The hottest Mistakes Substack posts right now

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The Real Sarah Miller 648 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. The post discusses huge travel errors and a last-minute airport arrival drama.
  2. The writer shares an experience of almost missing a flight due to a misunderstanding of the departure time.
  3. The post encourages readers to subscribe to support the writer and enjoy more content.
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The Memory Palace 39 implied HN points 18 Jun 24
  1. Learning from past mistakes is important. We need to know what went wrong and be ready to act differently to avoid making those mistakes again.
  2. Personal memories make it easier to learn from the past. When we remember past events ourselves, we can understand them better than if we only hear about them from others.
  3. Testimony from others can help us learn, but it requires effort. We can't just hear about something once; we need to actively engage with the information to truly learn from it.
Poczwardowski Notes 177 implied HN points 13 Dec 23
  1. Playing chess is not about intelligence but about practice and a systematic approach to learning.
  2. Chess is a game of skill and strategy, with no luck involved. It's a battle of brains where the better prepared player usually wins.
  3. Overcoming fear of judgment can lead to valuable experiences. Trying new things, like learning chess, can be rewarding and fun.
Suzan's Fieldnotes 78 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. Making mistakes is normal and can strain relationships, but how we address them matters most.
  2. Shame is harmful and can hinder the process of repairing relationships and rebuilding trust.
  3. Leaders should take responsibility for their actions without succumbing to shame, fostering vulnerability and strengthening connections.
Behavioral Value Investor 148 implied HN points 06 Aug 23
  1. Even successful investors like Warren Buffett make mistakes, which is a crucial lesson for all investors.
  2. When investing, it's important to stick to your circle of competence to avoid big investing mistakes.
  3. Paying a high price for an investment with little room for error can be a risky move, highlighting the importance of a margin of safety.
Philoinvestor 58 implied HN points 26 May 23
  1. You are the edge in trading, not the systems.
  2. Tom Dante created the Demon Finder tool to identify and clear trading mistakes.
  3. Common errors in trading include boredom, FOMO, fear, moving stops prematurely, biased thinking, and lack of discipline.
  4. Remember in trading: no free trades, don't rely solely on momentum, profitability in a niche is useless without patience.
🔮 Crafting Tech Teams 59 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. Prioritize building a new team based on lessons learned from mistakes and growth in the startup tech industry.
  2. Avoid getting lost in the details and conflicting advice while building a team from scratch.
  3. Consider the importance of optimization in team-building decisions and how advice can vary based on different perspectives.
Eddie's startup voyage 0 implied HN points 04 Apr 22
  1. Validate your startup idea, build an audience, or have paying customers before quitting your job to focus on it full-time
  2. Avoid making the mistake of quitting your job too early when starting a new venture
  3. Understand the importance of financial stability and traction before transitioning to full-time entrepreneurship
Prawfeed Newsletter 0 implied HN points 04 Sep 23
  1. Real success in online business requires time and hard work, not quick fixes.
  2. Choose reliable sources and mentors for learning online business, focusing on what aligns with your goals.
  3. Picking the right niche and building a supportive community are crucial for online business success.
Technohumanism 0 implied HN points 06 Aug 24
  1. Quentin made a mistake by incorrectly attributing a quote to the wrong person. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's important to acknowledge them.
  2. He fixed the mistake in the written record, but it's still a good reminder to be careful when sharing information.
  3. Owning up to errors shows integrity and helps build trust with readers. It's okay to mess up as long as you take responsibility.
Founder Fuck-ups 0 implied HN points 28 Sep 23
  1. Success stories often overlook the valuable lessons that come from failures. Learning from mistakes can pave the way to eventual success.
  2. Sudden abundance can lead to a decrease in value perception. It's challenging to adjust to rapid growth or success, whether it's in money, fame, or power.
  3. Maintaining spending discipline is crucial even in times of surplus. Lavish spending without validation can lead to wasted resources and impact various aspects of a business.
Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 05 Apr 21
  1. It's important to reflect on our mistakes and learn from them, especially in challenging situations like a pandemic.
  2. Relying solely on scientific experts for predictions and policies can sometimes lead to incomplete assessments, highlighting the importance of questioning and exposing expert's risk calculations.
  3. Acknowledging and learning from past mistakes is key to improving and increasing accuracy in decision-making and predictions.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 16 Aug 17
  1. Venture-backed entrepreneurs need to focus on building companies and understanding their responsibilities to employees, customers, and shareholders.
  2. Investors in the venture capital industry may lack excellence due to various reasons like lack of emotional intelligence, industry norms, and structural issues in the investment model.
  3. Investors have different agendas and interests compared to founders, which can lead to challenges in communication and alignment of goals.