David Spinks' Newsletter

David Spinks' Newsletter focuses on the intricacies of community building, offering insights on starting, managing, and growing communities. It covers topics from practical advice on community engagement, leadership, and differentiation, to personal reflections on work-life balance and business strategy as a solopreneur.

Community Building Leadership and Management Business Strategy Personal Development Work-Life Balance Networking and Relationships Meeting Management Content Creation

The hottest Substack posts of David Spinks' Newsletter

And their main takeaways
15 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Being in the 'abyss' involves moments of surrender, introspection, and deep self-discovery, often triggered by significant life changes or challenges.
  2. Navigating the 'neutral zone' can lead to profound psychological realignments and transformations as individuals transition from the old to the new.
  3. Embracing the 'abyss' allows for exploration of personal 'enoughness' and the importance of inner work, leading to a deeper sense of balance and peace in life.
10 implied HN points 25 Jul 23
  1. Starting a unique community in a crowded market is still worth it.
  2. Communities provide benefits of connection, consumption, and creation that can evolve over time.
  3. To differentiate your community, focus on size, benefits, flavor, identity, and format.
8 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. Focus on practice over purpose when building a community.
  2. Ensure that your community addresses specific, practical problems of its members.
  3. Identify the 'turpentine' of your community by understanding what engages your members deeply.
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5 implied HN points 16 May 23
  1. Invest in activating your community for impact to provide unique value to members and deepen commitment.
  2. Consider utilizing the PACT model to determine how your community can impact: Product, Advocacy, Contributions, or Time.
  3. Transform community engagement into action by starting small, evolving based on feedback, setting clear boundaries, and celebrating community through storytelling.