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skry 58 implied HN points 09 Mar 23
  1. Avatar-Centered Design is essential in the metaverse and web3 to understand avatars' significance and influence.
  2. The increasing importance of digital avatars is driven by trends like self-expression, NFTs, and avatar interoperability.
  3. For Avatar-Centered Design, it's crucial to consider questions about avatar interoperability, value sources, and point of transfer.
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sonsofcrypto 19 implied HN points 06 Oct 23
  1. Web3 is often reliant on proprietary web2 APIs, compromising decentralization.
  2. Web3 wallets should aim to connect to the blockchain directly for data, avoiding centralized services.
  3. To enhance mass adoption, web3 products need to be user-friendly, mobile-compatible, and focus on decentralization.
The Modern World Builder ✧Tips For Collective Lorecraft 39 implied HN points 11 Jun 23
  1. Creators struggle with the balance of ownership and distribution on traditional platforms.
  2. Interface leverages Web3 interoperability to streamline discoverability for on-chain creators.
  3. Interface offers a seamless onboarding experience by aggregating on-chain content from various platforms.
The ZenMode 42 implied HN points 10 Mar 23
  1. Web3 is the decentralized version of the internet, aiming to eliminate intermediaries and give users more control over their data.
  2. To learn Web3, start by understanding blockchain, cryptocurrencies, dApps, smart contracts, and NFTs, then move on to more advanced topics and experiment with tools.
  3. Engage with the Web3 community, join online communities, attend events, follow industry leaders, and keep learning as the technology evolves.
⚔️ LexNews+ ⚖️ 39 implied HN points 22 Feb 23
  1. LexDAO is actively involved in legal and regulatory debates with upcoming events and opportunities.
  2. New membership types are being proposed for 'Internet-native organizations' to expand the LexDAO community.
  3. Members like Anson Parker and Kyler56 are recognized for their valuable contributions, showcasing a culture of appreciation and engagement within LexDAO.
Jack’s Decentralized Stack 39 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. Polygon has experienced significant growth by offering a feature set that scales Ethereum and focuses on mainstream adoption.
  2. Polygon's team includes experienced individuals from major organizations like YouTube, Airbnb, and Electronic Arts.
  3. Polygon's partnerships with companies like Nike, Starbucks, and Neowiz showcase its appeal for mainstream adoption in Web3.
The Modern World Builder ✧Tips For Collective Lorecraft 39 implied HN points 05 Mar 23
  1. Being a content creator can lead to feeling pressured and losing authenticity in the pursuit of chasing quantity over quality.
  2. Switching to more intimate social platforms can foster more meaningful connections with readers and fellow creators.
  3. Authenticity and vulnerability are key to standing out in a saturated content landscape.
Crypto Good 26 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are reshaping the future of work by living and experimenting with new methods in real-time.
  2. DAOs are fundamentally different by design, reimagining work on the decentralized web and setting new standards.
  3. The future of work may be led by DAOs powered by sovereign individuals, AI, and high technology.
Crypto Good 3 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. Non-transferable NFTs are changing the speculative culture of Web3 by focusing on earned tokens that can't be bought or sold.
  2. These non-transferable tokens showcase individuals' complex identities, opening up social and economic opportunities online and offline.
  3. The use of non-transferable NFTs can lead Web3 into the mainstream by emphasizing self-sovereign decentralized identities.
Ronin’s Newsletter 0 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. The Kaidro Universe is expanding to include a new multiplayer action RPG within the Ronin Movement, starting as a webcomic and evolving into a multimedia experience.
  2. Gadget-Bot, the studio behind Kaidro, has an impressive background working on major projects such as Jurassic World and Transformers, collaborating with talent like Tim Hedrick from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  3. Kaidro will introduce a story-driven multiplayer action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where players will battle magic users with mechs, offering a mix of PvP, PvE, and questing.
Ronin’s Newsletter 0 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. The Machines Arena skins are now mintable as NFTs on Ronin, allowing you to trade them with other players.
  2. The Machines Arena team has received awards for their game development, including Best Web3 Game from the GDWC.
  3. Players can earn rewards by signing up for The Machines Arena's Season 3 Closed Beta Test, including exclusive skins that can also be minted as NFTs.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 10 Dec 21
  1. Web3 is a new internet concept aiming to decentralize control through cryptocurrency systems.
  2. Presearch is an example of a Web3 service offering users payments for data and computing power contributions.
  3. Web3 is gaining attention as the potential future of the web, with support from influential figures and tech lobbyists.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 22
  1. The rise of web3 platforms like Mirror is changing how writers monetize their content, moving away from ads and grants towards market speculation and tokenizing their work.
  2. Mirror blurs the line between readers and investors, offering backers a stake in the digital assets created by writers, fundamentally altering the traditional relationship between creators and their audience.
  3. While platforms like Mirror offer new financial opportunities for writers, the shift towards a tokenized creative environment raises questions about the true value placed on artistic expression versus financial gain.
Crypto Good 0 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. Impact DAOs are decentralized organizations focused on doing good for people and the planet.
  2. Core purpose is crucial and should drive all actions, not just be an afterthought.
  3. Advantages of Impact DAOs include global participation, borderless setup, and decentralized decision-making.
skry 0 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. The NFT Lore Layer consists of on-chain assets, storytelling, and a sub-community.
  2. Lore Layer projects redefine the concept of a 'platform' in Web3 by leveraging existing communities without being tied to a specific platform.
  3. Advances in gaming technology are enabling the integration of gaming, storytelling, and community building in the Lore Layer framework.
sonsofcrypto 0 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. aims to be the best platform for tracking NFT portfolios and emphasizes the importance of royalties to empower creators and decentralize the system.
  2. Collaboration with partners who share the vision of adding real value to NFTs beyond speculation is a key focus for
  3. The future of NFT marketplaces may involve specialization, decentralized systems like ZK technology for privacy, and the continued development of utility-driven web3 applications.