The hottest Career growth Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Technology Made Simple β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 14 May 22
  1. The value of stocks dropping doesn't mean the company is losing cash; it's about stock prices. The business and cash flow are different.
  2. Economic cycles like hiring freezes are common; industries go through ups and downs.
  3. Despite tech slowdowns, opportunities exist; focus on developing skills and profile to thrive.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jun 22
  1. 10x engineers focus on mastering tools they know, but balancing that with exploring new technologies can lead to career growth.
  2. Being a good coder isn't just about coding more; thoughtful consideration, communication, and engaging with stakeholders are vital.
  3. Avoiding constant context switching, deep work blocks, and using the F.R.E.E framework (Focus, Results-Oriented, Efficiency, Empathy) can boost productivity.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 13 Jun 22
  1. Sometimes, in software engineering, it's important to simplify the solution rather than making it overly complex.
  2. In problem-solving, considering economic aspects alongside technical solutions can lead to more efficient and sustainable outcomes.
  3. To excel in software development, it's crucial to broaden your knowledge and decision-making skills beyond just coding.
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Matthew’s Substack β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 20 Mar 23
  1. Regularly interviewing can accelerate your career by exposing you to new opportunities and helping you up-level
  2. Make interviewing more rewarding by setting up competitions with other candidates and networking during the process
  3. Motivate yourself to do more interviews by giving yourself rewards, such as stickers, for completing each one
Thinking Through β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 20 Feb 23
  1. Relentless rescoping and saying "NO" can help in delivering what matters without burning out.
  2. When rescaping work, focus on impact sizing and say "NO" to items that do not provide significant impact.
  3. Teams often struggle to reduce scope due to company incentives, difficulty in distinguishing busy work from impactful work, and a fear of reallocating team members.
Pragmatism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 04 Apr 23
  1. Execution and excellence are key to earning trust and credibility as a product manager.
  2. Deliver impactful results by setting clear goals and celebrating wins along the way.
  3. Demonstrate readiness for promotion by taking on more responsibilities and building influential relationships.
Leadership Tales β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 23 Apr 23
  1. Strategic patience is about preparing yourself for opportunities and seizing them when they come.
  2. Invest in your long-term professional development, even if it means sacrificing short-term gains.
  3. Be ready to seize opportunities quickly with the right skills, like Tesla did in the EV market.
The Engineering Leader β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Expanding your team should focus on impact, not just headcount.
  2. Managing too many people can lead to pitfalls like lack of attention, micromanagement, and burnout.
  3. Career progression in management involves influencing other teams, taking on more scope, and focusing on impactful leadership rather than just managing more people.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 16 Nov 21
  1. The newsletter includes updates on tech like Angular's version 13 and new tools like Shopify's Hydrogen framework.
  2. Tips on testing faster with Rspec and FactoryBot, using 'create', 'build', and 'build_stubbed'.
  3. Articles feature advice on tech career growth, becoming a developer advocate, and exploring the history of women in typography.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 26 Feb 23
  1. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to achieve professional goals like finding a job, connecting with industry experts, and building an audience.
  2. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is crucial for job seekers to attract recruiters and hiring managers, shifting the process from applying to being sought after.
  3. Using LinkedIn to connect with mentors, build relationships, and grow an audience can lead to significant opportunities and achievements in your professional journey.
The Uncommon Executive β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 31 Mar 24
  1. The role of the first Product Manager at a startup may involve various tasks like writing SQL, taking support calls, and ordering lunches, and may not seem glamorous until the company achieves significant success.
  2. The first PM role is often more suitable for early career candidates rather than more experienced professionals, as it typically involves smaller scoped products and lower initial compensation.
  3. Success as a first PM at a startup is closely tied to the growth and success of the company, with opportunities for career advancement depending on your ability to drive impact and growth within the organization.