The hottest Family Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Pedestrian 491 implied HN points 12 Mar 23
  1. The writer spent two months in prison for state benefit fraud
  2. The writer reflected on how literary pursuits brought destitution and a criminal record
  3. The writer wished for a different upbringing that encouraged a different career path
Greed 196 implied HN points 04 Oct 23
  1. The difference between a chef and a cook is in the training and environment.
  2. A cook relies on guest's reactions, while a chef is a trained professional in a kitchen.
  3. According to the author, cooks can reach the level of grandmothers in skill.
Reactionary Feminist 39 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Valuable loyalty in difficult times can exist in unexpected places, challenging the idea of easy separations
  2. Real-life stories of relationship challenges can be rare and challenging to share publicly
  3. Acknowledging and celebrating loyalty and perseverance in relationships is essential, even if the circumstances seem unconventional
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Fireside Chat Logs 59 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. The author shares their Christmas experience, from early morning flights to family gatherings and traditions in Milwaukee.
  2. During the trip, they got to enjoy local food and visit a unique bar called Safehouse that required a secret entrance.
  3. The Christmas trip included family activities like board games and Mario Kart, and ended with a special tradition of watching a Packers game with their mom.
Castles in the Sky 24 implied HN points 08 Mar 24
  1. The protagonist and their family face a life-changing decision of joining an interstellar mission aboard the Ark spaceship.
  2. The family's emotional journey showcases love, gratitude, and tough choices as they prepare to leave Earth behind.
  3. The story highlights themes of sacrifice, family bonds, and the pursuit of dreams in the face of monumental change.
Moly’s Substack 58 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Some families go to great lengths to invest in their children's interests and hobbies, even if it can lead to materialistic demands
  2. Older generations may have differing views on marriage and inheritance, causing conflicts and legal battles
  3. Cultural differences and financial backgrounds can influence perspectives on spending money and family dynamics
CB 658 implied HN points 03 Dec 22
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing and evolving, with technologies like GPT-3 capable of impressive tasks that were inconceivable just a few years ago.
  2. The pace of AI development is swift, resembling the early stages of a major technological revolution like the industrial revolution but progressing much faster.
  3. Individuals, including families, should pay attention to and brace for the transformative impacts AI will bring, even though predicting the exact outcomes is challenging.
Vittles 284 implied HN points 19 Jul 23
  1. Eating fruits can hold deep personal and cultural significance, connecting past experiences and childhood memories.
  2. For some individuals, food choices can reflect not just personal preferences, but also societal and political pressures.
  3. The act of eating an orange can be a symbolic and meaningful experience, tied to personal history and emotions.
Reactionary Feminist 17 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. Feminist policies are not universally applicable and need to consider local, cultural, and material contexts.
  2. Luxury beliefs in feminism can vary greatly across different societal contexts and personal experiences.
  3. Some women may benefit from traditional feminist values like independence and career focus, while others may prioritize family and marriage due to different societal pressures.
Moly’s Substack 39 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. The amount of spending money for a 9th grader in China can vary based on individual circumstances.
  2. Young individuals in China are presented with opportunities to work abroad for higher pay, but it comes with challenges and personal considerations.
  3. Living conditions in Chinese universities, like collective dorms, are seen as compromises and can lead to hardships for students.
The Recovering Academic 217 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. Montana is a place with rich and contradictory views held by outsiders, often portrayed as either a wild frontier or an idyllic refuge.
  2. People in Montana embrace a blend of conservatism and libertarianism, where neighbors with opposing political views can still live harmoniously.
  3. Living in Montana can be challenging economically, requiring trade-offs and adaptability in industries like logging, teaching, or remote work.
Grandmotherly Wisdom 275 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. Prioritizing maintenance work is essential for long-term enjoyment and functionality.
  2. Regular tidying and maintenance prevent issues from building up to unmanageable levels.
  3. The value of invisible labor, like maintenance and care, may not always be immediately recognized but is crucial for creating a pleasant environment.
coldhealing 255 implied HN points 07 Mar 23
  1. Oedipus's self-inflicted disability was tragic - what disabilities might his parents have had?
  2. Families can have conflicts over individuality - like in movies where children pursue different paths from their parents.
  3. Communication barriers between parents and children can lead to sad desynchronization, but can be resolved with effort and understanding.
The Recovering Academic 237 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. Family history can be complex and full of mysteries, especially when it comes to understanding the generations before us.
  2. Sometimes, the silence in family stories, like what is not told or shared, can hold significant meaning and impact on our own lives and identities.
  3. The choices our ancestors made and the paths they walked can influence our own paths in unexpected ways, shaping our sense of belonging and the journey we take in life.
BowTiedMara - Geoarbitrage & Mobility Assets 196 implied HN points 09 Apr 23
  1. Aristotle Onassis went from a broke nomad to the world's richest man by making his fortune in Argentina.
  2. Onassis used unconventional methods like insider trading, bribery, and eavesdropping to increase his wealth.
  3. Family tragedies marked the downfall of the Onassis empire, with deaths, divorces, and misfortunes impacting future generations.
Slack Tide by Matt Labash 183 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. The author reflects on his disdain for the Royals but admits his feelings have softened over time.
  2. The Royal family's recent events, including Prince Harry's behavior, were discussed and critiqued.
  3. The author shares personal anecdotes and connects his changing views on the Royals to similar experiences with other public figures.
Momspreading 176 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. The author reminisces about their family's Texas roots and reflections on visiting old haunts.
  2. The experience of exploring ancestral graves and family history in Texas cemetery.
  3. Reflections on their relationship with a beloved godfather from Texas and the impact on their life.
Reactionary Feminist 10 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. The story highlights the importance of understanding one's heritage and the difficult choices mothers sometimes have to make for their children's well-being.
  2. It portrays the struggles and determination of a mother facing societal pressures and personal challenges during her journey of becoming a parent.
  3. The tale emphasizes the power of a mother's love, resilience, and willingness to fight against convention to do what she believes is best for her child.