The Hard Fork by Marvin Liao

The Hard Fork by Marvin Liao blends strong opinions and insights on personal development, entrepreneurship, venture capital, and technology with a global perspective. It covers the importance of kindness, healthy living, business fundamentals, the cultural impacts of work, investment strategies, and navigating global cultural and economic shifts.

Personal Development Entrepreneurship Venture Capital Technology and Media Business Self Sovereignty Health and Wellbeing Cultural Insights Global Economic Trends Innovation and Startups Risk Management

The hottest Substack posts of The Hard Fork by Marvin Liao

And their main takeaways
176 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. The world is splitting into three major blocs: Global West, Global East, and Global South.
  2. The USA-led Global West has been criticized for its political incompetence, energy policies, and cultural issues.
  3. Despite flaws, many prefer to live in a USA-led order over China or Russia due to concerns about freedom and human rights.
216 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Silicon Valley is seeing a shift towards a more masculine, ruthless culture led by powerful men in tech.
  2. Tech companies are moving towards a leaner, more focused approach after facing financial challenges.
  3. Surviving in the current Silicon Valley landscape requires a severe mindset change, frugality, and hard work.
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98 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. Figure out what your perfect day looks like to know what brings you joy and is necessary for you to be at your best
  2. Use a Hobbies Matrix to identify the activities you enjoy solo or in groups, split by indoor and outdoor preferences for different seasons
  3. Create a vision board to give yourself a clear direction on where you want to go, helping to build towards your end goal
58 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. The TV show reflects the dynamics of Taiwanese families, focusing on face culture, passive aggressiveness, high expectations, and sibling rivalry for performance improvement.
  2. Taiwanese/Chinese culture can lead to emotionally stunted individuals driven by shame and anger, affecting relationships and individuals' emotional balance.
  3. Lessons for startup and life include the importance of making decisions, willingness to make mistakes, and the need for quick decision-making to reach market truth.
39 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. El Segundo's hardware scene has been thriving with the influence of companies like SpaceX, shaping a positive hardware ecosystem with various local companies.
  2. Lessons from history and human civilization show a long and significant past.
  3. Seed investing is evolving, with Seed becoming the new Series A, emphasizing the importance of understanding market dynamics for success.
216 implied HN points 12 Jul 23
  1. Children start with wild creativity and courage but often conform as they grow older due to social pressures.
  2. To succeed, it's important to be authentic, think independently, and stand out from the crowd.
  3. Balancing formal education with informal learning is crucial for helping kids develop critical thinking skills and avoid becoming 'cookie-cutter sheeple.'
0 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Strategic reorientation is crucial for Israel to address the trap it walked into, but changes might not be easy to implement.
  2. Understanding current events in Silicon Valley is valuable for VCs and founders, especially during the startup industry's cleanup phase.
  3. City-states like Singapore are discussed for their potential future success, with a spotlight on rising tensions between Taiwan and China.