The hottest Healthcare Substack posts right now

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Top Health Politics Topics
SHERO 648 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. A Trump-appointed judge's ruling in Texas allows more states to join a lawsuit against restrictions on the abortion pill Mifepristone.
  2. The Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal to preserve broad access to the Mifepristone abortion pill, delaying potential restrictions.
  3. The legal battle surrounding Mifepristone highlights the impact of standing in court cases and raises questions about judicial legitimacy.
All in Her Head by Jessica Valenti 5070 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. Despite efforts to frame abortion bans as 'commonsense,' they are causing significant damage to the conservative agenda.
  2. Legislation like the 12-week abortion ban in North Carolina may appear as compromises, but they create numerous obstacles and humiliation for women seeking abortions.
  3. Republicans' messaging around 'reasonable' abortion restrictions contradicts the actual cruelty and punitive nature of the proposed laws.
AI Supremacy 432 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. The author is analyzing and tracking emerging and exponential technology, particularly artificial intelligence.
  2. The newsletters cover various topics such as startups, AI, robotics, quantum computing, and innovation.
  3. There are special offers available for full access to the newsletters with discounts for subscription.
The New Normal 4894 implied HN points 15 Feb 23
  1. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky indicated that CDC's masking guidance in schools won't change despite evidence that masks are ineffective.
  2. Walensky mentioned that the CDC did not conduct randomized controlled trials on masks as they believed it was obvious masks worked.
  3. Walensky stated that COVID vaccines were added to child immunization schedule to provide to uninsured children, despite low risk of COVID for young children.
COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis 4874 implied HN points 22 Apr 23
  1. 150 Canadian doctors have died suddenly since COVID-19 vaccines were administered.
  2. The Canadian Medical Association promoted Pfizer in the midst of these deaths.
  3. The Mexican drug cartels are seen as having stronger ethics compared to Canada's healthcare leadership.
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Vinay Prasad's Observations and Thoughts 200 implied HN points 04 Mar 24
  1. Improving air quality did not stop COVID19 in Kindergartens. No evidence shows that upgrading air quality reduces seasonal respiratory viruses effectively.
  2. Masking may not be necessary in 2024. Few individuals are wearing masks as they are inexpensive and easily available online, suggesting a reduced need for them.
  3. The New York Times seems to be biased in covering COVID. It is important to accept life's risks, not wear masks unnecessarily, and focus on socialization and personal care.
Rory’s Always On Newsletter 1218 implied HN points 26 Oct 23
  1. Patients and healthcare practitioners have had similar experiences of delays and poor communication within the NHS.
  2. Minor software tweaks can lead to significant time and cost savings for the NHS.
  3. Driving change within the NHS requires incentives, a vision for improvement, and individuals committed to pushing through the changes.
Are You Okay? 938 implied HN points 13 Nov 23
  1. Working on anxiety alone cannot ensure good health, focus on understanding actual risks.
  2. Recognize risk factors for diseases like ovarian cancer and Alzheimer's to make informed decisions about screenings and lifestyle changes.
  3. Calibrating anxiety involves accepting factors out of control, focusing on facts, and working towards change in areas within your control.
The Charlotte Ledger 275 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Atrium Health enjoys the benefits of being a government entity but operates like a private corporation.
  2. The Atrium Health board meetings lack openness, with limited public access and closed committee meetings.
  3. Atrium's status as a government entity allows it to avoid taxes, receive antitrust immunity, and benefit from eminent domain powers.
PETITION 235 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. The WeWork debtors are in conflict with landlords over unpaid rent, leading to a heated legal battle.
  2. Cano Health Inc. and its affiliates filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Delaware due to financial struggles and bad acquisitions.
  3. The restructuring support agreement for Cano Health aims to deleverage the company's balance sheet through a sale process and a proposed $150 million DIP financing.
Men Yell at Me 363 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. 15 Republican governors declined federal assistance for feeding children in need during summer months
  2. Child Tax Credit expansion lifted millions of children out of poverty and reduced food insufficiency rates
  3. Maverick Gas Stations are changing the name of the beloved Kum & Go gas station, known for its humor
Karlstack 144 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. A personal IVF story revealed the author's unique background and insights into the political implications of IVF treatments.
  2. Democrats are using IVF as a political strategy against Republicans, leveraging statistics on public support for fertility treatments like IVF.
  3. While most support IVF, observant Catholics are a key group opposed to it due to teachings of the Church.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle 160 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. The WHO Pandemic Agreement raises concerns but also appears impractical, focusing on bureaucratic procedures rather than concrete solutions.
  2. The Agreement involves bloated language and vague aspirations, lacking clear strategies to improve global healthcare.
  3. Key components, like the WHO PABS System and Global Supply Chain Network, reveal convoluted bureaucratic efforts with little practical benefit.
Worcester Sucks and I Love It 216 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. City Council Derp Squad involves neo-Nazi group sending racist mailers and making prank calls, posing as activists.
  2. Worcester is facing a housing crisis with rent rising significantly, putting pressure on renters.
  3. Canal District in Worcester is experiencing closures of restaurants, indicating a larger trend of urban decay post-Polar Park.
Beck of the Pack 196 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. The New York Times is criticized for supporting irreversible surgeries on kids without informed consent.
  2. Financial motives are highlighted as a driving force behind radical medical treatments for children.
  3. Criticism is directed at individuals promoting irreversible procedures on kids without considering long-term consequences.
The Frontier Psychiatrists 275 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. A stay in the ICU can be traumatic for patients due to various factors like machines, confusion, and hallucinations.
  2. ICU workers are also at risk of developing PTSD due to exposure to human suffering, with rates increasing, especially after the pandemic.
  3. The prevalence of PTSD among ICU patients and workers is significant, emphasizing the need for research and treatment options to address this trauma.
COVID Reason 1690 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. Experts suggest that universal masking in healthcare settings may not be as necessary as previously claimed due to changing pandemic context.
  2. Downsides of universal masking in healthcare are discussed, such as communication barriers and negative impacts on trust and empathy.
  3. Authors propose managing COVID-19 using Standard Precautions, suggesting a shift from pandemic-era strategies like asymptomatic testing and contact tracing.
Bet On It 140 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Prices and expenditures in medical care need to account for quality and income levels
  2. Healthcare services have improved in quality over the years, impacting prices
  3. Education has evolved into a consumption-driven industry with a demand for the 'college experience'
OpenTheBooks Substack 779 implied HN points 09 Aug 23
  1. Anthony Fauci defended NIH culture of secrecy regarding third-party royalty payments.
  2. Chinese and Russian companies paid NIH for licensing technologies developed with U.S. taxpayer money.
  3. Companies like Purdue Pharma paid royalties to NIH scientists, raising questions about conflicts of interest.
Xavi Benjamin 39 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. The TikTok ban poses serious concerns about government overreach and its impact on freedom of speech and internet control.
  2. There is a need for transparency and discussion about fast-tracked bills that could affect the American people, especially in areas like universal healthcare.
  3. Being informed about potential government actions and their implications is crucial for advocating for policies that align with individual beliefs and values.
donaldjeffries 1257 implied HN points 27 Feb 23
  1. Social Security and Medicare are seen as entitlements, but workers pay into these systems their entire working lives.
  2. There are ideological differences in views on Social Security, with conservatives aiming to end it and liberals revering it as sacrosanct.
  3. The current Social Security system faces criticism for its sustainability, lack of means testing, and income cap, highlighting the need for reform.
Design Mom 825 implied HN points 07 Jul 23
  1. Threads is a new social media platform launched by Instagram aiming to compete with Twitter and has gained 55 million users in a short span of time.
  2. There are concerns about platforms trying to replace Twitter, like Mastodon and Bluesky, lacking a large user base for quality content.
  3. The author shares interesting shopping links, like a popular $35 polka dot dress at Target and a $40 boilersuit, that resonated with readers.