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Granted β€’ 8705 implied HN points β€’ 05 Mar 23
  1. Consider embracing the latest data to improve the theory by moving away from antiquated ideas and focusing on more reliable traits.
  2. Demand real evidence for efficacy by conducting randomized, controlled experiments to validate the benefits claimed by MBTI.
  3. Understand that many scientists have left MBTI due to concerns about its validity and its historical associations with racism and sexism.
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Vectors of Mind β€’ 314 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jun 23
  1. The Eve Theory of Consciousness suggests self-awareness was discovered by women and spread memetically.
  2. Personality structure can be understood using language models to determine latent factors related to important traits.
  3. Gossip and social selection played a role in shaping personality traits like considerateness and tolerance.