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From the Desk 2 HN points 04 Apr 23
  1. Authenticity has evolved over time from simply factual to a character trait that is now widely misunderstood and overused.
  2. Authenticity can be a paradox, as it relies on others to judge our authenticity, leading to a performance or craft in trying to be authentic.
  3. Being authentic is challenging because it requires navigating personal changes while others evaluate our authenticity, but it's essential to stay true to oneself amidst external influences.
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Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 04 Feb 16
  1. Your next best friend might be a robot named Xiaoice by Microsoft, who can even exhibit emotions.
  2. The PUA figure Roosh gained publicity, despite controversial views, leading to more audience for him.
  3. New gay icons on YouTube are everyday people sharing normcore content like Bath & Body Works reviews instead of flashy glamour.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 03 Nov 15
  1. Trolling used to be more about humor and skill rather than harassment and meanness. We should bring back the art of clever trolling.
  2. In the social media world, there are unique individuals like Crosby Tailor who not only model but also sell cookies claimed to help burn fat.
  3. Playing digital games like Tetris might have lasting effects as some individuals see the game when they close their eyes, and scientists are still exploring the reasons behind this phenomenon.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Sep 21
  1. Economic pressures, mismatched art institutions' values, and lack of political agency outlets can lead people to social media for expression.
  2. A posting style like STARSEED phenomenon can bypass platform moderation while conveying messages without direct political claims.
  3. Content encouraging gains-seeking can be redirected for community benefit, highlighting the importance of strength-building strategies in different contexts.
Poczwardowski Notes 0 implied HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. Despite different time periods and technologies, the challenge of managing time remains consistent - we all have just 24 hours in a day.
  2. The book 'How to Live on 24 Hours a Day' by Arnold Bennett, first published in 1910, still offers relevant and practical advice for modern readers.
  3. The book is available for free on Project Gutenberg, making it a valuable and enduring read that is worth investing some time in.
Poczwardowski Notes 0 implied HN points 01 Aug 21
  1. Robert Greene's 'The Laws of Human Nature' helps in managing expectations towards people and yourself by recognizing behavior patterns.
  2. The book presents each law with captivating stories from history, making the concepts memorable and engaging.
  3. The instructions in the book not only aid in managing expectations of others but also in self-reflection and overcoming negative behaviors. 0 implied HN points 10 Mar 24
  1. Tara Westover's memoir 'Educated' showcases the transformative power of education on individual growth and life choices.
  2. James Clear's 'Atomic Habits' provides practical strategies and scientific insights into forming and breaking habits for positive change.
  3. Daniel Kahneman's 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' delves into cognitive biases, enhancing decision-making processes, and encouraging critical evaluation of intuitive judgments.