The hottest Taxation Substack posts right now

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Known Unknowns 196 implied HN points 22 May 23
  1. Monetary policy is at a historic inflection point, requiring expertise in financial markets.
  2. Inheritance taxes should be increased for wealth redistribution and better tax enforcement.
  3. Maintaining weirdness and innovation is vital in a world that favors conformity.
The Chargeback 78 implied HN points 08 Oct 23
  1. Eliminating all property taxes would lead to significant revenue loss for the city and make land speculation easier.
  2. Eliminating only homeowner property taxes could hurt renters and lead to increased taxes for non-homestead properties.
  3. Eliminating the portion of property taxes controlled by the City of Detroit could benefit homeowners but also speculators, and may not be revenue neutral.
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Hypertext 19 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Universal Basic Income (UBI) has gained popularity, but its implementation faces challenges in terms of cost and fairness.
  2. Alternative approaches like a permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit offer a more feasible path for large-scale cash transfers.
  3. Expanding the Child Tax Credit could address concerns about cost and fairness while still providing significant support to families in need.
Letters from an American 10 implied HN points 02 Mar 24
  1. President Joe Biden signed a resolution giving lawmakers more time to finalize government funding bills, as Republicans have been stalling by inserting cultural demands and seeking budget cuts.
  2. There are discussions about creating a 'debt commission' to address the budget deficit, even though it faces opposition from 70% of voters.
  3. The ITEP report revealed that many profitable corporations paid very low effective tax rates due to loopholes, raising questions about the fairness of the tax system.
The New Urban Order 119 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. The housing market is facing challenges with low supply and high demand, keeping housing prices inflated despite high mortgage rates.
  2. Creating a time-sensitive incentive program can push real estate investors to sell to homeowners, potentially boosting housing supply and lowering prices.
  3. Offering a one-year tax amnesty on capital gains taxes for investors who sell to homeowners could help unlock housing stock, shift ownership, and improve market dynamics.
Nathan’s Substack 39 implied HN points 03 Sep 23
  1. When starting a tech company, it's almost necessary to be a Delaware C-corp for investor funding, with significant advantages such as no corporate income tax and efficient legal processes.
  2. Founders stock refers to shares purchased by founders at formation for a very low value that brings tax benefits like immediate tax payments with the 83(b) election and quicker QSBS clock start.
  3. Understanding tax provisions like QSBS can lead to significant advantages for entrepreneurs, with strategies like 1045 exchanges and investing in Qualified Opportunity Zones to maximize gains and minimize taxes.
Splitting Infinity 39 implied HN points 17 Aug 23
  1. Taxation is essential for governance and must be adapted for effective government in space as the celestial realm sees more activities and developments.
  2. Principles of taxation like efficiency, sufficient revenue, practicality, tolerance, clarity, and locality should guide the design of tax systems in space to ensure fairness and viability.
  3. Georgism, with its focus on land value taxes, can offer a balanced solution for taxation in space by encouraging development while discouraging rent-seeking behaviors.
The Chargeback 19 implied HN points 10 Oct 23
  1. Some members of the Detroit City Council are proposing a property tax policy that could benefit outside property speculators.
  2. Eliminating all property taxes could give non-residents an advantage over Detroit residents in property ownership.
  3. Supporting property tax relief for low-income homeowners could be a better solution than empowering speculators.
Splitting Infinity 19 implied HN points 18 Sep 23
  1. Consider charging people for welfare aid after they have received it, managed by the IRS on tax day. This could streamline the process and save on administrative costs.
  2. Using the IRS to handle welfare targeting can provide a more cost-effective and efficient way to assist those in need, by utilizing existing data and payment systems.
  3. Implementing a retroactive welfare eligibility system could help quicken aid distribution and potentially increase tax revenue, while also maintaining accountability and transparency.
JoeWrote 1 implied HN point 19 Mar 24
  1. Conservatives argue for cutting Social Security due to changing worker-to-retiree ratios and financial strain.
  2. The simple solution to save Social Security is eliminating the taxable maximum income, ensuring long-term sustainability.
  3. Eliminating the taxable maximum could generate a surplus, benefitting the program and securing it for future generations.
The Odin Times 19 implied HN points 18 Jun 23
  1. SEIS and EIS schemes in the UK offer tax relief for investing in startups, making government schemes ideal for angel investors.
  2. Investors can get up to 50% of their investment back as tax relief, and pay no capital gains tax on profits, de-risking the investment.
  3. SEIS and EIS have driven growth in the UK startup ecosystem and helped make the UK an attractive country for angel investors.
California Thoughts 19 implied HN points 12 Feb 23
  1. Repealing or increasing the cap on the SALT deduction would benefit the richest Americans and increase inequality.
  2. Factors like housing costs influence migration more than taxes, so removing the SALT deduction cap may not lead to as much migration as expected.
  3. It is suggested to abolish the SALT deduction and most other itemized deductions to prioritize spending on anti-poverty measures.
The False Consensus Effect 19 implied HN points 26 Mar 21
  1. Political ideologies of left and right are outdated and do not effectively address contemporary issues.
  2. There is a lack of awareness and action regarding the ban on nuclear weapons and the implications of funding for such weapons.
  3. The need for collective responsibility and individual liberty to address political issues, like federal tax protests and the funding of nuclear weapons.
Vitarbi 0 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. When mining cryptocurrency, taxable events are the receipt and subsequent sale of rewards.
  2. Income tax is based on the fair market value of coins at the time of receipt.
  3. Capital gains tax is incurred based on the difference between fair market value at sale and cost basis.
Africa Crypto Report (ACR) 0 implied HN points 09 May 23
  1. The Nigerian government approved the National Policy on Blockchain, indicating a significant step in utilizing blockchain technology in the country.
  2. The frameworks by the government distinguish between blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, aiming to shift the focus to broader blockchain applications.
  3. Questions remain unanswered about cryptocurrency regulations in Nigeria, as the government has taken measures against crypto since 2021.
Ednevsky Blog 0 implied HN points 03 Apr 23
  1. When your startup fails, you have options for what to do with your legal entity like continuing to upkeep it, selling it, or liquidating it.
  2. One option is to do nothing and let the state move your company into a non-active state after 2 years.
  3. If your company is clean and not heavily used, forgetting about it may be an option without added risks.
Coin Metrics' State of the Network 0 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. Bitcoin miners have seen a boost in revenue from Inscriptions despite some challenges with chain splits and indexing issues.
  2. American mining operations are facing challenges from bankruptcy, severe weather, but have maintained a strong foothold in the global hashrate landscape.
  3. Miners are enjoying a Q1 revenue rebound, but are struggling with increased energy costs and the potential impact of a proposed 30% excise tax on mining operations in the U.S.
The Washington Current 0 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. President Biden announced over $500 million in unpaid taxes were collected through resources under the Inflation Reduction Act.
  2. The IRA legislation signed by Biden in 2022 includes funding to boost IRS enforcement efforts against tax cheats.
  3. Republicans negotiated a rescission of $20 billion of IRS funding, but the agency continues to pursue wealthy tax evaders.
RegAlert 0 implied HN points 26 May 21
  1. The Central Bank of Nigeria issued guidelines for shared services in the banking sector to address governance, financial management, and tax concerns, aiming to prevent abuse and ensure compliance by June 1, 2022.
  2. The guidelines focus on streamlining activities of institutions involved in shared services and transfer pricing.
  3. It is essential for institutions in the banking industry to adhere to these guidelines to prevent the misuse of shared services agreements as tax shields.
Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 22 Dec 22
  1. Living in a tax-free community in the 1880s provided financial stability for families, allowing them to save more and invest in land, businesses, and homes without the burden of taxation.
  2. In a tax-free community during the 1880s, businesses could expand faster and create jobs more quickly since they didn't have to worry about taxes on profits or investments, enabling greater economic growth.
  3. Citizens in a tax-free community had more control over their money, allowing them to directly support causes they cared about instead of having funds allocated by the government, providing greater autonomy.
The Tweetsift Report 0 implied HN points 10 Mar 23
  1. The US debt has reached $31 trillion, hitting small businesses hard.
  2. Inflation has surged to a 40-year high of 9.1%, posing a significant challenge for many Americans.
  3. Efforts are being made to improve tax compliance by raising IRS funding, potentially leading to higher taxes for some individuals and businesses.