The hottest Adaptation Substack posts right now

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The Crucial Years β€’ 966 implied HN points β€’ 22 Dec 23
  1. There is a potential victory on pausing LNG exports, which could impact Biden's campaign and the planet positively.
  2. Campaigners and new data have highlighted the detrimental impact of LNG exports on the climate and American consumers.
  3. The administration's decision on LNG exports can be a crucial win for climate action and Biden's re-election efforts.
Holly Elmore β€’ 196 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 23
  1. Self-fertilization and asexuality are more common at the edges of a species range due to Baker's Law.
  2. The benefits of sex include generating variation for natural selection and avoiding the accumulation of harmful mutations.
  3. Sex and outbreeding are crucial for adapting to competition and maintaining genetic diversity over time.
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Textual Variations β€’ 298 implied HN points β€’ 27 Apr 23
  1. The decision to cut Saruman from 'Return of the King' remains a glaring editorial flaw in the film.
  2. The rationale behind cutting Saruman was primarily driven by pacing issues in the theatrical version.
  3. Removing Saruman disrupted the unity of the film, leaving a noticeable gap in the narrative structure.
Political Currents by Ross Barkan β€’ 14 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. The film 'American Fiction' critiques corporate publishing and shallow identity politics of 2010s.
  2. Contemporary elite literary fiction focuses on professional class struggles over traumas from marginalized communities.
  3. The movie 'American Fiction' highlights issues of representation and commodification in the literary industry.
Gideon's Substack β€’ 14 implied HN points β€’ 01 Sep 23
  1. The play Richard II is a tricky one to stage due to its political and poetical language.
  2. The current production of Richard II at Stratford Festival portrays the title character as the king of Studio 54, engaging with a contemporary interpretation.
  3. The adaptation of the play attempts to revalue Richard as queer, Black, and fabulous, but the original flaws in the character as a king remain evident.
Gideon's Substack β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 01 Mar 24
  1. The author explores the idea of living a feral existence in a recurring nightmare and its impact on behavior.
  2. The author struggles with the core concept behind Pedro CalderΓ³n de la Barca's play, 'Life Is a Dream,' questioning how profound doubt about reality can influence behavior.
  3. The comparison between CalderΓ³n's work and 'The Matrix' emphasizes different philosophical perspectives regarding reality and empowerment.
The Snap Forward β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. The climate crisis brings discontinuities and new realities we're unprepared for.
  2. Climate change is just one aspect of a larger crisis involving extinctions, ecosystem collapses, and evolving dangers.
  3. Our lives and societies are facing unprecedented disruptions and societal upheaval due to the profound scale of natural system transformations.
The Snap Forward β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 15 Feb 24
  1. The course focuses on preparing individuals for the challenges of a rapidly-worsening planetary crisis by teaching strategies for making informed decisions and planning for the future.
  2. Participants will gain new frameworks to navigate emerging patterns, develop a stronger personal ruggedization strategy, and integrate climate foresight into their careers and daily lives.
  3. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding the scale of change, assessing relative safety in different locations, and building a platform for success amidst uncertainty by engaging in critical conversations and forming shared visions.