The hottest Capital Substack posts right now

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Top Finance Topics
The Dollar Endgame 259 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Institutions are requesting the Fed to exclude Treasuries from their leverage ratios post the Bank Term Funding Program, which is causing concern within the financial industry.
  2. Capital requirements in banks are crucial for preventing insolvency, with risk-based and leverage ratios being the two main types of requirements.
  3. Leverage ratios do not consider the risk levels of assets and require banks to maintain a specific ratio of capital to assets, helping ensure financial stability.
The Future, Now and Then 144 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. Gravitational impact of money increases with scale, where extreme wealth creates societal problems beyond personal purchasing power.
  2. Tech billionaires accumulating astronomical sums of money have industry-warping and societal impacts, shaping the future and institutions.
  3. The concentration of vast capital in the hands of a few leads to comical ineptitude and problems society struggles to address, highlighting flaws in the tax system.
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Without Warning 39 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. The purpose of stress tests for banks in peacetime is not necessarily to predict future crises, but to ensure banks have enough capital and that the tests are tough and variable.
  2. It's important for stress test scenarios to change and remain tough to prevent banks from manipulating their capital levels and misrepresenting their financial health.
  3. The public stress test process during peacetime may not have a significant impact on capital allocation to the banking sector, unlike crisis-time stress tests.
RegAlert 0 implied HN points 14 Jun 23
  1. The Central Bank of Nigeria has issued a revised guideline on regulatory capital for non-interest banks in Nigeria.
  2. Financial institutions in Nigeria are required to adhere to the updated capital requirements outlined in the guidelines.
  3. The Exposure Draft of the Revised Guidelines on Regulatory Capital for Non-Interest Banks in Nigeria is available for download on the CBN website.