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The Heart Attack Diet 79 implied HN points 11 Nov 23
  1. Experiencing a rapid and noticeable weight loss during illness can be linked to the body's innate mechanisms prioritizing burning stored energy reserves over intake.
  2. The interplay between Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) may impact metabolism and fat burning, potentially influencing appetite and weight.
  3. Consistent adjustments in diet composition, such as controlling BCAA levels and PUFA consumption, can play a role in weight management and overall well-being.
Experimental Fat Loss 106 implied HN points 07 Oct 23
  1. Outlier 17 lost a significant amount of weight on the Half-Tato diet, which was only 50% potatoes and 50% regular food, with the main focus on how her approach ties into eliminating PUFAs, limiting protein intake, and focusing on a specific macronutrient.
  2. The Half-Tato diet study compared to other experiments led to observations that avoiding PUFAs, keeping protein intake low, and following a specific macro balance might contribute significantly to weight loss.
  3. Outlier 17's success might be due to factors like avoidance of PUFAs, low protein intake, and focus on a specific macro balance, indicating potential keys to effective weight loss.
Prime Cuts Newsletter 216 implied HN points 25 May 23
  1. Popular weight loss approaches may not be sustainable, leading to the YoYo Effect.
  2. The NoYo Protocol offers a blueprint for sustainable weight loss without the YoYo cycle.
  3. The protocol includes specific behaviors like eating high protein and fats, avoiding calorie restrictions, intermittent fasting, and focusing on the psychology of creating a lean self-concept.
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The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 16 Nov 23
  1. The author questions why certain weight loss methods worked or didn't work for them, highlighting the complexities of weight management.
  2. Observations around the effects of different diets on energy levels and weight gain in individuals raise doubts about conventional theories and practices.
  3. The post explores discrepancies between personal experiences and mainstream medical advice, prompting readers to reflect on their own health beliefs and experiences.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 31 Oct 23
  1. Mysterious pizza cravings were fixed by a pizza, and the aching legs might have been connected.
  2. Experimenting with different types of cream and predicting water-weight loss and ketosis for weight management.
  3. The author plans to start a new iteration of their diet, hoping for successful weight loss despite challenges and setbacks.
Are You Okay? 199 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. Decouple exercise from weight loss and worthiness to establish a healthier relationship with physical activity.
  2. Exercise doesn't always directly lead to weight loss, so focus on making exercise fun, social, and sustainable instead of solely aiming for shedding pounds.
  3. Mix up your exercise routine to prevent overuse injuries and set realistic goals for long-term success, while allowing yourself rest days without feeling guilty.
Experimental Fat Loss 141 implied HN points 27 May 23
  1. Eating high protein might hinder fat loss on Keto/Carnivore diets; consider reducing protein intake.
  2. Popular Keto/Carnivore diets emphasize high protein, but excessive protein intake may not be suitable for everyone.
  3. Moderating protein intake and focusing on adequate fat consumption is essential for maintaining a balanced diet on Keto/Carnivore.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 23 Nov 23
  1. The experiment with ex150ish-4-sour-cream-lowish-protein-recarb was successful with a weight loss of 2.5kg in roughly four weeks.
  2. Eating sour cream and crème fraîche seemed to work the same as double cream for the author.
  3. Switching from Mom Test to ex150ish was able to undo rapid weight gain from eating normally, providing a successful weight loss strategy.
The Heart Attack Diet 79 implied HN points 24 Aug 23
  1. Don't take weight loss advice from people who have always been in good shape or those who have never had weight issues; listen to those who have successfully gone from fat to thin.
  2. Just like in sports coaching, the best weight loss coaches are often individuals who had to work hard to achieve their own success and can relate to the challenges others face.
  3. When receiving advice for weight loss or sports, trying harder is not always the solution; focus on building the right form and understanding the essence of the guidance provided.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 21 Sep 23
  1. The author is visiting family and indulging in delicious home-cooked food without worrying about weight or strict diets.
  2. The author is experimenting with tracking body temperature and thyroid dose instead of weight to see how it affects energy levels and weight.
  3. There is a sense of curiosity and openness to different outcomes regarding weight and health, with a mix of expectation and uncertainty.
Are You Okay? 139 implied HN points 24 Mar 23
  1. Shame around eating can lead to complicated relationships with food and body image. It's important to rewrite the script by understanding that weight doesn't equate to worth and food is essential for fuel.
  2. Anxiety and social challenges can sometimes lead to coping mechanisms like alcohol use, which can have negative impacts on health. It's crucial to find ways to socialize and connect with others without relying on substances.
  3. Listening to hunger cues, experiencing satiety, and meeting basic biological needs are important steps in breaking the cycle of body shame. Tools like Ozempic can be helpful for managing weight and providing a sense of agency.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 05 Nov 23
  1. The author's weight loss journey with ex150ish-4 started well but faced challenges like a sudden illness during a choir performance.
  2. Despite feeling unwell, the author managed to push through the choir concert successfully by buying medication to alleviate symptoms temporarily.
  3. The author reflects on the impact of the diet amidst challenges like illness and social events, pondering its effects on well-being.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. The author is experimenting with a diet called ex150ish-3, which involves low protein, very low carb, and high fat intake. This diet seems to induce ketosis and is leading to rapid weight loss.
  2. During the first week of ex150ish-3, the author experienced mild headaches and some episodes of listlessness, but overall felt energetic. Despite rapid weight loss, the author noted a lack of hunger and difficulty eating.
  3. The author is considering a new hypothesis that ex150-type diets help regulate fat stores, while heart-attack-keto diets may disrupt this balance and lead to weight gain. The five constant diet rules the author follows are no-PUFAs, no-sulphites, no-willpower, no-goodharting, and don't-be-a-psycho.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 03 Sep 23
  1. Sudden and unexplained changes in weight can be perplexing and may not have straightforward explanations.
  2. Health improvements from dietary changes can have unexpected side effects, like sudden fatigue or sensitivity to substances like coffee.
  3. It's important to observe trends in health changes over time and not jump to immediate conclusions based on short-term fluctuations.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 11 Aug 23
  1. The author is trying a new diet called heart-attack-keto that focuses on low carb intake and avoiding certain foods.
  2. They are monitoring aspects like water-weight loss, energy levels, and actual body fat weight loss to see the diet's effectiveness.
  3. The author is committed to sticking with the heart-attack-keto diet for as long as it makes sense, but is open to switching back to their previous diet if needed.
Are You Okay? 119 implied HN points 10 Feb 23
  1. Ozempic is a useful tool for managing weight, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Other treatment modalities should be considered alongside medication.
  2. The discussion around health effects of alcohol can be nuanced - not all recommendations apply universally to everyone.
  3. It's important to approach weight loss and health in a holistic way, considering various factors like societal, genetic, hormonal, behavioral, nutritional, and psychological influences.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 28 Jul 23
  1. The author experimented with different diets and observed a notable difference in how their body reacted to various types of food, indicating a potential issue with carbohydrate metabolism.
  2. Avoiding certain substances like PUFAs and sulphites, while consuming normal foods ad lib, seemed to aid in weight loss and maintenance effortlessly.
  3. The author's experience suggests that certain dietary restrictions and nutritional adjustments can have a significant impact on overall well-being, showcasing the importance of investigating individual metabolic responses to food.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 21 Sep 23
  1. The author shares their experience of regaining appetite and energy after a period of almost no appetite and significant weight loss.
  2. Engaging in activities like cold showers and swimming in cold water helps the author manage overheating and boosts their energy levels.
  3. Despite focusing on fixing the boat and feeling energetic, the author reflects on their weight loss journey and the impact of reintroducing carbohydrates to their diet.
Torture Chamber Small Talk 79 implied HN points 21 Apr 23
  1. Weight loss drugs like Ozempic can have serious side effects but are increasingly popular for cosmetic weight loss.
  2. Beauty standards and societal pressures play a significant role in the obsession with appearance and weight loss.
  3. Health should be the priority over beauty, and extreme measures like weight loss drugs should only be considered for health reasons, not just aesthetic purposes.
The Heart Attack Diet 59 implied HN points 28 Jun 23
  1. Following a strict diet like ex150ish can have different effects on energy levels and health.
  2. Headaches and other symptoms can occur when transitioning to a new diet, like ex150ish, but they may not always be related to the diet itself.
  3. Sharing personal experiences and documenting progress can be helpful for oneself and potentially for others who might be on a similar journey.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 26 Aug 23
  1. Refeeding syndrome can occur after a period of no carbs, causing symptoms like exhaustion and lethargy.
  2. Unexpected weight fluctuations can happen when transitioning from a low-carb diet, often involving regaining and losing water weight.
  3. Maintaining ketosis may not always result in the same energy boost for everyone, as energy levels can vary based on individual reactions to carbohydrate intake.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 20 Aug 23
  1. The author experienced different physical and mental effects while trying the Heart Attack Keto diet, such as running out of mental energy and experiencing 'the ghost of a headache,' indicating possible signs of going into ketosis.
  2. Despite some changes in weight and energy levels, the author did not notice the same spectacular water-weight loss or enhanced mood and energy as with a previous diet, leading to mixed feelings about the effectiveness of the Heart Attack Keto diet.
  3. The author is unsure about the impact of the diet on actual fat loss and is considering returning to their previous diet to observe any changes, highlighting the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the outcomes of following the Heart Attack Keto plan.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 05 Aug 23
  1. The author created a graph displaying their weight fluctuations over time, highlighting a period of weight gain and subsequent weight loss.
  2. The data suggests that changes in diet rules, like eliminating sulphites and participating in specific exercises, influenced the author's weight trends.
  3. The graph analysis led the author to question the impact of different diet components, metabolic changes, and adjustments in medication on their weight and overall health.
semaglutide 39 implied HN points 16 Mar 23
  1. Be wary of potential deadly side effects of popular weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy.
  2. Weight Watchers and NHS are incorporating weight loss drugs like Wegovy into their programs.
  3. The high costs and potential health risks associated with weight loss medications raise concerns about accessibility and effectiveness.
The Heart Attack Diet 19 implied HN points 29 Jul 23
  1. The author reminisces about a rowing event called Bumps Week, known for its chaotic and dangerous nature, where rowing boats race each other closely along a narrow river.
  2. Despite heavy drinking and indulging in unhealthy foods during Bumps Week, the author notices a surprising downward trend in body weight, leading to concerns about possible underlying health issues.
  3. The author reflects on the importance of taking care of health, considering the impact of alcohol consumption and the need to address potential weight loss with medical advice.
The Heart Attack Diet 19 implied HN points 27 Jun 23
  1. During a water weight loss period when following a ketogenic diet, one might experience mild headaches due to electrolyte depletion.
  2. Ketosis, the process of burning fat for fuel and producing ketones, is a mechanism specific to humans to sustain brain function during low carbohydrate intake.
  3. Long-term ketosis may not be ideal, but it appears to be an evolutionary adaptation for humans during periods of carbohydrate scarcity.