The hottest Bitcoin Substack posts right now

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Ecoinometrics 275 implied HN points 06 Oct 23
  1. It's difficult to determine if Bitcoin or Ethereum are in a bear or bull market by just looking at monthly returns.
  2. Countries with high inflation rates might benefit from transitioning to crypto-based monetary systems.
  3. There are signs indicating a potential crash in the US housing market due to factors like artificially inflated prices and high mortgage rates.
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The Dollar Endgame 159 implied HN points 22 Nov 23
  1. Understanding how the financial system operates in layers is crucial for designing an efficient monetary system.
  2. The modern financial system operates with different layers, each offering scaling solutions and varying levels of security, transparency, and operability.
  3. The layers of the financial system include the base layer with systems like FedWire, a layer for deposits, and a top layer for debt, all serving different needs of users in the economy.
QTR’s Fringe Finance 41 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. Understanding Bitcoin's network and cryptography is key to realizing its intrinsic value.
  2. Bitcoin presents a unique opportunity for diversifying wealth outside the traditional monetary system.
  3. Bitcoin's potential for global adoption and decentralized nature make it a compelling investment option.
QTR’s Fringe Finance 28 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Bitcoin adoption could be accelerated through a major financial crisis where people seek an exit ramp from the traditional financial system.
  2. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin allows for success to be tied to its growth, empowering individuals who are tired of traditional financial institutions.
  3. Bitcoin offers a chance for the public to break the cycle of bearing the cost of financial failures by opting out of the current system and embracing digital freedom.
QTR’s Fringe Finance 13 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Bitcoin mining helps stabilize volatile green energy by absorbing excess electricity and supporting electricity grids.
  2. Having Bitcoin miners as 'consumers of last resort' can efficiently use excess power and reduce wasteful overbuilt capacity costs.
  3. Bitcoin miners bring economic benefits and sustainability to electricity grids by incentivizing additional generation and offering a win-win situation for all involved parties.
Ecoinometrics 294 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. Inverted yield curve is a consistent predictor of a recession in the financial markets.
  2. The depth of the inversion does not necessarily indicate the severity of the stock market correction.
  3. For risk assets like the stock market and Bitcoin, the economy's damage during a recession affects them more than the inversion of the yield curve.
nicosmid 39 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Bitcoin's price in 2023 saw a 171.5% increase from the beginning of the year.
  2. The network difficulty increased significantly throughout the year by 103.6%.
  3. Hashprice stayed above $80/PH/Day due to a surge in transaction fees and Bitcoin's price increase in the last two months of 2023.
DarthCoin’s Bitcoin Guides 19 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Using Ecash with Cashu Mints is a way to help more people adopt and use Bitcoin, especially for those who may find it challenging to start directly with UTXO.
  2. Ecash is like digital gift cards that offer additional privacy and cryptographic proof of reserves, helping users make anonymous and instant electronic cash transactions.
  3. Cashu Mints allow users to exchange tokens privately without fees within the same mint, providing a convenient option for local communities to transact with each other.
DarthCoin’s Bitcoin Guides 19 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Starting out with Bitcoin can be a complex journey, involving learning about basic concepts, transactions, and the importance of self-custody.
  2. Stacking sats can be achieved through various methods like receiving small amounts over Lightning Network, utilizing custodial wallets for temporary storage, and managing UTXOs in different wallet levels.
  3. As you progress in your Bitcoin journey, consider storing larger amounts in self-custody wallets, learning about liquidity management on Lightning Network, and the responsibility of running your own node for increased financial sovereignty.
QTR’s Fringe Finance 13 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. The author discussed Bitcoin, monetary systems, investing, and more on the 'What Bitcoin Did' podcast.
  2. Various topics were covered, including Bitcoin skepticism, inflation, the Gamestop rebellion, and fighting against central planners.
  3. Resources mentioned in the interview include 'Why I Bitcoin,' ',' and 'Marty Bent.'
block21m 159 HN points 28 May 23
  1. 80% of Bitcoin inscriptions since March 2023 are controlled by a single person or entity with a specific public key
  2. This entity has influenced the blockchain significantly by controlling 64% of all inscriptions with a transaction fee total of 1056 BTC
  3. This high level of control showcases a vulnerability in the blockchain that could be exploited by entities with large amounts of Bitcoin 19 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. Vulnerabilities happen in open source projects, impacting the security of bitcoin and other systems.
  2. Communication with users of open source projects, especially in the financial industry, needs to be improved for quick responses to critical issues.
  3. Utilizing RSS feeds exclusively for announcing critical vulnerabilities in software can enhance security communication and response.
Steve Kirsch's newsletter 4 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. The author shares a technique to buy and sell crypto on Coinbase with ease, which could be advantageous in the current market.
  2. With new money entering through Bitcoin ETFs, the price of Bitcoin is predicted to increase significantly.
  3. Paid subscribers will receive exclusive access to the author's method of buying crypto, potentially giving them an edge in trading.
nicosmid 39 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. The mining industry is currently experiencing a period of quiet and stability.
  2. Key factors like Bitcoin price, network hashrate, and ASIC prices are maintaining a steady trend.
  3. This calm period may indicate a break for the industry after a significant growth phase.
LN Markets’ Newsletter 58 implied HN points 16 May 23
  1. Oracle-based Conditional payments introduce a new way to handle conditional payments on Bitcoin by using oracles to attest to real-world events, allowing contracting parties to claim funds based on these attestations.
  2. Conditional payments rely on a third party for attestation, but in Oracle-based payments, the third party only attests events and does not execute contracts, improving security and trust in the process.
  3. Verifiable witness encryption plays a crucial role in setting up Oracle-based Conditional payments, ensuring that contracting parties can trust the oracle's attestations and claim funds accordingly.
LN Markets’ Newsletter 39 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Roy Sheinfeld is dedicated to revolutionizing Bitcoin's role to a medium of exchange.
  2. Lightning Network is evolving with improvements like splicing, asynchronous payments, and stuckless payments.
  3. Key advice for building a business in the Bitcoin space: Embrace the community, prioritize open communication, and seek partners, not just investors.
Gray Mirror 51 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. Belief in financial systems is crucial for their stability - don't always trust the doomsayers predicting collapse.
  2. Understanding the true nature of inflation and the power of the Fed in the financial system provides insight into market dynamics.
  3. Capital flight to assets like Bitcoin can occur due to factors like dilution, destruction, and compression - but the end game must be stability to be effective.