Things I Didn't Learn in School $7 / month

Things I Didn't Learn in School Substack explores the multifaceted impacts of global economic trends, political dynamics, and health on personal wealth and society. It breaks down complex topics like market behaviors, geopolitical shifts, and the principles behind wealth creation and management into understandable language.

Global Economic Trends Political Dynamics Health and Wealth Market Behaviors Geopolitical Shifts Wealth Creation and Management Investing Strategies Social and Cultural Trends Financial Markets Corporate and Authoritarian Structures

The hottest Substack posts of Things I Didn't Learn in School

And their main takeaways
235 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Nikki Haley's potential win in New Hampshire could lead to significant changes and a corrective feature in the US system.
  2. Haley's focus on fiscal responsibility and deflationary policies may impact US Treasuries and the economy positively.
  3. Her background, qualities, and approach suggest a shift in political norms and potential for US power and influence if she wins.
196 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. Big forces can often be hidden and not immediately obvious, impacting decision making.
  2. Technology like AI can be a major productivity booster but may also cause wealth inequality.
  3. Understanding economic growth and spending is crucial for evaluating stock and bond pricing.
117 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. The podcast shares a story of dealing with loss and adversity.
  2. Viewing politics through a trader's lens can offer unique insights, like considering political risks and their impact on markets.
  3. The idea of 'getting paid to wait' in relation to the Federal Reserve and potential investment implications is an interesting concept to explore further.
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78 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. Central banks are easing or planning to ease monetary policies, influenced by various economic factors worldwide.
  2. The rise of technology, particularly AI, is expected to boost productivity and impact asset markets, potentially leading to financial risks in the future.
  3. Inflation is under control due to labor-saving technology, weak growth in certain regions, and the US's ability to adjust energy production based on market conditions.
157 implied HN points β€’ 19 Sep 23
  1. Charles Dow and Eduard Jones created the DJIA to simplify stock market performance in 1882.
  2. Investors now use various indexes like the S&P 500 to save money, but they may not fully understand what they are investing in.
  3. Indexes like S&P 500 simplify reality but lack clarity on the composition of assets, similar to not knowing the ingredients of a Twinkie.
275 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 23
  1. The demand for lithium and copper is predicted to increase significantly due to the rise of electric vehicles.
  2. Chile, rich in copper and lithium, faces challenges with flat export volumes, political instability, and crime.
  3. The shift to electric vehicles will impact commodity prices, inflation, and stock values, influencing global economies.
196 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jun 23
  1. Both Putin and Prigozhin are surprisingly almost telling the truth about the situation in Russia.
  2. Russia is ruled by violent, competing clans with a history of authoritarian control.
  3. To deal with a neighbor like Russia, countries are creating barriers for protection.
157 implied HN points β€’ 23 Mar 23
  1. Take a step back and gain perspective by reading old writings and revisiting past events.
  2. Weird market behaviors like falling bond yields during interest rate hikes and unconnected tech and bank stock movements can be warning signs.
  3. Investors are struggling to price assets amidst inflation, banking crisis, growth slowdown, global conflicts, and AI innovation.
137 implied HN points β€’ 15 Apr 23
  1. A flood of refugees from Ukraine and Russia is impacting Georgia's infrastructure and banking system.
  2. Russia has a history of absorbing parts of Georgia and currently has troops stationed there.
  3. Georgia's history is intertwined with the violent and chaotic legacy of Stalin, influencing both Kremlin tactics and Georgian politics.
117 implied HN points β€’ 11 May 23
  1. Russia is being viewed as more of a pariah state by the West, with more sanctions applied to it than North Korea.
  2. Countries can deviate from the right path in history, as seen with Russia's shift in perception since 2008.
  3. Financial markets and living standards are indicators of a country's reality, with Western sanctions impacting Russia's economy.