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Who is Robert Malone β€’ 38 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. Media is deemed to be in a battle of information warfare and propaganda, affecting freedom and truth.
  2. Journalists and individuals like Tucker Carlson and Lara Logan are targeted, facing false accusations and censorship for pursuing free speech and truth.
  3. Governments and media organizations collaborate on censorship, shaping narratives, and influencing public opinion, ultimately affecting freedom of speech and democracy.
CrashOut by Ioan Grillo β€’ 530 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jun 23
  1. Cartels in Mexico use narrative warfare to depict strength and control in their propaganda videos.
  2. There are unproven claims linking U.S. weapons to Mexican cartels through a video circulating on social media.
  3. Cartels in Mexico have access to heavy weapons, sparking concern about escalating violence and an ongoing arms race.
The Corbett Report β€’ 26 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 24
  1. A scientific study claimed that human breathing contributes to climate change by emitting methane and nitrous oxide. However, the study's conclusions are statistically questionable and heavily biased.
  2. The study raises concerns about the underlying agenda behind such research, hinting at a dark narrative that demonizes human existence and suggests population control as a solution.
  3. The propaganda surrounding climate change, such as 'climate anxiety,' is being used to manipulate people into believing that human life itself is the problem. It is vital to recognize the sacredness of life and resist such destructive ideologies.
Thinking about... β€’ 392 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jun 23
  1. Putin is not as popular as assumed, with signs of apathy and readiness for a new exploitative regime among Russians.
  2. Prigozhin posed a threat to Putin by leveraging similar tactics and assets, showcasing the extractive nature of the Russian state.
  3. Prigozhin's mutiny exposed truths about the war, shedding light on the internal divisions and potential future power struggles within Russia.
TL;DRussia β€’ 353 implied HN points β€’ 25 Mar 23
  1. The author uses their newsletter as a form of therapy to deal with anxiety and discomfort.
  2. The author reflects on the positive response to their Twitter threads and news analysis, while also considering potential biases in their thinking.
  3. The author recommends reading investigative reports on Russian propaganda, military-industrial control, and Western companies' involvement in Russia to understand the political landscape better.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 438 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 23
  1. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis published a misleading graph suggesting China spends more on military than the US, but in reality, the US military budget is three times larger.
  2. The graph's depiction of military expenditure by different countries was misleading due to the use of separate axes for China and the US, creating a false impression.
  3. China's military spending, when looked at accurately, is much smaller than the US when considering GDP percentage, per capita measurement, and even in comparison to other top spenders.
Wenhao’s news blog β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 20 Dec 23
  1. Chinese vloggers on platforms like Bilibili are glorifying Hamas through cosplay and posts.
  2. Many in China see Hamas as engaged in a legitimate national liberation struggle, despite being designated a terrorist organization by the US and other countries.
  3. Support for Hamas among Chinese internet users is influenced by China's official position and anti-US sentiment, especially among the younger generation.
Who is Robert Malone β€’ 12 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 24
  1. In warfare, the tactic of divide and conquer involves splitting enemy forces, isolating them, and attacking each group separately to weaken overall strength.
  2. In modern PsyWar and hybrid warfare, synthetic controversies are created to sow discord, weaken opposition, and consolidate power by exploiting emotions and opinions rather than facts.
  3. Creating and promoting controversies related to someone's behavior, beliefs, or feeling of belonging can be strategically used to advance objectives by generating buzz and dividing communities in a PsyWar context.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. Being hypervigilant and expecting extreme crises may make us miss subtle, gradual tactics that could be used against us.
  2. The strategy of the opposition may shift from one big event to a series of smaller, ongoing crises to wear down resistance.
  3. To combat the potential 'Nothingburger Reset,' we must stay prepared for the unexpected, build resilience, and be vigilant against deception.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 637 implied HN points β€’ 15 Apr 22
  1. The New York Times published a smear piece attacking an independent journalist, Benjamin Norton, without giving him a chance to comment, revealing a history of false propaganda tactics.
  2. The article dismissed factual statements about the US-sponsored coup in Ukraine as 'conspiracy theory,' despite evidence of US government involvement in coups worldwide.
  3. Prominent voices like University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer have acknowledged the US government's role in starting the war in Ukraine, while mainstream media attempts to dismiss these truths as 'conspiracy theories.'
the wiczipedia weekly β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jul 23
  1. The Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin's troll empire faced challenges after a coup attempt and dissolution of Patriot Media Group.
  2. Prigozhin's troll operations were not the most effective and struggled to adapt to changes in social media platforms.
  3. With Russian information war tactics evolving, adversaries may focus on amplifying existing discord in the US rather than relying solely on traditional troll farms.
Humanities in Revolt β€’ 219 implied HN points β€’ 15 Apr 23
  1. The American public's support for the Iraq War was influenced by fear, false beliefs, and failures in critical thinking.
  2. Journalists in the mainstream media played a role in amplifying unsubstantiated claims about the war and failed to question authority.
  3. Fear-based appeals and manipulative tactics, like circular reasoning, were used to justify the Iraq War.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 897 implied HN points β€’ 15 Oct 21
  1. The FBI used anarchism to disrupt the left and demonize targets like Vietnam and the USSR.
  2. Anarchist ideology was seen as a powerful tool in the FBI's COINTELPRO to destabilize leftist movements.
  3. The FBI created underground zines and newspapers like The Workshop to spread confusion and attack leftist leaders.
The Carousel β€’ 25 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 24
  1. TV commercials are now dominated by pharma ads due to a loophole in FDA regulations that allowed direct-to-consumer advertising.
  2. The surge in pharma ads on TV is driven by the need to maintain high revenue levels, even after the initial spike during the pandemic.
  3. Pharma ads target older demographics through traditional TV advertising, as other industries shift more towards digital and social media.
Thinking about... β€’ 141 implied HN points β€’ 04 May 23
  1. Russian authorities blamed Ukraine for an explosion over the Kremlin without evidence, raising doubts about their claims.
  2. The staged incident at the Kremlin could be a Russian ploy to justify war crimes and rally public support for the war in Ukraine.
  3. Canceling parades commemorating the victory of the Red Army may have been an underlying motive for staging the attack at the Kremlin.
Natto Thoughts β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 06 Oct 23
  1. Apple faced challenges complying with Chinese regulations, leading to restrictions on its business in China, despite its efforts.
  2. US defense officials have revised assumptions about cyber warfare, realizing that cyber attacks may be less impactful in shooting wars than previously thought.
  3. A Chinese programmer had their earnings from GitHub confiscated by a local public security bureau for using a VPN, sparking concerns about the impact on professionals who rely on VPNs for work outside China.
Weaponized β€’ 74 implied HN points β€’ 18 Aug 23
  1. Russia is utilizing right-wing influence campaigns to undermine support for Ukraine by exploiting Hawaii's tragedy
  2. The initial narrative was spread through repetition, reuse of existing content, and timing of tweets, indicating coordination and inauthentic activity
  3. Russian state media such as RT and Sputnik have amplified the narrative, showcasing the link between Russian state media and intelligence in spreading disinformation