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Uncharted Territories β€’ 2162 implied HN points β€’ 04 Sep 23
  1. Women and men think differently due to biological differences like having a uterus, leading to significant psychological variations.
  2. Men and women face different stakes in relationships and reproduction, with women having higher commitments and limitations due to their reproductive capacity.
  3. Evolutionary factors have shaped men to compete for access to females, leading to traits like dominance, aggression, physical strength, and risk-taking behavior.
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Neuro Athletics β€’ 17 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 24
  1. Your physiology and biochemistry, not your circumstances, play a key role in determining your potential and performance.
  2. Optimizing recovery is crucial for reaching peak performance, reducing risks of burnout and enhancing physiological resilience.
  3. Personalized approaches that consider unique biochemical and physiological profiles are vital in unlocking individual potential for peak performance.
Weekly Wisdom β€’ 159 implied HN points β€’ 08 Dec 22
  1. Breathwork is essential since the breath is a constant companion, affecting both body and mind.
  2. Various breathing techniques can be used for specific effects like calming the nervous system, increasing alertness, or improving oxygen absorption.
  3. Understanding the different elements of breathing, such as nostrils, lungs, and techniques like Breath of Fire, can lead to improved well-being and mind-body connection.
Autoscriptorium β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 27 Apr 23
  1. Bile is described as irritability and prickliness, associated with making choices and rejecting alternatives.
  2. In American business culture, showing bile or criticism is often viewed negatively, seen as a flaw in character.
  3. The theory of temperament based on humours, like black bile and yellow bile, influences personality traits and physical symptoms.