The hottest Capitalism Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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72 Degrees North 39 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. Life can sometimes present unwinnable situations where moving on is the best option.
  2. People may engage in unwinnable games like pursuing unattainable goals in relationships or falling into abusive patterns.
  3. Corporate work under capitalism shares similarities with abusive relationships, using small rewards and big punishments to keep workers captive.
Banana Peel Pirouette 158 implied HN points 29 Aug 23
  1. The GOP platform shows a contradiction between social conservatism and economic conservatism.
  2. Under a capitalist system, traditional values are challenged by the free market's constant evolution.
  3. The emergence of new social dynamics, such as the decline in church attendance and changing family structures, can be attributed to the effects of capitalism.
Neckar’s Notes 234 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. A long attention span is valuable in achieving good results, especially if you're reasonably smart.
  2. Being remorselessly rational holds vast power in life, as seen in the example of Henry Singleton.
  3. Fanatics who focus on one or two great businesses tend to get the best results.
The 21st Century Proletarian 79 implied HN points 21 Oct 23
  1. The desire for Starbucks might be a yearning for a communal space like communism, highlighting how economic systems affect our social interactions.
  2. Third places, like coffee houses or the Agora in ancient Athens, play a crucial role in fostering community, political consciousness, and social connections.
  3. The shift from real-life third places to online bubbles has led to increased loneliness, with digital interactions lacking the depth and variety of human connections found in physical communal spaces.
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God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger 15 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Reading and listening resources curated for sharing on Fridays, with a mix of links and other content sources.
  2. Challenges facing net-zero targets, particularly on assumptions about oil, gas, and coal use, leading to necessary revisions by companies and financial services.
  3. Discussion on imperialism, US involvement in wars abroad, and the relationship to capitalism, highlighting war as a significant economic driver in certain contexts.
The Carousel 25 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. TV commercials are now dominated by pharma ads due to a loophole in FDA regulations that allowed direct-to-consumer advertising.
  2. The surge in pharma ads on TV is driven by the need to maintain high revenue levels, even after the initial spike during the pandemic.
  3. Pharma ads target older demographics through traditional TV advertising, as other industries shift more towards digital and social media.
The Leftovers 219 implied HN points 05 Feb 23
  1. The city is constantly evolving and being impacted by the dynamics of capitalism.
  2. Urban capital accumulation leads to the homogenization of city spaces, diminishing social opportunities and diversity.
  3. A solution to combat the negative impacts of capitalism on cities is through collective efforts to re-socialize spaces and address urban alienation.
Brain Lenses 19 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Max Weber coined the term 'iron cage' to describe how modern humans are enclosed within capitalistic systems with strict structures.
  2. The structures of capitalism and bureaucracies have created an almost indestructible shell that governs social, relational, and resource management aspects of our lives.
  3. Many people operate within this 'iron cage' without realizing the system they are enclosed in.
Black Lodges 19 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Reject barbarism by focusing on mutual aid networks and refusal of labor.
  2. Violence may be necessary to establish democratic control over labor and profits.
  3. Consider the use of violence in response to capitalist resistance to genuine organization efforts.
Black Lodges 19 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The writer expresses urgency for action towards total revolution.
  2. There is a strong rejection of soft cultural approaches and a call to oppose capitalist powers.
  3. The writer emphasizes the importance of sharing and supporting the publication.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 17 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. Transitioning from Capitalism to Technofeudalism involves the integration of digital technology and privatization of the Internet.
  2. Holochain presents an alternative to blockchain, emphasizing user autonomy and decentralization.
  3. Building diverse currencies tailored to specific community needs can promote resilience and cooperation in contrast to traditional monetary exchange.
Geopolitical Economy Report 219 implied HN points 27 Sep 22
  1. Colombia's President declared 'The war on drugs has failed,' pointing out that drug addiction is a social issue linked to capitalism's 'addiction to money and oil.'
  2. Gustavo Petro emphasized that peace with the planet is necessary for peace between nations, condemning the Global North for its treatment of refugees and migrants.
  3. Petro warned that the focus on profit and irrational power is leading to environmental destruction and climate disaster, calling for an end to the war on drugs and all conflicts.
Black Lodges 39 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. The concept of bourgeois legality as a facade for ruling class violence is crucial to understanding power dynamics in the 21st century West.
  2. In the face of government crackdowns, it is essential to move beyond illusions of freedom and work towards a strategic response.
  3. Recognizing the true power structures and oppressive nature of the capitalist class is key to offering a meaningful future by acting accordingly.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 59 implied HN points 15 Aug 23
  1. Fourth Wave Feminism hijacking the FIFA Women’s World Cup, turning it into a platform for identity politics and woke Neo-Marxism.
  2. Channel 9's portrayal of women's economic power at odds with the reality of corporate influence and manipulation in cultural narratives.
  3. The societal dynamics suggest that women have cultural and social power but do not face oppression, despite the narrative pushed by certain media outlets.
Geopolitical Economy Report 199 implied HN points 31 Aug 22
  1. Malaysian ex-PM warns US is trying to start a war with China over Taiwan.
  2. Imperialism is described as rooted in capitalism, enabling economic exploitation of the Global South.
  3. There is a critique on unrestricted capitalism leading to monopolies, disinterest in social needs, and imbalance in trade relationships.
The 21st Century Proletarian 39 implied HN points 06 Aug 23
  1. Socialism is facing challenges in the current political landscape, with capitalism prevailing as the dominant system.
  2. The increasing immersion in digital worlds through technologies like VR may distract us from addressing real-world problems and fuel isolation and inequality.
  3. Hyper-personalization and isolation in virtual spaces could hinder political engagement, highlighting the importance of real-life connections for meaningful change.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 27 implied HN points 29 Aug 23
  1. The Burning Man festival has shifted from its original vision and become more focused on wealth and status, losing its self-parody and social critique.
  2. Burning Man now reflects a culture of hollow hedonism and narcissism, with art and experiences tailored for Instagram and wealthy attendees.
  3. The lack of a meaningful critique on societal issues within Burning Man and the psychedelic renaissance highlights a need for collective action and political activism.
Geopolitical Economy Report 119 implied HN points 19 Jan 22
  1. The US banks profited greatly during the Covid-19 pandemic despite millions dying, indicating a stark wealth disparity.
  2. Capitalist oligarchs gained $5 trillion during the pandemic while a vast majority of people suffered financially.
  3. The US government largely neglected its people during the pandemic, resulting in high death tolls and emphasizing the stark individualistic nature of the country's response.
The Permanent Problem 4 HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. There is a global trend of declining fertility rates, leading to population shrinkage in many countries.
  2. The decline in fertility rates is a fundamental issue affecting society's ability to innovate, be productive, and flourish.
  3. The author suggests that the current capitalist system is failing globally as an engine of social progress, and alternative social arrangements are needed.
Wheel’s Substack 19 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. Labour-inclusive capitalism promotes the idea of collaboration between capital and labor for optimal capitalism.
  2. Some perspectives view UBI as exclusionary and ableist due to the focus on labor inclusion and agency.
  3. Labor-inclusive capitalism dominates the ideology of influential members of the Labour party.
The Leftovers 1 HN point 19 Feb 24
  1. Faceless capitalism and the normalization of algorithmic culture lead to dehumanizing work environments and exploitative systems.
  2. Unpaid labor is increasingly common in today's society, with self-checkouts and other technological advancements making consumers work for corporations without compensation.
  3. The rise of algorithmic decision-making poses a risk to social justice and prioritizes efficiency over human considerations, potentially leading to a future where profit prevails over well-being.
MAP's Tech Newsletter. 14 implied HN points 20 May 23
  1. Sweden transitioned from socialism to capitalism in the 1990s and saw rapid economic growth.
  2. Socialism and capitalism exist on a spectrum with pros and cons, and a balance of both systems may be ideal for a country's specific circumstances.
  3. Capitalism, as the dominant economic system, has shown progress in areas like life expectancy and poverty reduction but is not without challenges like inequality.
sweater weather 13 HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. The concept of the marriage plot has evolved over time in literature, reflecting shifts in societal norms and values.
  2. Certain men today exhibit characteristics reminiscent of those in traditional marriage plots, emphasizing wealth and status for the purpose of marriage.
  3. There is a connection between the traditional marriage plot, societal power dynamics, and the modern focus on relationships and material wealth.
The Future, Now and Then 2 HN points 04 Dec 23
  1. The predictions made by technologists in the 90s and 00s often underestimate the impact of capitalism on technological development.
  2. Experts tend to focus on the potential of technology without adequately considering the influence of revenue streams.
  3. To shape a better future, it's crucial to recognize and address the significant role of money in driving the trajectory of emerging technologies.
Do Not Research 19 implied HN points 16 Oct 22
  1. Final Fantasy VIII is used as a model to explore political and cultural conditions of our current times.
  2. The game's narrative reflects capitalist ideologies and the characters' struggles to bring about change.
  3. Time compression in the game is linked to speculative realism and the idea that the future influences and organizes the present.
Do Not Research 19 implied HN points 11 Oct 22
  1. The art installations based on the #Pizzagate conspiracy theory are a blend of fake-news ads and product placement, reflecting the nature of capitalism seeking profits.
  2. The images serve as projections of contemporary anxieties surrounding gender policies, child exploitation, immigration, and environmental issues.
  3. While conspiracy theories should not be condemned, addressing the root issues behind them can help prevent individuals from resorting to extreme actions out of feelings of powerlessness.
Internal exile 7 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. BeReal's new feature 'RealPeople' showcases famous individuals doing ordinary things to seem relatable.
  2. The concept of authenticity in social media often masks deeper contradictions and socioeconomic tensions.
  3. BeReal and similar platforms strive to commodify and sell the idea of authenticity, contributing to a culture of self-simulation and inauthenticity.