The hottest Negotiation Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Business Topics
The Beautiful Mess 1048 implied HN points 01 Mar 24
  1. A company strategy is actually a collection of individual strategies. Each person within a company has their own strategy they try to advocate for.
  2. The communicated strategy in a company is often a negotiated narrative, and the real strategy might not be fully disclosed. There are subtleties and contexts behind the scenes.
  3. Strategies are a negotiation. What may seem objectively right might not align with the current status quo. Different people in different roles might perceive and act on strategies uniquely.
The Take (by Jon Miltimore) 176 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Artists like Usher may headline the Super Bowl halftime show for free, but they benefit from increased record sales and exposure.
  2. The NFL's unique arrangement with performers makes sense from an economic perspective, as the exposure during the halftime show can lead to millions of dollars worth of value for the artists.
  3. Despite not receiving payment from the NFL, artists still have direct financial incentives to perform due to the significant spike in record sales and other subsequent opportunities.
Skunk Ledger 102 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The book discusses mixed-motive game theory, which combines cooperation and competition.
  2. It explores the power of tacit bargaining and how abstract ideas like framing and quality can influence negotiations.
  3. The concept of commitments is highlighted, showcasing how manipulating incentives and creating a reputation can lead to strategic advantages in conflicts and negotiations.
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Nathan’s Substack 39 implied HN points 15 Nov 23
  1. Managing the Employee Stock Option Pool (ESOP) is crucial for startup founders to prevent further dilution and attract key talent
  2. Equity distribution should be an integral part of your hiring plan, considering factors like vesting periods, refresh grants, and employee turnover
  3. Negotiating for a lower Employee Incentive Pool (EIP) percentage in subsequent fundraising rounds can help minimize dilution impact and improve share price
Oz’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 28 Dec 23
  1. The US's plan to apply the Afghanistan playbook in Ukraine against Russia backfired.
  2. Russia's successful strategies, including using alternative international financial payment systems, led to major economic consequences for the US.
  3. The Ukraine war did not go as planned for the US, with Russia's military tactics proving effective and US efforts in the Middle East also facing challenges.
Economic Forces 4 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. In 11th and 12th century England, property disputes were settled through trial by battle, where champions fought for the parties. The process was a mechanism that revealed the true valuations of the property, encouraging settlements based on disclosed information.
  2. The hiring of champions in trial by battle reflected a market system where those valuing the land more were willing to pay higher prices for victory. This 'violent auction' reduced transaction costs and led to negotiations that allocated property to those who valued it most.
  3. Trial by battle, an apparently barbaric practice, can be understood through price theory to show how negotiations, based on revealed valuations during champion hiring, facilitated the resolution of property disputes. The practice was not ultimately about the battle itself, but about revealing the true worth of the property to incentivize settlements.
Do Your Own Research 33 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. The term sheet between Steven Crowder and The Daily Wire includes clauses that impose binding contractual obligations.
  2. The contract includes significant fee reductions for various scenarios, potentially impacting Crowder's earnings.
  3. The exclusivity and terms in the contract may limit Crowder's ability to pursue other opportunities or initiatives.
Perspectives 9 implied HN points 14 Mar 23
  1. Conscious renegotiation in a relationship involves discussing and setting clear expectations for shared responsibilities.
  2. Effective communication and continuous discussion are essential for maintaining a healthy and equitable partnership.
  3. Agreeing on ownership of tasks, avoiding complaints about how things are done, and revisiting responsibilities help in sustaining a balanced relationship.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 01 Jul 22
  1. Prepare for negotiations before receiving offers by researching compensation bands and matching skills to desired industries.
  2. Organize interviews with companies in similar compensation bands to potentially receive offers around the same time.
  3. Don't hesitate to ask companies to wait for your decision if you are waiting on other offers to compare.
Venture Prose 0 implied HN points 23 Sep 15
  1. Being on the sell side gives you a raw perspective on startups and founders, building trust with clear communication.
  2. Founders and VC's often have an asymmetrical relationship, which can impact dealflow and portfolio management.
  3. VC's should focus on clear communication to align expectations and build trust with founders for successful long-term partnerships.
Satiation Point 0 implied HN points 28 May 23
  1. The failure of regional banks like Silicon Valley Bank due to assets including US government debt should deter politicians from risking default.
  2. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's willingness to use the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip is either reckless or ignorant.
  3. The debt ceiling contradicts laws on spending and taxation, making a case for its unconstitutionality under the 14th Amendment.
Kartick’s Blog 0 implied HN points 19 Apr 23
  1. Different responses from leads: yes, yes but, no but, no, and ghosting have different implications in sales.
  2. Leads may ghost due to various reasons like ulterior motives, conflict avoidance, or cultural norms.
  3. Offering psychologically safe off-ramps to leads can help in identifying genuine interest and filtering out unproductive leads.