The hottest Wellbeing Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 13 Jan 21
  1. Many people have understandable worries about the COVID-19 vaccine, but it's crucial to trust the science and get vaccinated.
  2. Anxiety can magnify concerns about the vaccine and cause individuals to latch on to misinformation or anecdotes, rather than scientific data.
  3. Listening to concerns with empathy and providing accurate information is key to helping individuals make informed decisions about their health.
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 27 Dec 20
  1. Monoclonal antibodies can prevent severe COVID-19 complications and hospitalization for eligible patients.
  2. The variants of the coronavirus shouldn't make us panic, but we should continue following safety measures.
  3. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective, but those with a history of severe vaccine allergies should take precautions.
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 31 Aug 20
  1. Young people, especially teenagers and college-aged students, are facing increased struggles with mental health during the pandemic.
  2. Acknowledging the struggle and seeking help is important for maintaining mental well-being.
  3. Having a structured plan, including addressing basics like sleep, diet, exercise, processing emotions, and seeking professional support, is essential for coping with mental health challenges.
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 10 Aug 20
  1. The school reopening situation is challenging for everyone involved, from parents and teachers to students and administrators.
  2. It's important to remember that no one is to blame for the difficulties faced during this time; the real issue is the coronavirus. Kindness and support are crucial.
  3. Kids are resilient and should remember to ask for help when needed, while adults should focus on listening and understanding in order to help them through this tough time.
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Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 26 May 20
  1. The risk of getting COVID-19 will never be zero until a vaccine is available, so focus on mitigating risks by wearing masks, social distancing, being outside, handwashing, and taking personal and public responsibility.
  2. Grief is a natural response to loss and understanding the stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, finding meaning) can help navigate the process and find healing.
  3. Change is inevitable, and while the current reality may be challenging, hope remains as people adapt to new norms, follow safety guidelines, and show kindness to one another.
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 21 May 20
  1. Grief is important to acknowledge, whether it's from major losses like the pandemic or smaller losses like missed events or daily routines.
  2. Understanding the stages of grief like denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and finding meaning can help navigate the healing process.
  3. It's okay to mourn the past, but embrace change; look for silver linings, find hope in new beginnings, and be patient for a future that will bring a different 'normal.'