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moviewise: Life Lessons From Movies 271 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. Reflect on your past behavior objectively, you may be engaging in reactive actions like fighting with yourself.
  2. Movies can offer life lessons on self-awareness and positive change for a better life.
  3. To invite positivity and happiness in your life, try seeing others as allies, being kind, and changing your mindset towards yourself and others.
David Spinks' Newsletter 15 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Being in the 'abyss' involves moments of surrender, introspection, and deep self-discovery, often triggered by significant life changes or challenges.
  2. Navigating the 'neutral zone' can lead to profound psychological realignments and transformations as individuals transition from the old to the new.
  3. Embracing the 'abyss' allows for exploration of personal 'enoughness' and the importance of inner work, leading to a deeper sense of balance and peace in life.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 758 implied HN points 24 May 22
  1. Reading books that showcase women breaking boundaries and embracing change can inspire personal growth and empowerment.
  2. Exploring nonfiction literature can provide insights into hidden societal norms that suppress women, prompting reflection and action for change.
  3. Books that focus on feminist ecology and the connection between women and nature can foster a deeper understanding of strength and interconnectedness.
Wayne's Earth 19 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. Embrace Seneca's philosophy: 'Find a path or make one.' This is a call to action to take charge of your journey, either by discovering existing paths or creating new ones.
  2. Explore existing paths before deciding. Just like reading reviews before trying a new restaurant, knowing what's out there can help you make informed choices.
  3. Equip yourself with the right tools for your journey. Whether gaining skills, seeking knowledge, or finding mentors, preparation is key to navigating life's challenges.
Are You Okay? 139 implied HN points 07 Mar 23
  1. Fertility struggles can have significant physical, emotional, and social impacts, and it's common for individuals and couples to face emotional challenges during infertility treatments.
  2. Infertility is more common than many realize, affecting around 10-15% of couples worldwide and about 12% of married women in the U.S. Seeking support and healthy coping strategies is important.
  3. Health is about more than fertility - it involves awareness, acceptance, and agency. Reframing fertility challenges as a journey of self-discovery can be empowering for individuals.
10x your mind 99 implied HN points 09 Mar 23
  1. Purpose anxiety is the fear of not knowing your purpose in life, which can lead to emotional distress and depression. Finding your purpose can bring contentment, confidence, and optimism.
  2. Having a purpose in life is closely related to self-actualization and is an important ingredient for reaching one's full potential.
  3. To deal with purpose anxiety: rephrase the question from 'What's my purpose in life?' to 'What all really matters to me?', avoid comparing yourself to others, and be open to reinventing yourself. Remember, there's no deadline to discover your purpose.
Let's Get Psychophysical ! 78 implied HN points 16 Feb 23
  1. The author reflects on their desire to be a messiah since childhood, acknowledging the impact of this belief on their life.
  2. The author urges readers to focus on mastering their craft and making a positive impact on a smaller scale rather than trying to save the world.
  3. The concept of a messiah complex is explored as a common phenomenon, impacting how people approach their work and goals.
The Leadership Lab 78 implied HN points 14 Feb 23
  1. The journey to becoming fully alive is a roller coaster ride filled with fears and challenges.
  2. Facing our big fears, such as fear of harming others, making mistakes, or losing control, is crucial for personal growth.
  3. Being with our fears, without resisting or trying to solve them, allows us to learn valuable lessons and uncover our true self.
Anima Mundi 41 implied HN points 30 Apr 23
  1. The hedonic treadmill keeps us chasing fleeting pleasures, leading to stress and emptiness.
  2. True happiness, as Krishnamurti believed, stems from self-awareness and embracing the full spectrum of human experience.
  3. To cultivate true happiness, focus on self-awareness, meaningful activities, accepting discomfort, and pursuing knowledge and profound experiences.
Both Are True 2 HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. It's okay to feel unsure about your life path and make changes to find your true calling. Sometimes trying different things can help you narrow down your options.
  2. Life is not a straightforward journey and it's normal to face challenges and uncertainties along the way. Embrace the chaotic nature of life and be open to exploration.
  3. Seek advice and guidance from people in fields you are interested in to gain insights and clarity about your career path. It's okay to ask for help and learn from others' experiences.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies 19 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. Economizing experiences can prolong life according to Gurdjieff, who viewed experiences as impressions received and stored, suggesting a link between the quality of experiences and inner development.
  2. Gurdjieff emphasized the importance of being aware during the reception of new impressions to reclaim the birthright of remembering oneself.
  3. There are warnings about the limited time available to receive new impressions and the premature 'unwinding' of experiential 'rolls' which can lead to inner emptiness.