The hottest Emotions Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Shift With Sam Baker β€’ 2556 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 23
  1. Midlife women may feel overwhelmed and frustrated, leading to a need to let out pent-up emotions, like anger and exhaustion.
  2. Suppressed rage and unexpressed feelings can build up over time and negatively impact mental well-being.
  3. Making friends can be challenging for some individuals, causing feelings of desperation and inadequacy in social situations.
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Penelope Trunk's Substack β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 24
  1. Emotional control is crucial, especially in challenging situations like health scares or relationship discussions.
  2. Reflecting on what you would do without any limitations can provide clarity on your true interests and priorities.
  3. Maintaining a focus on your special interests and negotiating for what is important to you can help you gain a sense of control in your life.
Val's Pals β€’ 137 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. Jealousy often stems from insecurity, and it's important to remember that the people we envy are also just humans with their own insecurities.
  2. Interacting with those we're jealous of can reveal that our perceptions are not always accurate, and they may even seek advice from us despite our feelings.
  3. Taking concrete steps to confront and navigate jealousy, such as interacting with those we envy and addressing our insecurities, can help us tame this complex emotion.
10x your mind β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. We cherish objects that hold memories and emotions, even if they are seemingly simple things.
  2. Material possessions like a watch, a favorite pencil, or a pair of earrings can symbolize identity, hobbies, and relationships.
  3. Things we own and love can serve as reminders of love, inspiration, creativity, and cherished memories.
Knicks Film School β€’ 1277 implied HN points β€’ 27 Apr 23
  1. The New York Knicks achieved a significant victory after decades of disappointment.
  2. The team's success is attributed to perseverance and force of will rather than pure skill.
  3. Knicks fans feel they truly deserve the positive outcome after enduring hardships.
derailleur β€’ 943 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jun 23
  1. The Tour of Slovenia's fifth stage featured high drama over the Krka river.
  2. The top contenders in the race were separated by mere seconds, making the competition intense and close.
  3. Matej Mohorič won the stage, honoring a fallen cyclist and emphasizing the importance of cherishing every moment in cycling.
The Recovering Academic β€’ 197 implied HN points β€’ 05 Dec 23
  1. The story revolves around a massage therapist named Alyse and her client's experiences with pain, empathy, and the complexities of relationships.
  2. The narrative details the physical toll that outdoor work can have on the body and the therapeutic relief sought through massage treatments.
  3. The text highlights themes of human connection, vulnerability, and the struggle to navigate personal boundaries in therapeutic settings.
Supernuclear β€’ 550 implied HN points β€’ 21 Jul 23
  1. Living near friends or family can greatly impact your happiness, especially if they're happy too.
  2. Proximity matters - the closer your friends are, the more likely you are to be happy.
  3. Emotional states can be contagious, and surrounding yourself with happy people can positively influence your own emotional well-being.
Xavi Benjamin β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 24 Mar 24
  1. Xavi Benjamin's Sunday Brunch newsletter features subscriber-only recommendations of various media and content.
  2. Xavi Benjamin is preparing for a move from California to Arizona to seek a more affordable cost of living, a queer and polyamorous community, and access to an international airport.
  3. This significant move represents a mix of emotions for Xavi, including excitement, nervousness, fear, and hope for personal growth and new experiences in Arizona.
Crossplay β€’ 530 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jul 23
  1. The (Lovely) Psychonauts 2 Documentary helped the author re-experience their COVID trauma.
  2. The documentary depicted the reality of living through COVID-19, including empty streets and working from home.
  3. The start of COVID-19 was a hugely emotional time for the author and their family.
Atlas of Wonders and Monsters β€’ 610 implied HN points β€’ 30 Mar 23
  1. Technological advancements, especially in AI, are about to bring major changes to the world.
  2. Pre-nostalgia is a complex feeling that combines joy and sadness about the anticipation of an ending.
  3. The uncertainty of whether the future will bring utopia, doom, or business as usual creates a mix of emotions, but embracing the changes is seen as necessary.
Castles in the Sky β€’ 24 implied HN points β€’ 08 Mar 24
  1. The protagonist and their family face a life-changing decision of joining an interstellar mission aboard the Ark spaceship.
  2. The family's emotional journey showcases love, gratitude, and tough choices as they prepare to leave Earth behind.
  3. The story highlights themes of sacrifice, family bonds, and the pursuit of dreams in the face of monumental change.
Boiler Room β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 23
  1. The post highlights that everything is broken and discusses a plan to address it
  2. The author acknowledges starting on a negative note but promises things will improve
  3. The post mentions frustration with the state of local music journalism and gives a nod to Mark Rebillet
Your Midlife Matters with Alana Kirk, the Midlife Coach β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. In times of struggle, reaching out for help, therapy, and self-reflection can be key to rebuilding and reconnecting with oneself.
  2. Journaling, even if just a few words a day, is a powerful tool for self-discovery and processing emotions.
  3. Building a consistent journaling habit, whether morning, evening, or in moments of need, can transform your relationship with yourself and empower you to live authentically.