The hottest Economic Policies Substack posts right now

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Richard Hanania's Newsletter β€’ 2487 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 24
  1. Anti-woke sentiments can be divided into those focused on discrimination and those on government interference with markets.
  2. Market forces and incentives help maintain safety standards in industries like aviation, outweighing concerns over diversity initiatives.
  3. Regulations unrelated to diversity issues, like arbitrary training standards, can sometimes have more tangible and negative impacts on industries than DEI policies.
Laetitia@Work β€’ 491 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jan 24
  1. Xi Jinping and Emmanuel Macron both urge their citizens to have more babies, but their approaches may fail.
  2. Discussions about birth rates should focus on essential issues like childcare, healthcare, and workplace equality.
  3. Boosting fertility involves supporting working mothers, fighting discrimination, and improving care infrastructures.
Cold Eye Earth (formerly The Gregor Letter) β€’ 216 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. The US economy is booming with balanced growth, largely due to increased investment in infrastructure and domestic output.
  2. Coal in the US power sector is declining steeply, soon to be surpassed by combined wind and solar energy sources.
  3. Emissions reduction progress in the US has slowed significantly, especially with rising natural gas consumption and transport sector emissions.
Global Community Weekly (GloCom) β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jan 24
  1. President Milei's speech at 2024 WEF highlighted the negative impact of interventionism on small businesses and families.
  2. Big corporations and global leaders support interventionism to maintain power and control over citizens, while the burden falls on the middle class and small businesses.
  3. Acceptance of destructive policies by global leaders is driven by fear, resulting in economic struggles for the middle class and small businesses.
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The Tweetsift Report β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 23
  1. The US debt has reached $31 trillion, hitting small businesses hard.
  2. Inflation has surged to a 40-year high of 9.1%, posing a significant challenge for many Americans.
  3. Efforts are being made to improve tax compliance by raising IRS funding, potentially leading to higher taxes for some individuals and businesses.