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The Shift With Sam Baker 279 implied HN points 24 Nov 23
  1. The post discusses various interesting reads and experiences, like a New Yorker piece by Zadie Smith, aging on your terms by Anita Bhagwandas, and learning to ride a motorcycle at 50.
  2. There's a piece on surviving sibling rivalry as an adult, overcoming shame tied to perfectionism, and the rise of selfishness among the super-rich.
  3. The content is for paid subscribers, emphasizing the support needed to access more exclusive material.
Welcome to Absurdistan 982 implied HN points 01 Jun 23
  1. The article discusses how societal movements like 'Fat Positivity' and 'Insulin Resistance' are impacting kids' health negatively.
  2. It criticizes the obsession with body image and the pressure to conform, which can lead to emotional issues and overeating.
  3. There is a focus on the health risks associated with obesity, especially in children, and the need to prioritize physical health over body positivity movements.
Are You Okay? 619 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. Nature is beneficial, but not all solutions come in pill form. Many health issues can be addressed by examining and adjusting everyday habits.
  2. Be cautious with dietary supplements and always consider potential interactions with medication. Speak to your doctor about all the supplements you are taking.
  3. Check the credibility of information sources when considering supplements. Not all supplements are regulated closely, so it's important to seek certified products and reliable sources.
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The Unabashed Observer 99 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Identifying whether you are in a virtuous or destructive cycle is crucial for personal growth. Virtuous cycles lead to positive outcomes, while destructive cycles can be harmful.
  2. Breaking out of destructive cycles requires recognizing the problem and making a conscious effort to change. It can be challenging, but essential for improvement.
  3. Understanding oneself and being open to self-evaluation is key to recognizing and addressing the cycles we are in. Self-awareness is the first step towards breaking out of destructive patterns.
The Nelson George Mixtape 373 implied HN points 27 Sep 23
  1. Andre Harrell was a influential figure in the music industry, specifically in the founding of Uptown Records and grooming talent.
  2. Harrell had a keen eye for cultural trends and was skilled at identifying emerging talent and styles.
  3. His mentorship extended beyond race and he was known for nurturing and guiding many individuals in various fields.
Objet 98 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. The author reflects on 15 years of moving and how it changed their relationship with objects, leading to intentional decision-making.
  2. They embrace the practice of regularly parting ways with objects that no longer serve them, avoiding impulse buying and trends.
  3. Learning to be intentional with objects involves improving judgment, saying no to unnecessary burdens, and being prepared for change.
Austin's Analects 119 implied HN points 31 Dec 23
  1. Setting experiences to live out rather than traditional goals can offer a unique perspective and focus for the year.
  2. Reflecting on milestones achieved throughout the year can provide a sense of accomplishment and progress.
  3. Lessons learned, like the importance of unpredictability in life, paying for expertise, and staying committed to goals, can guide personal growth.
Unreported Truths 67 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Polyamory trends are often dressed up in fancier names but fundamentally involve cheating
  2. Drug use, especially with substances like THC and psychedelics, can influence decision-making in polyamorous relationships
  3. Childless couples and shifting gender dynamics in earning power can play a role in the rise of polyamory
The Next Brand 432 implied HN points 03 Jul 23
  1. Living on the 'Edge City' can be beneficial for entrepreneurs by being ahead of trends and building the future with like-minded individuals.
  2. Many traditional sunscreens contain harmful ingredients like oxybenzone, which can have negative effects on hormones and health.
  3. There is a potential business opportunity in providing lifestyle and environmental toxin interventions for fertility improvement, addressing a growing need in the market.
One Thing 118 implied HN points 05 Dec 23
  1. Living in someone else's space can make you reconsider your lifestyle and choices.
  2. The concept of 'lifestyle creep' highlights how one luxury can lead to a desire for overall improvement, but it's important to assess if the changes truly enhance your life.
  3. When buying vintage on sites like Etsy, look for well-rated reliable sellers who provide detailed measurements to minimize the risk of getting the wrong item or size.
Working Theorys 70 implied HN points 01 Jan 24
  1. Startups are shifting towards profitability over traditional venture funding
  2. Social products are evolving to focus more on utility and specialized communities
  3. Predictions for lifestyle changes include part-time knowledge work and preventive health gaining importance
The Map is Mostly Water 289 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. The author's goal is to become a head waiter at a refined cafe serving middle-aged women in a garden setting.
  2. The author is driven by the idea of executing tasks with precision and creating a transcendent experience through ritual and effort.
  3. The goal is not material wealth but the satisfaction of doing things well and creating a fairytale-like experience for others.
Grandmotherly Wisdom 275 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. Prioritizing maintenance work is essential for long-term enjoyment and functionality.
  2. Regular tidying and maintenance prevent issues from building up to unmanageable levels.
  3. The value of invisible labor, like maintenance and care, may not always be immediately recognized but is crucial for creating a pleasant environment.
10x your mind 119 implied HN points 07 Sep 23
  1. Changing your environment can have a significant impact on health and well-being without conscious efforts on lifestyle changes.
  2. Living in a toxic environment can hinder healthy habits and contribute to stress and health issues.
  3. Sometimes, embracing a new environment or location that nurtures well-being can lead to unexpected positive changes in health and life.
10x your mind 99 implied HN points 28 Sep 23
  1. Default settings impact our choices, like why unhealthy options are often the default in food and technology.
  2. Conscious changes to defaults can lead to healthier habits, like choosing nuts over sugary snacks and setting limits on social media apps.
  3. Using defaults to our advantage, like planning outfits in advance or stocking up on healthy snacks, can save time and support wellness goals.
Vinay Prasad's Observations and Thoughts 201 implied HN points 12 Mar 23
  1. Different individuals have varied opinions and behaviors regarding masking and COVID precautions.
  2. Some people continue to wear masks diligently while others do not see the need.
  3. Views on COVID precautions, like masking and taking medication, vary among different individuals.
offscript 208 implied HN points 15 Feb 23
  1. New York City is divided into 5 'Bureaus' including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Bronx.
  2. Finding love in the big city like New York can be challenging, with unique hurdles to navigate.
  3. Native New Yorkers appreciate being recognized for their tenure and cultural knowledge, avoiding terms like 'transplants' or 'immigrants'.
Neuro Athletics 10 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Exercise, sleep, nutrition, and hydration are key for optimal brain function; supplements enhance these lifestyle choices.
  2. Creatine acts as a cognitive booster, improving memory function and being safe for long-term use.
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain health, providing structural support, anti-inflammatory effects, and cognitive enhancements.
Weekly Wisdom 159 implied HN points 06 Apr 23
  1. Attending milestone events like anniversaries and reunions can offer valuable insights and reflections on life choices and paths not taken.
  2. Witnessing the passage of time and seeing decades of life unfold in a single evening can prompt thoughts about self-comparison, individual uniqueness, and societal standards.
  3. Embracing one's unique journey, unconventional successes, and personal fulfillment can lead to a fulfilling life, even if it deviates from traditional norms.