The hottest Startups Substack posts right now

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Vincos Newsletter 569 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Perplexity is a startup creating an AI engine to rival Google and ChatGPT, with significant backing and user base.
  2. OpenAI released GPT Store and ChatGPT Team, facing legal challenges around copyright use of articles.
  3. Tech updates include Apple's Vision Pro launch, Rabbit R1 pocket computer, and Getty Images/Nvidia Generative AI platform.
Venture in Security 511 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. The cybersecurity industry benefits from a large number of startups that lead to innovation and competition.
  2. Venture capital is crucial for cybersecurity startups to innovate, educate the market, and speed up the adoption of best practices.
  3. Investors need to better evaluate security startups, and the industry needs a reset of expectations to address real problems like navigating undifferentiated tools and poor go-to-market approaches.
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Lenny's Newsletter 3537 implied HN points 16 May 23
  1. Having a venture-scale startup idea involves aiming for $100 million annual revenue and $1 billion+ valuation in 10 years.
  2. Venture-scale investors look for a large market, a scalable business model, high growth potential, the ability to turn capital into growth, and a path to going public.
  3. Not all startup ideas need to be venture-scale; many ideas can still build a great revenue-generating business without the pressure and expectations of venture capital.
Extraordinary Aliens 19 implied HN points 18 Apr 24
  1. The author, Noemie, shares knowledge and experiences about moving to and building startups in the US as an immigrant, aiming to help others with similar aspirations.
  2. Topics covered include hacks for O1 visas, becoming a freelancer in the US, navigating community building, tax-related matters, and avoiding deportation.
  3. Noemie emphasizes the importance of sharing immigration and startup-related knowledge openly to assist individuals pursuing opportunities in the US.
Alex's Personal Blog 98 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. AI models may need to make deals with publishers to get access to training data, but this can create challenges for startups that can't afford upfront costs.
  2. There's a suggestion to shift payment for data access from upfront to back-end, where AI companies pay a portion of their revenue in return for used data.
  3. There are discussions around the importance of fair compensation for content used by AI models to ensure their continued development and success.
Kyle Poyar’s Growth Unhinged 433 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Rewind's success story includes starting with a different product and pivoting to a viral AI hit
  2. The decision to monetize from day one helped Rewind grow rapidly but required continuous iteration on pricing strategies
  3. Rewind's approach to leveraging product-led growth (PLG) includes emphasizing viral loops and frequent product launches
Second Opinion 589 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. Entrepreneurs should not avoid discussing failure, as it is part of the journey.
  2. Founders should be cautious of taking on too much at once, especially in terms of lobbying for policy changes while building a business model.
  3. When fundraising, founders should carefully consider investor relationships, future funding needs, and the value placed on patient experience.
Notorious PLG 235 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. Valuable lessons for early-stage founders include focusing on customer needs, finding product-market fit, and maintaining rapid adaptation.
  2. Operating benchmarks for PLG startups include metrics on organic traffic, conversion rates, activation rates, and user retention.
  3. Financial benchmarks from PLG public companies cover EV/NTM revenue multiples, stock gainers, and recent PLG + AI financings.
The Generalist 1421 implied HN points 31 Aug 23
  1. The Generalist has welcomed a new writer, Ben Butler, who brings startup experience and a strong sense of taste to the publication.
  2. Ben Butler is a creative individual with a background in writing, stand-up comedy, and screenwriting, adding a fresh perspective to The Generalist.
  3. Ben Butler's addition to The Generalist is seen as a valuable enhancement that will push their thinking forward and improve the quality of written analysis.
Department of Product 275 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Instagram is implementing a new safety feature to deter teens from night-time app use.
  2. Many companies struggle to train employees on GenAI tools, but new visual AI workflow tools like VectorShift aim to simplify the process for product teams.
  3. Netflix's success in ad-funded plans raises questions on whether this model will extend to other product categories like SaaS.
Venture in Security 235 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Product-led growth in cybersecurity can be beneficial for growth and reaching security practitioners.
  2. Product-led growth can harm cybersecurity startups by undermining traditional sales channels, causing revenue cannibalization, and leading to misplaced focus.
  3. Startups should carefully consider if their product is suitable for self-serve, avoid jeopardizing sales opportunities, and focus on value over rapid implementation of PLG.
Not Boring by Packy McCormick 156 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. Venture capital is considered to be the best asset class due to its ability to fund innovation and high potential returns.
  2. Despite its risks and failures, venture capital has historically delivered strong returns and funded groundbreaking ideas.
  3. Venture capital's free lunch concept is the idea that through the failures and successes in investment, society benefits from innovation without direct costs.
Investing 101 73 implied HN points 16 Mar 24
  1. Access to technology has dramatically increased, leading to more people being able to build and scale tech companies.
  2. There is a growing population of individuals with extensive experience in building technology companies, creating a collective knowledge base for progress.
  3. As tech fields professionalize, the risk of manipulating well-established playbooks increases, emphasizing the importance of learning from mistakes and avoiding turning established practices into dogma.
The Chip Letter 2672 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. Acorn built a fast microcomputer called ARM but struggled to sell it, leading to Apple acquiring the technology and creating a separate company - ARM.
  2. The Acorn team focused on keeping manufacturing costs low for ARM, making it affordable and power-efficient compared to other designs at the time.
  3. The Archimedes, powered by ARM chips, received positive reviews for its speed and performance, offering a cost-effective alternative to other computers available.
The Profile 589 implied HN points 12 Nov 23
  1. Making positive changes in life often involves going through a phase where things get worse before they get better.
  2. Developing competence is key to overcoming fear and challenges in various aspects of life.
  3. Understanding that temporary setbacks are a natural part of the journey to improvement can help in persevering through hard times.
Early Plexus News 176 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. Startups usually don't announce the departure of a core team member.
  2. Plexus aims to promote radical authenticity online, inspired by Micah Corning-Myers.
  3. Micah's impact on Plexus is seen in their mission to make people more like him, with a focus on empathy and open communication.
No-Code Exits 176 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Nick Freiling created a successful snail-mail platform called StampFans that generated $200 MRR in just 2 months.
  2. He started by testing the idea with a simple landing page and manual operations, then used tools like Softr for further development.
  3. Nick focused on keeping things lean, leveraged LinkedIn for user acquisition, and reached $200 MRR in less than 2 months.
Second Opinion 471 implied HN points 20 Nov 23
  1. In 2024, health-tech founders may face challenges due to market conditions like the difficulty of fundraising.
  2. It's okay to let go of a struggling company and start over; it can make you smarter for the next venture.
  3. Founders should practice ruthless prioritization, focus on achieving break-even, and be realistic about liquidity events.
Superfluid 106 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. Rampersand is backing Hatch, a company changing how the next generation finds work. Hatch uses AI to match candidates with jobs based on core values and aspirations.
  2. Hatch redefines job searching with its AI-driven platform for Gen Z professionals, saving time for both job seekers and employers.
  3. Gen Z professionals seek fulfilling roles, leading to a transformation in company cultures and employment nature. Companies like Hatch are adapting to meet the demands of this new workforce.
The Hard Fork by Marvin Liao 216 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Silicon Valley is seeing a shift towards a more masculine, ruthless culture led by powerful men in tech.
  2. Tech companies are moving towards a leaner, more focused approach after facing financial challenges.
  3. Surviving in the current Silicon Valley landscape requires a severe mindset change, frugality, and hard work.
Channels of Growth 1257 implied HN points 02 Jul 23
  1. Job seekers need resources to evaluate tech startups they are considering working for.
  2. Focus on joining a startup with a good product at an early stage for high potential rewards.
  3. Evaluate the team, culture, and product market fit to set yourself up for a successful career in VC-backed tech startups.
The Chip Letter 1644 implied HN points 19 Mar 23
  1. The post discusses a book called 'Culture Won' by Keith Clarke, which details the success of Arm from a startup to a global technology phenomenon.
  2. The book offers insight into the business culture that contributed to Arm's success, making it a recommended read for those interested in startups and business culture.
  3. The post also includes links to interviews with ARM founders, executives, engineers, and a bonus clip featuring Steve Jobs on the Newton for paying subscribers.