The hottest Medicine Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
Tessa Fights Robots β€’ 52 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Modern medicine often struggles to understand the underlying causes of common diseases.
  2. Doctors sometimes confidently prescribe medication without fully understanding why a condition occurs.
  3. There are numerous medical conditions, like asthma and autoimmune diseases, whose roots remain a mystery to the medical community.
Think Future β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 09 Nov 23
  1. Identifying trends involves looking for patterns over time, both increasing and decreasing, in various aspects of society and industry.
  2. Reading news for trends involves focusing on 'real news' that provides deep insights and understanding of issues, rather than temporary headlines or human interest stories.
  3. Deep-lying trends impact many surface-level changes, with monitoring deep trends providing valuable insights for forecasting the future.
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Fireside Chat Logs β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. Preparing for a colonoscopy involves adjusting your diet, avoiding certain foods, and going through a medication prep to flush your system of excess and debris.
  2. During the colonoscopy procedure, you are typically given anesthesia via an IV, experience no pain or discomfort afterward, and might even get full-color photos of the inside of your colon as part of the service.
  3. Despite the mystery and discomfort often associated with colonoscopies, having photographic evidence of your colonoscopy can be gratifying and may even lead to interesting conversation starters.
Science Fictions β€’ 229 implied HN points β€’ 09 Aug 23
  1. LK-99, the 'room-temperature superconductor', turned out not to be true despite initial social media hype and extravagant claims.
  2. Transparency in scientific publication processes, like preprints and peer review at eLife, can lead to challenges like circulating false claims.
  3. The approval of new drugs for Alzheimer's disease may not always mean groundbreaking results, highlighting the importance of critically analyzing scientific breakthrough claims.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle β€’ 239 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jul 23
  1. Prof. Dr. Bob Wachter, a noted figure in Covid Chronicles, caught Covid despite precautions.
  2. Wachter, a double vaccinee, got infected after his last shot and fainted in the shower due to Covid-induced dehydration.
  3. His experience led him to ponder on hospitalizations 'with Covid' versus 'for Covid.'
ailogblog β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. OpenAI is focusing on selling non-romantic companionship through their AI models to create more invested relationships with users.
  2. There are debates regarding the effectiveness of AI models in various fields like tutoring and medicine due to their lack of meaningful reciprocity and understanding.
  3. In education, the potential of AI tools lies in augmenting the classroom and extending help to reach students who may not have access to traditional tutoring.
Optimism of the will β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 26 Apr 23
  1. Infinite prep enables seeking out and exploiting every edge in an activity for professionalization.
  2. AI enhances learning and practice in fields like programming through interactive feedback and personalized examples.
  3. AI supports professionals in various sectors like law and medicine by aiding in training for complex scenarios and interactions.
Mutual Information β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 22 Sep 23
  1. Discover new words by looking them up when encountered in podcasts or readings.
  2. Some new words include pluriennial, isoprene, trammel, polysemy, coruscate, mezuzot, kasher, sheikha, and more.
  3. Words like xenotime, mountebank, salubrious, and antepenultimate highlight the vast diversity in the English language.
Based Meditations β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 08 Sep 23
  1. Depression serves a vital evolutionary purpose towards individuation and growth, contrary to being seen as a mere problem to be fixed with medication.
  2. Depression is often associated with lifestyle issues such as high stress, lack of control, and poor habits, indicating a strong need for change in one's life.
  3. Nature sends signals through depressive states to prompt individuals to make lifestyle adjustments that prioritize survival and well-being, acknowledging depression as an evolved feature and not an error to be suppressed with drugs.
Extropic Thoughts β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 07 Apr 23
  1. The AI industry is rapidly evolving and impacting various sectors, with a rise in incidents of misuse and growing demand for AI-related skills.
  2. Different perspectives on regulating AI and the importance of considering equilibrium and feedback mechanisms in AI development.
  3. Climate and energy topics like the declining cost of cultivated meat and the impact of global warming on temperature-related deaths are being discussed.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jan 23
  1. Novak Djokovic's victory at the Australian Open symbolizes a triumph over challenges, including the government's vaccination stance.
  2. There is a potential shift in the tide of public opinion, indicated by significant events like Novak's win and other global developments.
  3. The current state of global affairs reflects a complex battle where heroes and symbols play an important role in bringing hope and courage to the fight.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jan 23
  1. Language plays a significant role in understanding and medicine according to Gurdjieff's teachings, suggesting that understanding is dependent on language.
  2. Gurdjieff's exploration of language, human mentation, and understanding is closely linked to his teachings on medicine, hypnotism, and consciousness.
  3. The concept of understanding is viewed as a form of medicine, serving as a harmonizing factor in our lives.
The Works in Progress Newsletter β€’ 6 implied HN points β€’ 15 Nov 23
  1. Mathematics played a crucial role in shaping the modern world through geometry, algebra, and industrial machinery.
  2. Basic mathematics training in Europe from the 1200s to 1800s drove technological advancements in various fields.
  3. Competition between states, including war, was a key factor in the economic development of Europe, pushing states to improve governance.
UX Psychology β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 22
  1. In user interviews, the 'doorknob phenomenon' describes when interviewees wait till the end to share significant information, similar to patients telling crucial details as they leave the doctor's office.
  2. To prevent the 'doorknob phenomenon', ask participants open-ended questions like 'Anything else?' during the interview to encourage them to share more.
  3. Avoid rushing to fill awkward silences in interviews as intentional silence can prompt interviewees to offer additional valuable insights.
the rohn report β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jun 21
  1. Doctors often work for insurance companies, not solely for the patient's benefit. The focus is more on testing, diagnosing, and prescribing rather than providing empathetic care and support.
  2. The healthcare system can benefit from more humane and patient-centered approaches. Listening and empathizing with patients can play a significant role in healing.
  3. Integrating different healing modalities, like traditional Chinese medicine alongside conventional treatment, can lead to better outcomes and overall well-being.
Digital Epidemiology β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 19 May 23
  1. Traditional cohort studies and trials are essential in modern medicine and public health for studying the relationship between exposures and outcomes.
  2. Running conventional cohorts and trials can be costly and challenging due to low participation rates, retention issues, and data collection constraints.
  3. Digital cohorts and trials are conducted digitally, collecting data electronically, which helps in remote and siteless studies, making research more accessible and cost-effective.
Culture and Growth β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jul 23
  1. ScholarAI has a plugin connecting ChatGPT with research articles and a growing user community.
  2. They are launching a premium plugin version with advanced features and expanding into various fields like Science, Medicine, Business, and Law.
  3. Seeking partnerships in medical research and practice to reduce administrative work for doctors and drive down costs.
Dracula Daily β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 07 Sep 23
  1. Dr. Van Helsing emphasizes the importance of discretion when dealing with sensitive information and situations.
  2. Blood transfusion is urgently needed to save Lucy's life, highlighting the significant impact of immediate medical intervention.
  3. Arthur's deep love and willingness to sacrifice for Lucy's well-being showcase the power of selfless devotion.