and political landscape in America is compared to the oppressive conditions in the Soviet Union, raising concerns about control and loss of freedoms.
Proof 58 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. Donald Trump has been confusing Joe Biden with Barack Obama, and while some attribute it to dementia, Trump himself referenced a far-right conspiracy theory claiming Obama still runs the country.
  2. Trump's repeated mix-up of Obama and Biden may stem from his belief in a baseless conspiracy theory, which could be more concerning than signs of dementia.
  3. Understanding the historical context between Trump and Obama sheds light on Trump's peculiar behavior regarding the two former presidents.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle 104 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Germany's Green Party has contradictory stances on nuclear power and disarmament.
  2. Germany stands out for its Net Zero goals and aversion to nuclear energy compared to other countries.
  3. There is secrecy and mystery surrounding Germany's phasing out of nuclear power, raising questions and conspiracy theories.
OLD GOATS with Jonathan Alter 982 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running for President and could potentially be used by the right to attack Joe Biden.
  2. Despite his troubled past, Kennedy's candidacy is gaining some support, particularly from conservatives and younger voters.
  3. Kennedy's controversial views and history may make him a disruptive and polarizing figure in the upcoming election.
Wenhao’s news blog 255 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. In the wake of conflict between Israel and Hamas, antisemitism has been spreading on China's internet.
  2. Despite Beijing's call for ending violence, Chinese netizens strongly support Palestine and express dislike towards Jews.
  3. Conspiracy theories about Jews controlling politics and wealth have perpetuated antisemitism on China's internet for years.
Handwaving Freakoutery 667 implied HN points 26 Apr 23
  1. Zombies are fictional beings driven by a singular groupthink to spread their animus by attacking humans.
  2. Egregores, evolving groupthink entities on social media, may control human sense-making, leading to cancellation for those opposing them.
  3. There is concern that artificial intelligence may drive cultural wars and eventually turn individuals into soulless techno-zombies.
Who is Robert Malone 28 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. The global censorship-industrial complex plays a powerful role in distorting reality and preventing widespread awareness of the truth about COVID gene-based vaccines.
  2. Governments are resorting to heavy censorship, propaganda, and even criminalization to suppress information that challenges the safety and efficacy of COVID gene-based vaccines.
  3. There is ongoing effort to prevent distribution of factual information regarding the negative impacts of the global public health response to COVID, leading to alienation of moderate discussions and dissent.
Mule’s Musings 263 implied HN points 06 Sep 23
  1. The Taiwan AI conference had great slides and discussions on AI content and technology.
  2. There is a debunking of the 'Nvidia is a fraud' narrative, explaining reasons for recent actions by Nvidia.
  3. The complexity of internet-scale events can lead to conspiracy theories as people try to make sense of things beyond their understanding.
Proof 34 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. The article discusses a conspiracy theory that circulated on Twitter during the Super Bowl, involving Satanists and the Democratic Party infiltrating the event.
  2. The author points out the dangerous spread of disinformation by MAGA and Elon Musk on Twitter, highlighting the harm it can cause.
  3. The text highlights a pattern of conspiracy theories and misinformation spreading on social media platforms, influencing public opinion and creating division.
Brain Lenses 58 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. A conspiracy theory suggests that the internet is dominated by automated messages and bots, pushing humans out of online conversations.
  2. The increasing presence of AI-generated content raises concerns about overwhelming human-produced content and potential communication difficulties.
  3. There are worries that excessive AI content may lead to decreased human interaction on online platforms.
Weaponized 37 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Political violence in the US is increasing and becoming more targeted and high-impact.
  2. There is a significant rise in political violence by right-wing extremists with a focus on harming people.
  3. Belief in conspiracy theories and loss of faith in democratic processes are fueling the acceptance of violence as a means to achieve political goals.
Do Not Research 179 implied HN points 24 Jul 23
  1. The study delves into the world of conspiracy theories and how they are propagated in today's media landscape.
  2. Conspiracies like chemtrails and 5G illustrate people's desire to find hidden meanings in complex societal and technological issues.
  3. Conspiratorial thinking is often a means of holding those in power accountable and seeking a sense of empowerment.
OLD GOATS with Jonathan Alter 255 implied HN points 19 Mar 23
  1. The 'October Surprise' in 1980 involved efforts by Ronald Reagan's campaign manager to delay the release of American hostages until after the election.
  2. Despite the alleged interference, the hostages were eventually negotiated for release by Jimmy Carter in late 1980 and early 1981.
  3. The October Surprise theories extended to later scandals like Iran-Contra and involved complex international dealings that were closely intertwined.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 15 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. The disintegration of America is believed to be caused by internal factors like financialization of the economy and wealth concentration, as well as external influences like Russian disinformation.
  2. Misinformation and conspiracies have been fueled by the fast, reactive, and emotionally-driven nature of social media, creating a sense of urgency and blurring the line between what is emotionally urgent and what is genuinely important.
  3. As society grapples with a reality where traditional definitions and concepts are losing meaning, there is a need to find ways to address the confusion, mistrust, and division to move towards a more coherent and unified collective movement.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 6 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Jared Yates Sexton offers a sharp analysis of right-wing authoritarianism, Christian nationalism, and conspiracy theory culture from ancient Rome to today.
  2. Sexton traces the rise of these political elements, examining their historical roots and the impact on modern society.
  3. The American Dream and current social structures are evolving, leading to a battle over what will replace them and shape the future.
Cybersect 137 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. To take a forensics image of Hunter Biden's laptop drive, a similar model MacBook Pro is needed with a non-standard hard-drive connector.
  2. Experts can provide inaccurate opinions when not directly involved or without thorough research.
  3. Asking techies to comment without detailed work can lead to biased conclusions and contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories.
Wenhao’s news blog 176 implied HN points 12 May 23
  1. China accuses the US of developing genetically engineered weapons targeting specific races, including Chinese, European, and Middle Eastern
  2. The accusation is based on an old Chinese state media article from 20 years ago, not recent revelations by the Wall Street Journal as claimed
  3. Activist Tong Zeng has been linking various events, such as the SARS outbreak and Covid-19 pandemic, to alleged US biological warfare activities
The Leftovers 199 implied HN points 04 Jan 23
  1. Fools convinced of a supposed revelation can be dangerous, leading to calamity if they believe they see hidden truths others can't.
  2. Conspiracy theories often oversimplify and focus on baroque explanations for obvious phenomena, when the real issues are visible to everyone.
  3. The Matrix, a movie from the '90s, is relevant even today as it symbolizes a collective alienation that still exists, highlighting society's struggles for credible answers.