The hottest NFTs Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Life in Color 78 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. The Internet has evolved from a consumer-centric experience to one where everyone can be a creator in the Creator Economy.
  2. Emerging technologies like Web3 and AI empower creators by enabling better monetization, lowering production costs, and fostering niche communities.
  3. Creators can now run 1-Person companies with access to tools that reduce their dependency on platforms and firms, leading to a world of distributed power and infinite niches.
Life in Color 58 implied HN points 30 May 23
  1. Opepen project combines Web3, AI, and art to create a community-driven meta protocol.
  2. Opepen blurs the line between substance and form in art, encouraging remixes and derivatives.
  3. The use of AI in Opepen challenges traditional ideas of scarcity and abundance in creation and curation.
skry 58 implied HN points 09 Mar 23
  1. Avatar-Centered Design is essential in the metaverse and web3 to understand avatars' significance and influence.
  2. The increasing importance of digital avatars is driven by trends like self-expression, NFTs, and avatar interoperability.
  3. For Avatar-Centered Design, it's crucial to consider questions about avatar interoperability, value sources, and point of transfer.
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Day One 119 implied HN points 16 Jul 22
  1. Newspapers have a long history dating back to Venice in 1599, with printed newspapers circulating by 1609, mostly censored by governments.
  2. The Internet and social media have revolutionized publishing, making it easier for anyone to become a publisher and share diverse knowledge globally.
  3. Quality over quantity is essential in newsletters, focusing on valuable content and curating information from various sources.
skry 39 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. CR3 Labs is expanding beyond NFT analytics into Web3 gaming and collectibles.
  2. They believe in the future of Web3 gaming and are dedicated to empowering creators, collectors, and gamers.
  3. CR3 Labs aims to provide tools and research in areas like Blockchain/NFTs, Cloud Gaming, and Generative AI to give an edge in the new digital frontier.
Activist Futurism 59 implied HN points 12 Sep 22
  1. The Bornfree Rebel Affinity Group released 10,000 NFTs celebrating the history of protest, with references to various social movements.
  2. The project aims to merge activist culture with blockchain technology, offering unique portraits and delightful artwork.
  3. NFTs from the Bornfree Rebel Affinity Group are available for minting at $15, encouraging supporters to get involved and spread the word.
Mirlo Studio 19 implied HN points 23 Jun 23
  1. The project 'CUATRO ESTACIONES' is a collaboration between Manuel Gimferrer and Grace Hye focusing on themes of seasons and composers.
  2. Grace Hye's artistry is rooted in the physical world with a personal style, using black and inks to convey poetry and beauty.
  3. The project launch involves preparing for the release during the summer and seeking support from their communities.
skry 19 implied HN points 20 Jun 23
  1. EIP-6551 proposes Token Bound Accounts for ERC-721 NFTs without requiring changes to existing contracts.
  2. Token Bound Accounts enable diverse functionalities like NFT composability and on-chain reputation tracking.
  3. Token Bound Accounts face challenges like gas costs, delegated permissions, front running, and malicious implementations which are being addressed.
Unsyndicated by Mason Nystrom 19 implied HN points 05 Apr 23
  1. NFT marketplaces need to find ways to have unique liquidity to attract and retain users.
  2. Marketplaces can build defensibility through proprietary liquidity, enhanced NFT discovery experiences, and establishing strong branding.
  3. Creating unique NFT experiences, offering loyalty programs, and emphasizing trust and safety are key strategies for marketplace success.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 79 implied HN points 05 Mar 21
  1. The author discusses their experience and thoughts on the social media platform Clubhouse, highlighting conflicting opinions and their decision to finally join.
  2. The post includes intriguing content recommendations, such as a profile of a YouTube star and an article on the impact of COVID-19 on sign language.
  3. There are additional sections promoting different podcasts, articles, and music, which provide a range of interesting reads and listens.
The False Consensus Effect 39 implied HN points 26 Oct 21
  1. Human storytelling is unique among species, offering a blend of blessing and curse.
  2. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a way for rich individuals to invest and make money, with high values placed on digital art.
  3. The process of creating and selling NFTs involves cryptocurrency platforms and auctions, presenting both challenges and opportunities for profit.
Crypto Good 3 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. Non-transferable NFTs are changing the speculative culture of Web3 by focusing on earned tokens that can't be bought or sold.
  2. These non-transferable tokens showcase individuals' complex identities, opening up social and economic opportunities online and offline.
  3. The use of non-transferable NFTs can lead Web3 into the mainstream by emphasizing self-sovereign decentralized identities.
Crypto Good 3 implied HN points 05 Jul 23
  1. City DAO is the first community-governed city on the blockchain with a unique Network State concept, started in Wyoming.
  2. Notable figures like Vitalik Buterin and Brian Armstrong are early citizens of City DAO, participating through Citizen NFTs.
  3. City DAO's governance model has evolved over time, exploring trends like moving away from direct democracy and focusing on productivity in decision-making.
Crypto Good 3 implied HN points 15 May 23
  1. Step 6 involves fundraising through tools like crypto wallets and multi-sig wallets in web3.
  2. Web3 fundraising options include platforms like Gitcoin and Giveth, DAO proposals, and support from foundations like Near and Celo.
  3. Innovative fundraising avenues in web3 include retroactive funding, impact certificates, and decentralized fundraising concepts.
Cybernetic Forests 19 implied HN points 18 Apr 21
  1. Artists are experimenting with digital contracts and smart contracts in art projects like Terra0 and Plantoid, exploring new forms of economic units and self-evolving sculptures.
  2. Cryptocurrencies like Trust/Risk challenge traditional financial systems by creating decentralized charitable networks where money is burned into the price of a currency and used for communal support.
  3. The rise of cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin demonstrates a shift towards digital rituals and communal investments, rather than traditional monetary transactions, with a focus on speculative value and community engagement.
The Author Is Dumb 1 implied HN point 08 May 23
  1. Be wary of scams in the NFT and crypto space, especially concerning offers that seem too good to be true.
  2. Watch out for Instagram engagement tactics that may not be genuine, such as DM requests for promotion packages.
  3. Beware of NFT brokers who promise exposure to big investors but may push you into paying more without delivering results.
skry 0 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. The NFT Lore Layer consists of on-chain assets, storytelling, and a sub-community.
  2. Lore Layer projects redefine the concept of a 'platform' in Web3 by leveraging existing communities without being tied to a specific platform.
  3. Advances in gaming technology are enabling the integration of gaming, storytelling, and community building in the Lore Layer framework.