Tiny Empires

Tiny Empires focuses on guiding solo-founders towards building six-figure businesses that prioritize their life goals. It covers startup lessons on business idea validation, efficient solo operation techniques, marketing strategies, sales for introverts, and optimizing business for both time and profit without focusing on scale or growth for its own sake.

Solo-Founder Business Strategies Startup Idea Validation Personal Efficiency and Time Management Marketing and Sales Techniques Business Model Selection Revenue Optimization Psychology of Selling Lifestyle Business Design Social Media Strategy

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And their main takeaways
85 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. Validate your startup ideas properly by testing if they can make money, not just if they are good ideas.
  2. Connect with potential customers and speak to them directly to understand if they would pay for your product or service.
  3. Ask a fixed set of questions to potential customers, track their responses, and refine your idea based on the feedback.
49 implied HN points 25 Oct 23
  1. In a service business, you can earn more per hour but your income is directly tied to your time.
  2. To untie time from revenue, focus on templatizing your business by niching down and standardizing processes.
  3. Specializing your services allows for reusing resources and processes, leading to more efficiency in delivering results.
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49 implied HN points 12 Jul 23
  1. The purpose of a business is to make money consistently, not just to focus on growth.
  2. Avoid the constant stress and demands of big business by aiming for a solid income and free time with a Tiny Empire approach.
  3. To build a successful business, find a model that suits you, test your idea before investing fully, and optimize your processes for efficiency.
36 implied HN points 16 Aug 23
  1. Focus on marketing channels that give you the best return on investment for your time as a solo-founder.
  2. Be very targeted in your marketing efforts and ask yourself how much it costs to acquire a customer for each channel.
  3. Choose 2-3 marketing channels to focus on, consider direct sales outreach, and think creatively about where your ideal customers are.
12 implied HN points 30 Aug 23
  1. Starting a business takes time and learning from failures is key to success.
  2. Building lean businesses with low costs and high-profit margins can lead to a sustainable 1-person business.
  3. Courses like the Tiny Empires Method and Sales for Introverts offer valuable insights for building successful businesses.
0 implied HN points 04 Oct 23
  1. Selling is about building relationships and influencing decisions.
  2. Transitioning from hard selling to soft selling can be more effective in sales.
  3. Maintain transparency, honesty, and ethical practices in selling to build trust and long-term relationships.